Remembering a joyful servant

Msgr. Arthur F. Valenzano

March 12, 1949 – September 5, 2015

Rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and member of the Catholic Charities Board of Trustees

Msgr. Art lived an authentically joyous life. The source of his joy was his relationship with God that he nurtured and worked on each day in all that he did. Art’s faith gave him an endless capacity to love, great humility and amazing grace. He saw Christ in every encounter, in every person and in all things. Art brought the same joy, love and grace to every encounter, whether it was in his meeting with Pope Benedict or in encounters with his brother priests, elected officials, parishioners or a person who was homeless whom he stopped to talk with and help. He treated each encounter and each person the same.  Art was the arms of Christ.

I have known Art since I was 18 years old. For those trying to guess, that is about 36 years.   He was part of celebrations—weddings, births and graduations, to name a few—and challenges –most notably the deaths of my father and my daughter Erinn.  His presence and support were always the same, loving, faith filled and graceful.  He has been present to thousands and thousands like me.  Art was the arms of Christ and the greatest example of the Power of One.   I miss him every day and have been incredibly blessed for every day that I have known him.

Bill McCarthy