

Seizing the Opportunity

Stephen Scott pulls his ID badge from his pocket to show a photo that was taken six months ago on his first day as a participant in Christopher Place Employment Academy. The sullen man that peered into the camera then bears little resemblance to the engaging young man who effortlessly tells his story. "I first [...]

Sarah’s House Helps Kianna with a Fresh Start at age 19

Sarah's House guest Laney pictured with her two-year-old son. See Laney's story below. In a little over a year, 19-year-old Kianna journeyed from being homeless, unemployed and living at Sarah’s House transitional housing with her infant son to owning her own home through Habitat for Humanity, working as a full-time administrative coordinator and being a [...]

September 22nd, 2017|Client, Housing & Shelter, Sarah's House, Stories|

Samuel Burris Got His Head Start at St. Jerome’s

As a former St. Jerome’s Head Start student, Samuel Burris is committed to the ideals and goals he established at a very young age.  Sam credits his commitment to education and leadership skills to his experience at St. Jerome’s Head Start. Through the lessons of his teacher Betsy Camak, he began to learn to care for [...]

Rose Receives Kindness and Care at the Esperanza Center

Rose, a young woman from Africa, fled persecution in her home country and came to the U.S. seeking asylum. At the Esperanza Center, she initially found assistance with her asylum application. While working with Rose the Center’s immigration attorney discovered she was also suffering from medical issues and immediately referred her to the Center’s Health [...]

September 22nd, 2017|Client, Esperanza Center, Immigration, Stories|

Robert Gets a Second Chance at Life

Robert worked hard through his adult life to build a life he was proud of. After losing his once stable job and unable to secure new employment he began to abuse alcohol to cope with the loss. His downward spiral began from there and Robert says eventually “I found myself with no money, nowhere to live, and nothing [...]

Ms. Jerrie Celebrates 5 Years with MSPWC

Some of the parishioners from the Church of the Nativity in Timonium recently brought a cake into My Sister's Place Women's Center to celebrate the 5-year work anniversary of Ms. Jerrie, the kitchen coordinator! The kind folks from Nativity are great friends to the staff and clients at My Sister's Place, preparing and serving meals there several [...]

September 22nd, 2017|Client, My Sister's Place Women's Center, Stories, Volunteer|

Ms. Diane Asta Finds Hope and Gives Back

Ms. Diane setting tables and preparing the dining room at MSPWC for lunch service Ms. Diane Asta, a 56-year-old widow found herself at My Sister’s Place Women Center not long after being evicted from her apartment. Ms. Asta had become homeless after her husband passed away from medical complications. Joey, as she refers to him, was the [...]

September 22nd, 2017|Client, Housing & Shelter, My Sister's Place Women's Center, Stories, Volunteer|
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