Dear friends in Christ,

Caring for our sisters and brothers is one way in which we express our Catholic faith and our baptismal call to serve the least among us. By doing so, we not only model Christ for those living on society’s margins but we also honor the dignity that is inherent in each one of God’s children. This is the foundational commitment of Catholic Charities, which animates each of its 2,100 employees and thousands of volunteers serving Marylanders in need.

Simply put, honoring the Divine within each person is the meaning of Catholic Charities’ core mission to improve lives. What you will see in this annual report is a powerful, if small, sample of the ways people’s lives have been enriched, and even saved, by Catholic Charities. It is a story of support and achievement, felt by those who found both when they nearly lost hope, had nearly given up on human kindness.

For adults with intellectual disabilities, that may mean living independently and having a job. For women and men in need of skills and a second chance, it could mean job training and preparation for interviews. For older adults, it may mean resources to make aging at home easier. For immigrants, it might mean English lessons, health care, or legal services. For those in need of life’s basic necessities, it means shelter and the assurance of a next meal.

These are but a few of the ways we express a Catholic faith by committing ourselves to our community, to our sisters and brothers and to our loving Father.

By supporting Catholic Charities, you make that commitment, become part of that community, and bring hope to others. You become an answer to Christ’s call.Thank you for all you do to share in that mission.

Yours faithfully,
Most Reverend William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore
Chair, Catholic Charities Board of Trustees

photo of Bill McCarthy

Dear Friends:

In his book Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, Fr. Greg Boyle S.J. speaks plainly and powerfully about the love and compassion we are called to bring to every encounter with every person: “Here is what we seek: a compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.”

At Catholic Charities, boundless compassion—informed by our values—is the foundation of the movement to improve lives. Fr. Greg’s words beautifully articulate our values at Catholic Charities and how we go about our work. Without the transformative power of boundless compassion, our values— to love, to serve, to teach, and to work for justice—ring hollow.

The call to compassion without borders or boundaries informs every dimension of our work. As you will see in the pages that follow, this compassion makes meaningful and profound differences. Our programs and people, and the facts we share here, are more than numbers. They are stories: stories of people on a journey. In every Catholic Charities program at every location, including our newest program, My Brother’s Keeper in Irvington, hundreds of thousands of people are supported on their journeys. We are privileged to accompany them.

We at Catholic Charities do the community-building work of listening to and understanding each person in each encounter. We walk with them as they move towards happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. We do this out of love and in recognition of the dignity of each person. In celebrating this shared dignity, our community becomes more vibrant and thriving. All who are touched by this encounter are enriched, including us.

Through the power of compassion, we are able to see one another more clearly. We are able to celebrate the desires for love, acceptance, and meaning that unite all of us. We are, in other words, able to see that our separate journeys are only as separate as we make them out to be. In the end, we are all called to one journey: to live in richer and more complete solidarity with one another. This is the meaning of the movement.

I am very grateful that you are part of it.

William J. McCarthy
Executive Director

Our Mission: Inspired by the Gospel mandates to love, serve and teach, Catholic Charities provides care and services to improve the lives of Marylanders in need.

Our Vision: Cherishing the Divine within, we are committed to a Maryland where each person has the opportunity to reach his or her God-given potential.

Our Values: To love, to serve, to teach and to work for justice.



Gallagher Services | KENICE AND EILEEN

Adults with intellectual disabilities can explore their own vision of a fulfilling life with Gallagher Services. Here, we do whatever is possible to help them achieve that vision. Begun as a residential program for children in 1977, today Gallagher Services offers community living for adults, a medical day program, and support for vocational training and employment.

Kenice Fleming came to Gallagher Services at age 8. Now 52, she is amazed at all she has accomplished as a member of the Gallagher community, where she was a pioneer of independent living. “I have my own apartment,” she said. “I never expected that. I didn’t know I could handle it, but I do well. I take care of myself. I love to learn new things. I want to do anything new and challenging.”

For the past 10 years, Kenice and her best friend, Eileen Williamson, have been valued members of the dining room team at Stella Maris, a nursing home in Baltimore County. The two met through the Gallagher program. Their support team helps them tap into activities they can do together. They love drama class and performing. Kenice won first prize for her Tina Turner impression. Each has a shelf of trophies proving their talent as league bowlers. Eileen planned their excursion to North Carolina. When they talk about their lives and goals for the future, the stories and the laughter come fast and furious. Eileen explained: “At Gallagher, people love to have fun.”

