

Meet Gina Fleck: A Girl that Only Just now Realized the Extent to which God is a Foreshadowing Ninja

Gina Fleck “To God be the glory,” Darryl Green exclaimed upon concluding his presentation. He spoke with a dazzling zeal and fervor for those of us attending the fundraising event at the Maryland Catholic Conference in Annapolis, MD (I was there as an intern for MCC). Darryl oversees Christopher Place Employment Academy right here in [...]

September 9th, 2015|Project SERVE, Stories, Volunteer|

Bill McCarthy Remembers Monsignor Art Valenzano

Remembering a joyful servant Msgr. Arthur F. Valenzano March 12, 1949 - September 5, 2015 Rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and member of the Catholic Charities Board of Trustees Msgr. Art lived an authentically joyous life. The source of his joy was his relationship [...]

September 6th, 2015|Archdiocese of Baltimore, Bill McCarthy, Executive Director, Stories|

With Incarceration & Homelessness Behind Him, Baltimore Man Navigates the Road to Self-Reliance

June 11, 2015 Here’s a piece from The Catholic Review, profiling a west Baltimore man currently going through Christopher Place Employment Academy. With incarceration, homelessness in rearview, Baltimore man navigates road to self-reliance - See more at:

Catholic Charities Responds to Crisis in Baltimore

April 30, 2015 Following rioting in Baltimore, Catholic Charities of Baltimore Executive Director William McCarthy toured the city with Baltimore Archbishop William Lori. Mr. McCarthy spoke with Currents correspondent Michelle Powers about the state of the city and Catholic Charities’ plans. Watch coverage from Net TV.

Our City 

by Bill McCarthy  We all call Baltimore our home. In the last week, our comforting notion of “home” has been shattered by the aftermath of the tragic death of Freddie Gray under as-yet undetermined circumstances. Since then, we have witnessed mourning for a young man’s untimely death, community dialogue, peaceful protests, and finally violence, and [...]

April 21st, 2015|Agency, Bill McCarthy, Executive Director, Bill's Blog, Stories|

2015 Annual Dinner

An Evening with Catholic Charities April 21, 2015 The Catholic Review published a nice story about the Catholic Charities 2015 Annual dinner. The article features Mary Gunning, who was interviewed for the story, and includes a slideshow of 27 photos from the evening. It also mentions our five Mission in Action Award recipients: Tyra Parker, Darnell Bias, [...]

April 21st, 2015|Agency, Employee, News, News Coverage, Volunteer|

James O’Reilly presents a Benefit Concert

James O'Reilly, a seminarian at St. Mary's Seminary and University, is presenting a Benefit Concert for Catholic Charities. The concert will be held in the beautiful chapel at St. Mary's Seminary & University, 5400 Roland Avenue in Baltimore on Thursday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. The performance will also feature: Aaron Morneau, saxophone Wallace Ford, [...]

March 17th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Growing Professionally, and Personally

Well, we have hit the 6 month mark in Project SERVE and the time is flying by! I think it’s flying by so fast because I am having more and more fun every day I am here. I have the great pleasure of being placed at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center. Although I am supposed [...]

March 2nd, 2015|Project SERVE, Stories, Volunteer|

Mary Anne O’Donnell and Sabree Akinyele on WJZ’s On Time with Gigi Barnett

February 22, 2015 Mary Anne O'Donnell, Catholic Charities' Assistant Director and Chief Administration Officer, and Sabree Akinyele, Director of Our Daily Bread Employment Center, appeared on WJZ's On Time on with Gigi Barnett on February 22, 2015 to talk about issues of poverty and homelessness in Baltimore City.

The Daily Record Interviews Esperanza Center’s Managing Attorney Adonia Simpson Regarding Recent Court Ruling on Immigration

February 22, 2015 Adonia Simpson, Managing Attorney for Immigration Legal Services at Esperanza Center, was interviewed by Lauren Kirkwood of The Daily Record regarding the injunction on President Obama's executive actions that would provide deferred action for immigrants meeting certain conditions. Read more.

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