Special Educational Services

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Special Educational Services2018-08-01T18:54:15+00:00

Special Educational Services

St. Vincent’s Villa
St. Vincent’s Villa offers residential treatment and diagnostic services for children between the agesof 5 and 13 with significant emotional and behavioral challenges in a state of the art facility. LEARN MORE>>

Villa Maria School
The Villa Maria School offers intensive educational, clinical and diagnostic services for children and youth with emotional and learning disabilities. LEARN MORE>>

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Special Educational Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials

To serve: A thanks to the people we need every day

April 8th, 2019|

William J. McCarthy, Jr. Executive Director This month, the hope we carried through winter proves its worth with the full bloom of spring. We welcome sunshine, and we celebrate Easter. Since it’s National Volunteer Month, [...]

Elevate Social Workers

March 12th, 2019|

During March, we celebrate National Professional Social Workers Month. At Catholic Charities, social workers help many people overcome unplanned hurdles so they can live life to their full potential. As our communities grapple with serious issues such as [...]

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