Eileen and her housemates volunteer to feed individuals experiencing homelessness. She and Kenice share a desire to be of service. But they also are proud that they are able to earn the money they need to do the things that interest them.

When they talk about the help they get from their support team at Gallagher, it’s with great affection. “They are our family when we’re away from our family,” Kenice said. “They support us as individuals. They really take care of us.”

They are committed to giving their work family the same level of dedication and care that they receive from their Gallagher family. “I don’t like to miss work—how am I going to stay home when people need me?” Kenice insisted. “I like my job, my friends and my co-workers.”

Eileen chimed in: “Like me!”


St. Ann Adult Day Services | PERCY

Catholic Charities offers many programs focused on the needs of older Marylanders—from independent and assisted living to nursing home care. St. Ann Adult Day Services provides safe, supportive care for older adults and those with disabilities, and respite for their caregivers.

Percy Poindexter’s years haven’t dimmed his bright smile, the twinkle in his eye, or his sense of style. He’s retired from construction. He raised four daughters and spent his downtime outdoors, fishing. “I liked to go places, see different people—that was me!” he recalled.

Recently, declining health made it difficult for Percy to live on his own. A doctor’s visit led to a referral to an Alzheimer’s clinic. As his memory and eyesight deteriorated, Percy’s world grew smaller. He found himself dozing in front of the television all day. Unable to be himself, he said, his days grew lonely and boring. His sister, Shirley Brown, knew something needed to change, but she wanted her dapper younger brother to have the same loving care she’d given her husband during his long illness. Shirley wanted Percy to be home. She moved him in with her. But she needed help – and he needed more.

“I had to get him into something that would keep him going,” she said. Shirley learned about St. Ann Adult Day Services from staff at the Catholic Charities senior community where her sister lives. Now Percy comes to the day program twice a week. He dances with the ladies. He plays Gin Rummy, Tonk and Pitty Pat with another gentleman. And he is happier.

“I get there and meet everybody, and it makes my day,” he said. “As soon as I wake up, I’m ready to come.”

After just one month, his sister and his doctor noticed he’d improved. And it’s good for Shirley, too. She feels supported by a network of people who care about her brother. She gets information to help with the new challenge of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease, and she gets some time to rest and take care of herself. Percy’s visits to St. Ann help him stay mentally active and make it easier for his sister to keep him at home. She summed it up simply.

“When you’re surrounded with love, it makes a difference.”


St. Edward’s Workforce Development Center | MICHAEL

St. Edward’s Workforce Development Center offers programs tailored to individuals who face multiple barriers to employment. The goal is to inspire hope and increase self-sufficiency for people in need, and to help alleviate rising unemployment throughout Baltimore. Participants hone job readiness skills, and wrap-around services help them to find a job—and succeed.

The hiring market in Baltimore has boomed in recent years, but Michael Blake knew most of those opportunities weren’t for him. He’d worked many jobs, but all under the table. “I dropped out of school and got into a little bit of trouble when I was younger,” he recalled. “I did another job training program, but with my record, the jobs they lined up wouldn’t hire me.”

The 21-year-old was living in a halfway house about a year ago when he learned about the Job Ready program at Catholic Charities’ St. Edward’s Workforce Development Center. He signed up just to have something to do. Then he saw how good the opportunities were.

When he completed the two-week program, the St. Edward’s team encouraged him to attend an open hiring event at Our Daily Bread Employment Center for Johns Hopkins Hospital. He landed a position on the facilities team in the pediatrics department.

“Ever since I went through the program, my life has been a lot easier,” Michael said. “I don’t have to do other things to get money. I have an honest job. I get a paycheck, and can take care of me and my family.

“I learned that I had the potential to accomplish something. I get up in the morning and I know that I’m needed.”

Michael continues to touch base with the St. Edward’s team as works toward his next goals: getting his GED and driver’s license, going to college.

“I tell my buddies, friends on the street, when you fall you can always get back up. It’s just, do you want to get back up? And you’ve got to strive. With Catholic Charities, you had to do the work. You had to earn it. They saw in me that I was really trying to change. God works in mysterious ways—they were there when I needed them, and now I’ve got a good job. It’s a good thing that Catholic Charities came into my life. It’s changed the outcome of my future. I went the other way instead of going back to the streets.”


