by Andrea Commarata 

“Then said a rich man, ‘Speak to us of Giving.’
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
– Kahlil Gibran

The Depaul team from St. Vincent’s Villa, consisting of children, therapist, counselors, Accounting Department, and nurses, all served dinner together at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center.  We asked the children what they learned from the experience. Most of them reflected that they learned how to cook and saw people who were hungry and needed to eat. They were glad that St. Vincent’s provided them with a warm place to stay. Another child said he learned how to serve people nicely and was excited about helping others. Some said they will remember that they should be thankful for having a mother and a house to live in and that this experience was all about giving back.