Gallagher Services Spring Newsletter 2022

Home/Gallagher Services Spring Newsletter 2022
Gallagher Services Spring Newsletter 20222022-03-25T14:11:11+00:00

Tyra Gay

by Jim Hillman   Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but Beautiful elders are works of art." –Eleanor Roosevelt Tyra Gay came to work with elders at Caritas House nine years ago somewhat by [...]

August 15th, 2017|

“I See Myself in the People Who Live Here”

Caritas House volunteer Jim Jeppi While coping with the loss of his mother in 2014, Jim Jeppi sought to fill, in part, the void he felt by looking for ways to continue helping [...]

August 15th, 2017|

Bobbi Tayman

After working as a delegating nurse for 13 years at an area hospital, Bobbi Tayman assessed that she was most gratified when she interacted with geriatric patients. When a job as a delegating registered nurse [...]

August 15th, 2017|

Bill’s Blog: A More Loving and Just Society

  As I watched the horrific events unfold in Charlottesville over the weekend, I found myself overwhelmed with both anger and heartbreak. Perhaps most painful was the uncomfortable realization that Charlottesville is far from unique [...]

August 14th, 2017|

Bill’s Blog – A More Loving and Just Society

As I watched the horrific events unfold in Charlottesville over the weekend, I found myself overwhelmed with both anger and heartbreak. Perhaps most painful was the uncomfortable realization that Charlottesville is far from unique in [...]

August 14th, 2017|

Bill’s Blog: It Takes a Community

“The United States derives its strength from the diversity of the people who live here…but we’re not a melting pot. A melting pot is a place where you put a lot of different ingredients and [...]

July 26th, 2017|
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