Hooray! Safe Streets opens in Brooklyn-Curtis Bay neighborhood of southwest Baltimore.
Residents, elected officials and community leaders welcomed the Catholic Charities Safe Streets team to the Brooklyn-Curtis Bay neighborhood at the grand opening on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. View the news coverage of the grand opening in Southwest Baltimore by clicking the links. Baltimore Sun photo gallery
View WMAR2News’ Eddie Kadim reporting on the grand opening of the Safe Streets site.
Background: Catholic Charities opened its first Safe Streets in 2015 in the Sandtown-Winchester community following a surge in violence after the death of Freddie Gray. Since then, the Sandtown-Winchester site has earned the trust and respect of the community and demonstrated an ability to curb confrontations that would have otherwise led to violence. From July 2017 – 2018, the Safe Streets Sandtown-Winchester team prevented 515 incidents from becoming violent. Prior to mid-October 2018, the community went 320 days without a shooting death. Community engagement is a hallmark of Safe Streets of Sandtown-Winchester. In 2017, 534 children under 12 attended at least one of its community events. Since homicide is the leading cause of death for 15 – 25-year-old African-American males, positive community-based experiences decreases the likelihood they’ll become either a victim or a perpetrator of violent crime.