

Reflections on Our Mission: What Are Blessings? 

by Liz Turnbaugh  Thirty years ago someone came to my home parish, St. Charles Borromeo, to speak about Our Daily Bread (“ODB”) and the ministry of making casseroles to feed the hungry.  What I was like then is not what I’m like today.  At that time I collected money for ODB.  I belonged to a [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: The Value of Love 

by Vickie Hammond  Love: A virtue representing human kindness, compassion and affection. This definition of that very powerful word is part of the legacy we are celebrating during Catholic Charities’ very first Mission Awareness Month. Love in the context of a workplace could be conceptually challenging.  Interestingly enough, though, I experienced just the opposite effect [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: Supporting Children 

by Kevin Keegan  The services we offer in the Child and Family Services Division are ever-evolving while our basic values stand firm. Whether we are looking at the beginning of our work well over 100 years ago (mostly comprised of orphanages and adoptions) or to our current work (evolving to more home and community-based work) [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: Recognizing Love 

by Father Ray Chase  Love is an odd thing… so profoundly desired yet seemingly so elusive… until, in a moment of surprise, we recognize it! I can’t tell you how many of these utterly unique and wondrous moments I’ve witnessed over the years at Catholic Charities. I wish I had written them down so at moments [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories, Uncategorized|

Reflections on Our Mission: Poverty is an accident of birth 

By Dale McArdle  My daughter, Flannery, is spending a year in Africa, first in Rwanda and now in Uganda working for Plan International. Reading her blog is inspiring. I was very taken by these words she wrote about poverty, concluding that as much as any other reason; it is an accident of birth: “Purely because [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: Listen to Your Heart 

by Ezra Buchdahl  There have been so many inspiring and heartwarming memories from the past 25 years with Catholic Charities. The most recent moment that took my breath away was a few weeks ago when a girl who is residing in one of our diagnostic units came to my office and asked if she could [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: I See Love 

by Aileen McShea Tinney  I see Love in answering the phone when it rings... to be there to help someone when they need it. I see Love in calling for a positive change to support both staff and residents.  I see Love in consciously working to be present in every moment with colleagues, families, residents, applicants, [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: I am Proud to Work Here 

by Ifeoma Okolo  A few years back, one of the staff in a respite program passed on, his name was Eddie Jones. As the accountant for that respite program, I had over the years reconciled his payroll, analyzed his receipts and expenses, calculated his targets and tracked his productivity and he was stellar in all [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|
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