My Sister’s Place | LENAUR

People can find themselves without homes or jobs for many reasons. Catholic Charities respects the dignity of each individual. My Sister’s Place Women’s Center serves women and their children experiencing homelessness and poverty in Baltimore City, offering services to empower each woman to improve her life.

For 18 years, LenaurPhillip was a professional cook. “It was hours on my feet for low pay, but I loved my job, and I was good at it,” she recalled.

But by 2016, serious chronical medical issues made it impossible for her to work in a kitchen. “I’d always had a backup plan, but it was as if I hit a brick wall. I lost my job. I lost my apartment.”

Suddenly on the streets, Lenaur spent two weeks at the Weinberg Housing and Resource Center , run by Catholic Charities, before being accepted into Marian House, a transitional housing program for women run by the Sisters of Mercy and the School Sisters of Notre Dame. There, she learned about the 12-week Learn to Earn clerical internship program at Catholic Charities’ My Sister’s Place Women’s Center. She volunteered at the front desk while waiting for the program to begin. When a job at that desk became available a little more than a year ago, Lenaur didn’t think she was qualified. But she was hired. Now she works at both My Sister’s Place and My Sister’s Place Lodge .

“They saw something in me, and I’ve never looked back,” she said. Lenaur now has her own apartment. Despite her health problems, she is always there for her clients. She understands that her experience helps her in the work she does each day. “I have a good rapport with the ladies there,” she shared. “I know what it’s like for them. Sometimes they just need someone to listen and acknowledge that they’re there.”

Lenaur sees the challenges that brought her here as a gift. “I was my job when I was a cook. There wasn’t a ‘me.’ I was just a cook. By the end of the day, when my knees gave out or I had issues, I was replaceable. Here I have a unique identity. They miss me when I’m not here. That makes me feel good. I’ve never felt that before.

“I feel like I’m part of what makes things work here, and that gives me a purpose.”



Esperanza Center offers hope and compassion to thousands of immigrants trying to navigate life in this country. Many have fled war and other dangerous conditions. Some arrived as unaccompanied minors. We provide services related to education, health care, immigration law, family reunification, anti-trafficking and more.

For her entire life, Blanca De La O has sought safety and peace. Her mother sent her from war-torn El Salvador to live with her grandmother in Honduras. There, Blanca’s life was a back-breaking, night-and-day grind of manual labor. Soon, she had children, and their education became her first priority. “My mom couldn’t read or write in Spanish,” said her oldest son, Carlos. “She wanted us to have an education and a better life.”

In 2001, a desperate Blanca endured a harrowing journey to the United States. She arrived owing a huge debt to the “coyote” who smuggled her into the country, and her family was having trouble coming up with the money. Knowing what had happened to some who couldn’t pay, Blanca feared she’d be raped or murdered.

Once she settled in Maryland and began to work, Blanca sent for her children. First 10-year-old Selvin arrived. A few months later, Carlos, 13, and Riccy, 7, followed with their father.

Blanca began coming to the Esperanza Center for English lessons, and for medical services for the children. But when she got a deportation order, things seemed hopeless. “I was afraid not because it was bad for me, but for my children,” she said.

And then, another crisis: a particularly violent assault by her husband.

The experts at the Esperanza Center helped her secure a visa for herself and her children through a program for crime victims and their immediate family. Today, Blanca loves her job caring for retired School Sisters of Notre Dame at Villa Assumpta. And her dream for her children has come true. Carlos graduated with honors from Loyola University and is attending the School of Pharmacy at Notre Dame of Maryland University. Selvin also received a full academic scholarship to Loyola, where he is majoring in physics and math. Riccy will enter Loyola as a freshman this year. They credit the Esperanza Center for making it possible.

“What I think people should take away from our story is that you should never give up,” said Riccy. “Our family faced so many problems, but we never lost hope.”


Sarah’s House, Starner Hill, Village Crossroads II | KATHLEEN

Catholic Charities recognizes that each person’s life journey takes many turns, and not all of them are through Baltimore. We offer services for a diverse array of individuals in community settings across nine counties.

When Kathleen Kirkpatrick’s plane touched down on the snowy tarmac at BWI, she felt hopeful. She had lost everything in the financial crash of 2008—a career in banking, a home in suburban Charlotte, NC. Her only idea about how to fix things was to get a job. She thought she’d landed one. The company sent her a ticket to Baltimore. But when the snow kept her job contact from flying in for the interview, she had no money and nowhere to go. She spent 10 days at BWI, then asked airport security for help.

