Esperanza Center
AVISO: Esperanza Center a S. Broadway estará cerrado TEMPORALMENTE a partir del 7 de septiembre, debido a un incendio en un edificio al lado. Favor de volver a consultar esta página o llame al 667-600-2900 para más noticias. Gracias por su paciencia.
El Esperanza Center es un centro de recursos que ofrece esperanza y servicios importantes a los inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos. Inmigrantes de todas partes del mundo han recibido recursos y guía compasiva en el Esperanza Center desde 1963. Nuestro equipo dedicado provee servicios y referencias, clases de inglés, atención médica y servicios legales a bajo costo a miles de inmigrantes al año.
Read about all of the services and activities
offered at our center
- Para más información de los programas educativos para jóvenes, haga, clic aquí. 667-600-2943.
Esperanza Center in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Esperanza Center Film Series 2016: Life Across Borders
The Esperanza Center is pleased to announce its 2016 Film Series: Life across Borders. Please join us as we screen some excellent documentaries relating to the topic of immigration in the United States. To RSVP [...]
Learn Spanish at the Esperanza Center
At the Esperanza Center, we know Spanish and now you can, too. Come and learn with us. You won't find more student-friendly, cost-effective language classes anywhere else in Baltimore. Class sizes are limited! Register for [...]
After immigrants arrested in Baltimore, people are fearful
Activists and local officials say a sense of fear has swept the immigrant community amid the Trump administration's orders March 8, 2017 Val Twanmoh, director of Catholic Charities' Esperanza Center, and Mike Borgonos, Esperanza Center managing attorney, [...]
‘It’s fear, fear, fear’: As enforcement increases, more immigrants avoid public places
February 26, 2017 Writing for The Washington Post, reporter Arelis Hernández interviewed Esperanza Center director Val Twanmoh for an article on the impact of increased immigration enforcement on the Latino community. Read the full Washington Post story here
Immigration advocates in Baltimore area fear increased enforcement
February 14, 2017 The director of the Esperanza Center, Val Twanmoh, was among those interviewed by The Baltimore Sun for an article on the impact of increased deportation activities on Baltimore's immigrant community. Read the full Baltimore Sun [...]
Archibishop Lori responds to recent executive orders concerning immigrants and refugees
Archbishop Lori responds to recent Executive Orders affecting immigrants and refugees