Advocacy in action for the 2019 Maryland General Assembly
Catholic Charities is back in Annapolis for the 2019 Maryland General Assembly legislative session. Inspired by our values to teach and to work for justice, we are focused on the following priorities: Time to care It [...]
Honoring Dr. King: How service equals safety in community
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Day has become known as a day of service—“a day on, not a [...]
Christmas pop up shops serve Head Start families
(Baltimore - Dec. 2018) The Baltimore City and Carroll County Head Start programs of Catholic Charities joyfully embraced the season of giving by once again hosting our Super Stores i.e. Christmas pop up shops for [...]
A note of thanks from Ezra Buchdahl to volunteer Geri Olsen
Spreading the word about the good work of St. Vincent's Villa comes naturally to Geri Olsen. It happens on hockey fields while cheering on her grandchildren, in grocery store check-out lines, at the local bank, [...]
Celebrating the season with residents from Baltimore’s shelter
It's the season of giving and thanks to staff and volunteers from Catholic Charities, 335 residents from the Weinberg Housing and Resource Center, Baltimore's shelter, received gifts and enjoyed a holiday dinner on Christmas Eve. [...]
Advent Calendar: Merry Christmas
Again this year, we thank our friends at the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation who served turkey and trimmings at Our Daily Bread Employment Center, allowing other volunteers to celebrate Christmas. We cannot improve lives without our [...]