That began a journey that took her places she never expected to go. Anne Arundel County SocialServices connected her with Sarah’s House , a Catholic Charities supportive housing program. “I got off the bus,” Kathleen recalled, “and I didn’t know where I was. I couldn’t see through the snow. I called the office, and a voice said, ‘Kathleen, look up. I’m coming to get you.’”

At Sarah’s House, a Catholic Charities Project SERVE volunteer helped her apply for Starner Hill, our senior community in Western Maryland. With a few pieces of donated furniture and one suitcase, she started rebuilding her life. She got a job at Garrett County Social Services and helped others as she made rural Grantsville her home for seven and a half years.

“It was a safe haven,” she remembered. “When I had money, I had tons of friends. None when I lost everything. I even lost contact with my children for a while. Now I’m just focused on bringing me back.”

She saved every penny, and the Starner Hill team helped her access services like health care.

Today, Kathleen lives in a beautiful apartment in the new Catholic Charities community of Village Crossroads II in Baltimore County, where she volunteers at the community food pantry, can walk to the supermarket, and takes a short cab ride to shops on The Avenue.

“Grantsville was a place for me to heal,” she said. “This is a place for me to get back to a normal life. I have a wonderful life.”


Our Future | YOU

What makes a movement?

A movement is made of individuals passionate about creating change, working together toward a common goal. It’s about more than trying to make a small adjustment. A movement is meant to endure and designed to empower.

Every step a person takes toward a better life brings them one step closer to a transformation that they could imagine, but couldn’t create on their own. At Catholic Charities, we walk with them to make it possible. We do not have superhuman powers, but we don’t need them. Compassion is the ordinary power that makes transformation possible. With us, no one is alone. When individuals are empowered to live a better life, our communities are lifted up. When our communities get stronger, our world gets brighter.

The journeys in the preceding pages are hardly isolated. The people you have met here –Percy, Kenice, Eileen, Michael, Blanca, Carlos, Selvin, Riccy, and Kathleen – are only a few of the thousands of people we serve every day. Each of them has a story – a story of heartache and hope, of struggle and sanctuary, of fear and faith. They are our neighbors, members of the communities in which we all live and work. They come to us in many ways, all asking for the same thing: a pathway to making their lives better.

It takes commitment and determination. That’s up to them.

It takes experienced, skilled help from people who believe. That’s up to us.

It also takes a great deal of support. And that is up to you.

When you support Catholic Charities, you make each step possible, for each person we serve. You help us turn our mission into a movement. You help improve a life.

Thank you.


On behalf of our board of trustees, clients, volunteers and staff, we extend our deepest gratitude to the individuals, corporations and foundations that felt empowered to support our work for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Their generosity provides life-changing opportunities for families and individuals in need.

The Director’s Council
($100,000.00 +)

Anonymous (1)
Abell Foundation
Archdiocese of Baltimore
The Kenneth S. Battye Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Bisciotti
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
The Estate of Rita M. Cea*
Combined Federal Campaign
The Cooke Family
Lillian Veronica Cunningham Revocable Trust*
The Estate of Carlo J. DaCampo*
The Estate of Robert E. Hecht, Sr.*
Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States
Maryland Community Health Resources Commission
Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development
Maryland Legal Services Corporation
Mayor’s Office on Criminal Justice
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr.
Open Society Institute – Baltimore
The Estate of Samuel U. Schultz*
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stromberg
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Timbie
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
United Way of Central Maryland
The Estate of Rita L. Waller*
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
The Estate of Van R. Whiting*
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, Inc.

St. Ignatius Loyola Society
($75,000.00 +)

Arundel Community Development Services, Inc.
Constellation, an Exelon Company
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dent
The Estate of Beatrice J. Dunphy*
Maryland Department of Human Services
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Rizzo / Manus Christi Charitable Fund

Council of Caring ($50,000.00 +)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Andon
BGE & BGE Home Products & Services
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Contino
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Davis / The Davis Family Foundation
The Dresher Foundation, Inc.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Gula
Legg Mason Charitable Foundation & Legg Mason Global Asset Management
M&T Bank & M&T Bank Foundation
Maryland Charity Campaign
Maryland Department of Aging
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Rogers
The George & Edna Schwarzmann Fund for Handicapped Children
Ms. Abigail Smith & Mr. John Shettle, Jr.
Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Charitable Foundation
The Estate of Mary Jean Yealdhall*

