Melkin Learned to Speak English at the Esperanza Center

Melkin with Project Serve volunteer Colleen Gormley.
Hi, my name is Melkin Josue Lara. I’ve been here at the Esperanza Center for two and a half years. I’m from San Miguel, El Salvador.
The Esperanza Center has students from so many different countries and they speak different languages. The teachers try to teach good English. Some teachers want to know about your life.
In the Esperanza Center, people are friendly. They have computers, books and you can take computer class in the daytime and afternoon.
I am here because my cousin told me if I want to learn English, I can come here when I get time and make friends. My first time, when I didn’t know English, was a surprise because all the teachers were speaking English. But I remember one teacher, Frannie, taught me a lot of English.
When I knew some words in English, I practiced with my friends. I went to a store and I tried to say in English what I wanted and I was happy because in the Esperanza Center I learned good English. I can work with American people and now I can help you if you don’t know any English.