

Tyra Gay 

by Jim Hillman   Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but Beautiful elders are works of art." –Eleanor Roosevelt Tyra Gay came to work with elders at Caritas House nine years ago somewhat by accident.  She was driving by Benson Avenue and saw a sign, “Jenkins Senior Living Community, Tea on Tuesdays.”  She was [...]

September 21st, 2017|Caritas House Assisted Living, Employee, Senior Services, Stories|

Tammy Vincent, Accounting

Tammy Vincent Tammy Vincent finds work in the Accounting Department to be a perfect fit for her talents and interests. Tammy says, “It’s been like a home away from home for the past 12 years.” As a team leader who is second in command to the senior financial manager, Tammy helps develop leads on grants [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Stories|

Stories from Staff 

by Fr. Ray Chase, Agency Chaplain  Many years ago I stopped by one of the apartments at the former Villa Maria to visit the staff and kids. One of the children told me that he had made something for me. He disappeared and then quickly returned presenting me with a plaster plaque he had made, [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Stories, Villa Maria School|

Senior Housing Employees Lend a Hand at Our Daily Bread

Aaron Kennedy, volunteer coordinator at Our Daily Bread Employment Center, reviews volunteer assignments with Senior Housing employees Michael Jolley, Barbara Nehms and Alison Chapman. What began as a one-time volunteer experience has turned into a quarterly tradition for some of the employees in the senior housing division.  On April 20 a group of housing employees [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Our Daily Bread Employment Center, Stories, Volunteer|

Sarah’s House Caseworker Betty Sherry

For 13 years, Betty Sherry has been making a difference in the lives of the families who reside at Sarah’s House. As lead caseworker, Betty manages a caseload of about eleven clients, supervises two interns, and trains new caseworkers and the Project Serve volunteer. Betty also arranges trainings and seminars for caseworkers, serves as a [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Poverty Relief, Sarah's House, Stories|

Remembering Timothy 

by Mark Greenberg, retired Director of Catholic Charities’ Child and Family Services Division  Timothy was only 50 years old when he died. I am writing this on the occasion of his funeral. His death was attributed to chronic alcoholism, drug abuse and years of physical neglect. I first met Timothy in 1974 when he was [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, St. Vincent's Villa, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: Unconditional Love 

by Mary Anne O’Donnell   For the 18 years, I have worked at Catholic Charities I have experienced unconditional love every day by witnessing the work of our staff. I have also received unconditional love through interactions and relationships with clients; these clients have had a tremendous influence on my life and helped me to [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|

Reflections on Our Mission: When You Give of Yourself 

by Andrea Commarata  "Then said a rich man, 'Speak to us of Giving.' And he answered: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." - Kahlil Gibran The Depaul team from St. Vincent’s Villa, consisting of children, therapist, counselors, Accounting Department, and [...]

September 21st, 2017|Employee, Mission, Stories|
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