The Cardinal Shehan Society
($25,000.00 +)

Allegis Group, Inc. & Allegis Group Foundation
America’s Charities
Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services
Anne Arundel County Local Development Council
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Awalt
Ms. Theresa D. Becks
Bunting Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bunting, Jr.
Mr. Marc G. Bunting
Catholic Charities USA / U.S. Department of Justice
Catholic Charities USA / Walmart Foundation
Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County
Mrs. Victoria A. Deyesu
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Finn
Fund for Educational Excellence
Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Halaby
Harford County Department of Housing & Community Development
Harkins Builders, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Huston
Mr. & Mrs. James A. C. Kennedy III
Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Linehan
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Linehan
The Estate of Edward J. McCarthy*
Maria & Bill McCarthy
McCormick & Company, Inc.
Merritt Properties, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Puglia Plano-Coudon Construction / The Plano-Coudon Foundation, Inc.
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc.
Reval Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sullivan
T. Rowe Price & T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The David P. Tenberg Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation
The Estate of Mario Vahos, M.D.*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Wiese
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Wilfong
WPW Foundation

The Archbishop Borders Society
($10,000.00 +)

Anonymous (3)
Mr. Kevin O. Abell
AEGON Transamerica Foundation
Anne Arundel Women Giving Together
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Ariosa& Company, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baird III
Bank of America & Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Michael J. & Patricia K. Batza, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Becker
Mr. Scott W. Becker
Mr. Richard O. Berndt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Bernstein
Mr. John Bovaird& Ms. Ellen Warnock
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Bowie
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Bradley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks
The Estate of Carryl Jean Calvert*
Catholic Community Foundation
CIGNA HealthCare
Clayton Baker Trust
Clayton Fund, Inc. (of Texas)
CohnReznick LLP
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Collins
Mr. Gregory D. Conderacci
Rev. Msgr. Paul G. Cook
Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic A. Corriere
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Creamer
Dr. & Mrs. Barry D. Daly
DAP Products, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. David
Dimensional Health Care Associates, Inc.
Domino Food, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn III
Erickson Living Management, LLC
Ferguson HVAC
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Foley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fortunato
Gallagher Evelius& Jones LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Garofalo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Geisel
Ms. Patricia Gentry

The Archbishop Borders Society
($10,000.00 +)

Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Gracie
Greenspring Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Harbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Helm
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessy
Heritage Financial Consultants, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. F. Patrick Hughes
Jesuit Community of Loyola University Maryland
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Joseph / The Shelter Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Liberatore
Mr. Richard M. Lombardo
Archbishop William E. Lori
Loveville Timberworks, LLC
Drs. Michael & Mary Lee Lynch & Jacksonville Veterinary Hospital
Mrs. Mary C. Mangione
Mr. John McCauley & Ms. Nina Jones
The Estate of Patricia C. McDaniel*
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. McGlone
Mrs. John P. McKenna
Mr. John J. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Merriken III
Mr. Jack C. Miglioretti II
Miles & Stockbridge P.C.
Molina Foundation
Network for Good
Mr. C. Ashton Newhall
NIKIPRO Foundation Inc.
Northrop Grumman
Mr. & Mrs. Ludge Olivier
The Anne Lindsey Otenasek Charitable Foundation
Our Lady of the Fields Church
Penguin Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Plano
PNC Bank & PNC Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jason B. Polun
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Radmer
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks C. Robinson, Jr.

Mr. George A. Roche
Saint Joseph’s Church, Cockeysville
The Hon. Steven R. Schuh & the Schuh Family
Severna Park High School Band & Orchestra Boosters Assoc.
St. John the Evangelist Church, Long Green Valley
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Stansky
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Stanton
The James M. & Margaret V. Stine Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Taylor
The Geaton & Joann Decesaris Family Foundation, Inc.
The Jean & Sidney Silber Fund, Inc.
The Judy Family Foundation
The Shelter Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sharon Yvonne Thomas
The Estate of George B. Vaeth*
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wakeman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Weglicki
Mr. Donald Welch & Mrs. Brenda K. Ashworth
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Mr. Michael D. Williams
The Estate of M. T. Susan Wood*
Dr. Ellen H. Yankellow & Mr. William E. Chapman

