Esperanza Center
AVISO: Esperanza Center a S. Broadway estará cerrado TEMPORALMENTE a partir del 7 de septiembre, debido a un incendio en un edificio al lado. Favor de volver a consultar esta página o llame al 667-600-2900 para más noticias. Gracias por su paciencia.
El Esperanza Center es un centro de recursos que ofrece esperanza y servicios importantes a los inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos. Inmigrantes de todas partes del mundo han recibido recursos y guía compasiva en el Esperanza Center desde 1963. Nuestro equipo dedicado provee servicios y referencias, clases de inglés, atención médica y servicios legales a bajo costo a miles de inmigrantes al año.
Read about all of the services and activities
offered at our center
- Para más información de los programas educativos para jóvenes, haga, clic aquí. 667-600-2943.
Esperanza Center in the News, Stories & Testimonials
A Day in the Life at the Esperanza Center
Maggie Shelledy Hello again! Well, it’s officially been more than two months since P’SERVE began and it has been a loaded two months.Briefly, highlights include: making the house our own by moving the couch and decorating [...]
Family nurse practitioners revitalize the Esperanza Center Health Services Center
Carol Lake and Karen Scheu Nurse Practitioners Carol Lake and Karen Scheu often finish each other’s sentences. The two bilingual nurse practitioners have been sharing a job at the Esperanza Center since June, 2012, and [...]
Esperanza Center ESL Program to be Featured at National Conference
Diana Siemer, ESL Coordinator, with Edwin, an ESL student. The Esperanza Center ‘s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESL) Program will be highlighted at the National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE) conference February 16 [...]
Rose Receives Kindness and Care at the Esperanza Center
Rose, a young woman from Africa, fled persecution in her home country and came to the U.S. seeking asylum. At the Esperanza Center, she initially found assistance with her asylum application. While working with Rose [...]
Luis Feels Welcome at the Esperanza Center
Esperanza Center clients Lenin and Luis. My name is Luis Cambisaca. I am 23 years old and I am from Ecuador. I came to the U.S.A. four years ago. I have been living here in [...]
Diligence Pays Off
Heather Price, Esperanza Center volunteer attorney Many factors drive immigrants away from their home countries and pull them to the United States. Poverty, violence, and lack of opportunities cause many young people to flee, particularly [...]