You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients

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You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients2021-03-31T11:50:44+00:00

2019 Annual Celebration recognizes Lauren Cole

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Rowena Daly 667-600-2007   Towson youth’s extraordinary dedication honored with a memorial award When 18-year-old Lauren Cole was in middle school, she was looking for a place to volunteer. That’s [...]

October 22nd, 2019|

Volunteers in action at Our Daily Bread Employment Center

Thank you to our volunteers! As of October 2019, the organizations which contributed the most volunteer hours include: Quantum Leap, Inc. logged 2,854 hours in FY19. Quantum Leap, Inc. provides residential and support services to [...]

October 18th, 2019|
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