The Bishop P. Francis Murphy Society ($5,000.00 + )
Anonymous (7)
A. E. Dott& Associates
Accenture LLP
Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos
Ms. Sophia Angelos
Annapolis Volvo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Arnold, Jr.
Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
BFG Community Foundation
Mr. Donald W. Bisant
Mr. & Mrs. Marc P. Blum Esq.
Mr. Carroll A. Bodie, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bond, Jr.
Box’N Save of Maryland, Inc.
Ms. Judith C. Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bozzuto
James T. & Francine G. Brady
Patricia M.C. Brown & Joseph P. Gill
Mr. Paul E. Burken III
CAM Construction Co., Inc.
Carrier Enterprise, LLC
Catholic Relief Services
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Cawley
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Chesapeake Corporate Advisors, LLC
Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cinquegrana
City Light & Power
Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Collins
Colonial Electric Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Connelly, Jr.
Corporate Office Properties Trust (COPT)
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Creel
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Davis
DCO Energy, LLC
Dr. M. Carmel Deckelman
The Delaplaine Foundation
DLA Piper

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Eby
The Estate of Nicholas G. Economy*
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Emerson, Jr.
Mrs. Susan Emerson
Ernst & Young, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Evans III
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Fiscina
Franey Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Franke
Mr. Charles Frentz
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Gallo CFA
Mr. Navroz Gandhi
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan H. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. Mark D. Gately
Gaudreau, Inc., Architects
Mr. & Mrs. Gino J. Gemignani, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. George
Global Visionary Fund: International College of Dentists
Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP
Mark & Carol Gould
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. F. Gillis Green
Patricia & Peter Handal
Dr. Meta Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Hasson
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hays
Hearst Television
Jack & Penny Heisler
Hohman Family
Howard Bank
IBM Employee Services Center
Robert & June Imhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Inglis
Insurance Buyers’ Council, Inc.
JD Carpets, Inc.
Johns Hopkins Health Systems
Mr. John E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Keefe
The Hon. & Mrs. Francis X. Kelly, Jr.
Sharon & Bob Kern
George & Peggy Kilroy
Kindred Healthcare
David & Kristen Kinkopf
Mr. Mark O. Knott
Kramon& Graham, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Lekin
The John J. Leidy Foundation
Michelle & Michael Linehan
Mr. Walter G. Lohr, Jr.
Mr. Lucas Maid
Ronald L. Mason, Sr.

Med-Care Transportation, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Milan
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Minahan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Moag
Morgan Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nigro
Ms. Mary Anne O’Donnell
Ms. Jane O’Leary & Mr. Jonathan Ruckdeschel
Oak Contracting
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Organt
Our Lady of the Angels Church
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paska
Patch Energy Services LLC
Mr. Russell A. Phelps, CFA
Pivec Mechanical
Mr. Kenneth F. Porter
Praxis Engineering Technologies
Mr. John E. Quill
Mr. George E. Quinn
R.E. Michel Company Inc.
Ravens Roost No. 50
RCM&D, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Regan
Rhona’s Place
Mr. & Mrs. S. Ford Rowan
The Estate of Genevieve Schiller*
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sellinger
Mr. Timothy J. Shaffrey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Shields, Jr.
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: South Central Community
Ms. Claire M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Smith, Jr.
Dr. Thomas B. Smyth
St. Margaret Church
Steele Foundation, LLC
Mr. Peter Douglas Stogis
Mrs. Kathleen M. Strott
Mr. & Mrs. Arun Subhas
SunTrust Bank, Baltimore
Mr. TaymourTamaddon
The Estate of John P. Thompson*
TowerCares Foundation
Type Supply LLC
United Way of Greater Atlanta
University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Walton
Washington Lodge No. 3 Foundation, Inc.
The Estate of Julius Zulver*

The Anita Rose Williams Society
($2,500.00 +)

