Family Support & Adoptions
Catholic Charities provides a wide range of services to families in Maryland.

As of September 30, 2020, we are no longer offering international or domestic adoption services. We will continue to offer assistance to former clients and home study and post-placement services. 667-600-2411. LEARN MORE>>
The Baltimore City Child and Adolescent Response System (BCARS) provides comprehensive, brief and intensive community-based services for children in mental health or psychiatric crisis to divert or shorten in-patient hospitalization and to link clients to community providers that will serve them for ongoing care. 667-600-2880,, Hotline 410-433-5175. LEARN MORE>>
The Cherry Hill Town Center in south Baltimore includes the Family Dollar and other retail shops, five different eateries, the Enoch Pratt Free Library and the Cherry Hill Senior Center. 410-354-0167, LEARN MORE>>>
Family Navigator Services 667-600-3074 and Kinship Navigator Services 667-600-3077 offer all-inclusive resource and referral program that has been offering support and compassion to families since 2007.
The Family Provider Partnership at St. Vincent’s Villa allows families to share the power and responsibility of making decisions about the way services are provided. Family members are involved in all facets of their child’s care. Families are active members of the treatment team and participate on program committees aimed at improving our quality of services to children and families. 667-600-3007. LEARN MORE>>
We offer a variety of respite care for children, youth and their families and caregivers, such as Therapeutic Weekend Respite Program, Home-Based Respite and the Family-to-Family Respite Programs. LEARN MORE>>
Numerous group and individual volunteer opportunities are available in many of our family services programs and we offer undergraduate and graduate students from accredited colleges and universities the opportunity to refine their academic development and professional skills with hands-on experiences across our mental health-based services. LEARN MORE>>
The Family Stability Program assists families to remain housed, support families so their children remain in their original schools, helps them obtaining affordable housing, and provides families with the tools they need to become self-sufficient. 410-659-3769, LEARN MORE>>
Catholic Charities provides in-home and 24-hour crisis intervention to children and families to help them remain in the community. Eligible participants must be Anne Arundel or Prince Georges County residents enrolled in a public mental health system and eligible for targeted case management. 667-600-2419. LEARN MORE>>
The in-home intervention program provides intensive in-home intervention to empower families, divert children/youth from hospitalization or residential treatment placement and to maintain children in their homes and is available to residents of Baltimore City, Baltimore, Harford, Anne Arundel and Prince Georges Counties. 667-600-2419. LEARN MORE>>>
Mental Health Assessment Team (formerly known as MATCH [Making All The Children Healthy]) provides mental health assessments and recommendations for children entering the child welfare system in Baltimore City. 667-600-2400. LEARN MORE>>>
A list of all of Catholic Charities’ mental health services. LEARN MORE>>>
School Based Behavioral Health Programs provide mental health services in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, Harford, Baltimore, Allegany, Carroll, Washington and Frederick Counties. LEARN MORE>>>
The Safe Start program provides early screening, intervention and referral for children at risk of abuse and neglect. LEARN MORE>>>
St. Vincent’s Villa offers residential treatment and diagnostic services for children between the ages of 5 and 13 with significant emotional and behavioral challenges in a state of the art facility. 667-600-3000. LEARN MORE>>>
Our Therapeutic After-School Programs provide structured, therapeutic activities two afternoons per week at two different locations in Baltimore County. LEARN MORE>>>
Villa Maria School provides educational and clinical services for children with significant emotional, behavioral and learning challenges. 677-600-3100. LEARN MORE>>>
Catholic Charities operates a variety of programs and services, such as day shelters, employment services, meal programs, counseling, case management and childcare to serve the needs of women in our community Our goal is to give women the skills and tools they need to lead a life of independence. LEARN MORE>>>
Family Support & Adoptions Services at a Glance
Family Support & Adoption Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials
In Cherry Hill, Juneteenth’s spirit soars
A festive celebration full of pride, joy, love and laughter. This was the scene at The Cherry Hill Town Center in Baltimore’s historic Cherry Hill community as residents celebrated the Juneteenth holiday. "It's a joy [...]
Keeping comfort and joy all year
As 2021 begins and already seems difficult, we are still faced with challenges and overwhelming stress in our world. To carry Catholic Charities' Comfort & Joy through 2021, Villa Maria Community Resources Behavioral Health Clinic [...]
What connects the tragic killings of George Floyd and Freddie Gray
William J. McCarthy Jr. Executive Director This piece originally appeared in Charities USA Magazine. On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis, Minnesota police officer who knelt on his neck for a [...]