Special Educational Services

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Special Educational Services2018-08-01T18:54:15+00:00

Special Educational Services

St. Vincent’s Villa
St. Vincent’s Villa offers residential treatment and diagnostic services for children between the agesof 5 and 13 with significant emotional and behavioral challenges in a state of the art facility. LEARN MORE>>

Villa Maria School
The Villa Maria School offers intensive educational, clinical and diagnostic services for children and youth with emotional and learning disabilities. LEARN MORE>>

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Special Educational Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials

Building Community at Our Lady of Fatima I & II

August 17th, 2017|

Catholic Charities Senior Housing Services Manager, Edris Segree, is working hard to build a sense of community within the Our Lady of Fatima I and II complex in East Baltimore. The Fatima I building opened in November of 2009 and Fatima II opened [...]

Arbutus Woman Crochets 100 Scarves for Children

August 17th, 2017|

By Brian Conlin, The Arbutus Times bconlin@patuxent.com Eva Atkinson doesn't think what she did was a big deal; it's everybody else who thinks so. Atikinson, 82, who lives in Catholic Charities Senior Housing [...]

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