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Stunning symbols of migration on a post-fire Esperanza Center mural
Nearly three years after a fire compromised the Fells Point-based Esperanza Center, there is beauty born from the damage. Thanks to the vision from Baltimore’s Art with a Heart, and the loving contributions from volunteers, [...]
Moving to mandate vaccination
William J. McCarthy Jr. Executive Director The rising trends for COVID-19 as the Delta variant continues its spread are disturbing. As I write this, there have been more than 700 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 [...]
New best friends, addition, subtraction and compound words
Shiron Dorsey wasn’t sure she wanted to send her son to a formal preschool. She had home-schooled him through his toddler years, and he was thriving. At 4, Tahrie Peterson was already reading. But she [...]
This year, summer school feels terrific
Every year, Catholic Charities Head Start programs extend the school year by offering summer sessions to 4- and 5-year-olds. This year was no different, although the experience may have felt brand new to the preschool [...]
Rebuilding after divorce
Going through a divorce can trigger financial, physical, and emotional traumas. Sometimes, it can also result in homelessness. Being without a home – even for a brief period – can be disheartening, especially when your [...]
Making summertime memories
Every Monday in the summer, the kids at Sarah's House start the morning by tumbling into a van and driving across the Bay Bridge to a sprawling property on the Eastern Shore. They swim, rock [...]