You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients

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You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients2021-03-31T11:50:44+00:00

Working with Volunteers for ODBEC 

by Matt Cheng  Before I started working at Our Daily Bread, I had the worst anxiety. I knew of the legacy of ODB and the fact that they had never closed their doors in 32 [...]

September 25th, 2017|

The Volunteer Experience 

by Arthur Krieger  April is National Volunteer Month, and today we’re hearing from one of our Project SERVE volunteers about the importance of volunteerism, and how people receive even as they give of their time. [...]

September 25th, 2017|

Sarah’s House had a busy Christmas 

by Marta Brohawn  Hello all! I apologize for not keeping up with the weekly blog. Christmas time/ the month of December in general is the busiest time of year for Sarah’s House; we obtain 80% [...]

September 25th, 2017|


by Arthur Krieger  Hey hey hey! As always this week has been chock-full-o-new-experiences. But the last couple days have been really remarkable. Yesterday and today, I covered for a paraprofessional who works 1:1 with a [...]

September 25th, 2017|

ODB Serves Hot Meals on a Snowy Day 

by Matt Cheng  Last Thursday’s snowstorm showed me just how incredibly dedicated people are towards keeping Our Daily Bread open. Managers slept over, Catholic Charities employees from other sites made their way down, and volunteers [...]

September 25th, 2017|

Meet Matt Cheng, PSERVE Volunteer 

by Matt Cheng  Hi everyone! My name is Matt Cheng and I am the Project SERVE member for Our Daily Bread Employment Center. I thought I should give you all a little background information on [...]

September 25th, 2017|
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