Mental Health Services
Catholic Charities offers a variety of mental and behavioral health services to support youth, adults and families, including:
- Counseling/Therapeutic Interventions
- Crisis Services
- Mental Health Consultation/Screening/Assessment
- Residential Treatment
- Respite
- Schools/Education
- Treatment Foster Care
Download our latest brochure (PDF).

Counseling/Therapeutic Interventions
Provide counseling services in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Frederick, Washington, Garrett and Allegany Counties. These services include individual and family therapy and psychiatric services for children, adolescents and adults. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Medical Assistance or MD-Child Health Program.
All clinic sites provide group and in-home, strength-based, skill development services designed to support counseling. A more intensive version of Skills for Success, designed to divert children/youth from hospitalization or RTC placement and maintain children in their homes, is available in Baltimore City, Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel and Prince Georges Counties. Download our latest brochure (PDF). LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Be actively involved in mental health counseling. Eligibility for Intensive Skills for Success: Reside in Baltimore City or Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel or Prince George’s County.
An ultra intensive hospitalization/diversion program, designed to divert children/youth from hospitalization or RTC placement or assist children transitioning from more restrictive levels of care into their respective communities. Program supports children and families by maintaining children in their homes, specifically in the Anne Arundel County and Prince George’s County catchment areas. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Be actively involved in mental health counseling/Medical Assistance required
Provides school-based mental health services in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, Harford, Baltimore, Carroll, Washington, Frederick Counties and Allegany County. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Medical Assistance or MD-Child Health Program; Child must be attending a school in which we provide a therapist.
This is an intensive therapeutic program that provides individual, group and family therapy as well as social and coping skill development in a fun, structured and creative atmosphere. The group aspects of the program are held after school twice a week and psychiatry assessment and intervention is provided as well if needed. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Children ages 5-13 who have moderate to severe behavioral and emotional problems. Medical Assistance eligibility required.
Provides facilitated referral to support the coordination and integration of primary physical health care off-site to children ages 4 to 17.5 years old. Children referred to the BHH have emotional, psychiatric, behavioral and/or somatic difficulties which impact their functioning at home, in school or community and may require a higher intensity of clinical intervention than is achieved through traditional out-patient services alone. Behavioral Health Home services are designed to assist families and children with integrated and coordinated care in the areas of primary physical health care, health promotion, preventive care, health education, recovery and wellness promotion. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Medical Assistance eligibility required.
Crisis Services
Provides a unique and comprehensive array of brief community-based services for families experiencing a self-described behavioral health crisis. The goal of the program is to provide comprehensive community-based services that focus on community stabilization and decrease unnecessary utilization of an emergency room for services that can be obtained in the community. BCARS also focuses on transition of children from inpatient hospital admissions and works to shorten the number of days they are inpatient and to stabilize them in the community. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Serves Baltimore City children.
Mental Health Consultation/Screening/Assessment
Provides assessment and therapeutic services to children 0-5 (and their families) who are identified and referred by local day care centers as “at-risk” due to behavior problems. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Children 0-5 who are enrolled in a day care center in Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Frederick, Harford or Washington County.
Provides behavioral consultation and mental health referral and treatment services to children and families participating in Head Start and Early Head Start in Baltimore City, Harford, or Carroll County. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Enrollment in participating Head Start or Early Head Start Program.
Provides mental health assessments for children entering the child welfare system in Baltimore City. Provides treatment recommendations to the child’s Department of Social Services case manager. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Referral through the Baltimore City Mental Health Assessment Team Program Office.
Provides early screening, intervention and referral for children at risk of abuse and neglect. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Children ages 0-6. Must be in one of the following Harford County Programs: MD Rural Development Corp., Infants and Toddlers, Early Head Start, DSS, Family Tree, Child Find.
Provides behavioral health consultation to teachers and staff in parochial schools in Central Maryland. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Enrollment in an Archdiocesan School that participates in the program.
Please call 667-600-3210.
Residential Treatment
Residential treatment and diagnostic facility for children with severe emotional and behavioral difficulties. A specialized Home-Based Treatment Program is available for children who are able to go home on the weekend with support. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Boys and girls, ages 5-13.6 at admission.
Program is designed to reduce lengths of stay in higher end care, expand community resource integration, preserve family connectedness and achieve more positive long-term outcomes for children and families. Download our latest brochure. (PDF) LEARN MORE>>
Provides overnight relief with trained foster parents for caregivers in Baltimore City or Baltimore, Harford, Cecil and Carroll Counties who face the challenge of raising a child or adolescent with emotional or behavioral difficulties. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Families with children who have emotional or behavioral problems and are approved by APS Healthcare are eligible. Each County’s Core Service Agency determines how often and for how long respite services will be authorized.
Provides structured, therapeutic activities for a child, permitting the caretaker to tend to other demands. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Baltimore, Cecil, Harford Counties and Baltimore City | Weekend – Eligible to Baltimore City residents only.
Villa Maria SchoolProvides educational, diagnostic services and treatment for children with emotional, learning and multiple disabilities. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Children ages 4-14. Local School System approval necessary.
Provides educational, diagnostic services and treatment for children in the diagnostic program. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: N school-age 4, K, 1st-8th grades.
Mental Health Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Ready to support students as the thrill of back-to-school wears off
As students across Maryland arrived back at school in recent weeks, thrilled to be done with remote learning, Carl Fornoff and his team were on watch. Fornoff is the regional director of Catholic Charities' Villa [...]
Is telehealth here to stay?
Three months into the quarantine prompted by COVID-19, Behavioral Health Administrator Karen Haughey asked her team to think about how a sudden pivot to providing counseling and other behavioral health services online and over [...]
Advocacy helps avert cuts to projected state funding
Clients and patients who use Medicaid to pay for their care, and the professionals who care for them, will not be impacted now that the threat of a cut to projected reimbursement rates has been [...]