Anonymous (7)
Absolute Investigative Services, Inc.
Active Network, LLC
Advance Moisture Protection, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Agnone
Alban Foundation
Ms. Concetta R. Anaclerio
Ascension Ministry Service Center
Asset Strategy Consultants, LLC
Associated Italian American Charities, Inc.
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Sharon J. Augustiny
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Baird
Bank of America United Way Campaign
A. Richard Bastinelli
Battelle Eastern Science & Tech Center
Mr. & Mrs. David Bavar
Ms. Eileen M. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Auburn R. Bell, Jr.
Benfield Electric
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Benicewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Biagiotti
Kathleen A. Birrane, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Birrane
Ed Block Courage Award Foundation, Inc.
BMW Construction
Stephen W. Boesel
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie L. Book
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Brake
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Bramble, Sr.
Susan & Tom Brennan
Brown Advisory
Mrs. Ellen Burger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Cahill
Call to Action Maryland – Latino Racial Justice Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Cangiarella
Patrick L. Casey
Fran & Tim Cashman
Catholic Community of South Baltimore
Mr. & Mrs. Torin T. Caverly
Mr. Samuel W. Chairs, Jr.

Charles A. Klein & Sons, Inc.
Chesapeake Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Chesapeake Professional Women’s Network, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Clancy
Mr. Dennis Clark & Ms. Nancy Scaggs
Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. M. Clemente
CMC Concrete Construction, Inc.
Cochran Tile
Connelly & Assoc. Fundraising, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Conrad
Cornerstone Financial, LLP
Cove Electric Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cress
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Croteau
The Estate of John D. Cullen*
Mr. Joseph M. Cunningham
D.F. Dent & Company
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Dagenais
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Daley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay D. Dryden III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Duffy
Mr. Joseph C. Dukehart
Ellin& Tucker, Chartered
Arnold & Robyn Eppel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Evans
Mrs. Lynn A. Farrell, CPA
Mrs. Beulah M. Feezer
Rev. Martin E. Feild
The Fields Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fine
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fiore
The Estate of Lillian Fox*
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Franasiak
Dave & Cindy Franchak
Mr. & Mrs. George H. French III
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fries III
Mr. Mark Fulchino& Ms. Aimee O’Neill
Mrs. Dorothy T. Furnary
Liz & Bill Fusting
F. Paul Galeone, Photographer, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Gaeng
Jerry & Carolyn Geraghty
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gillich
Ms. Susan E. Gilmore
Saul & Pat Gilstein
Give with Liberty
Mr. Jason R. Glatt
Global HVAC
Eunhae M. Gohng, Esq.
Mr. Mario Golle Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Goody

Mr. & Mrs. W. Kyle Gore
Mr. Kingdon Gould, Jr.*
W. R. Grace Foundation, Inc.
Greater Severna Park Mother’s Club I
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gross
Mr. Peter Guattery& Ms. Su Yun Chang
Ms. Gen Haines
Dan Hale & Kim Norman
Michael & Ann Hankin
Mrs. Lindsay Hardesty
Hartman Executive Advisors
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellauer, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Herget, Jr.
Mr. Greg Hermandorfer
Hirsch Electric, Inc.
HMS Insurance Associates, Inc.
Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
Gerry & Connie Holthaus
Holy Family Catholic Church
Dr. & Mrs. Freeman A. Hrabowski III
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Huber
Mr. Michael C. Janus
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Jones, Jr.
Mr. Peter E. Keith, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Kelly III
Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Kendall
Ms. Tanya M. King
Knollwood Investment Advisory, LLC
Knott Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kohr, Jr.
Krick Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc.
Mr. Walter Kuhn
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine H. Lanzi
Mr. & Mrs. Leon R. LaPorte
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lawless
Lewis Contractors
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Lopez
Loyola University Maryland

Rev. Msgr. Joseph L. Luca
Madison Mechanical, Inc.
Ms. Anne V. Majerik
Marks, Thomas Architects, Inc.
Maryland Branch of the Shut-In Society of Baltimore City
Mr. John P. Mazz
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. McAndrews
Paul & Chris McBride
Mrs. Marie C. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. William D. McCloskey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. McKenna
M. Natalie McSherry, Esq.
Mr. James M. Merwald
Ms. Peggy A. Meyer
Mr. Charles A. Meyers, Jr.
Miles White Beneficial Society
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morgan
Ms. Cassie Motz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Muldowney
NAF Financial Services
The Estate of Leonard E. Narcavage*
Ms. Katharine E. Nardone
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Nicholas
Carroll & Mary Ellen Nordhoff
Kate & Matt Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Norman
Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment
Number Ten Foundation, Inc.
Joseph H. O’Leary, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Orrson
Mrs. Margaret B. Otenasek
Mr. Leo Pacher
Ms. Teresa K. Paffenback
Mr. Stephen F. Page
Mr. Uriah Parker
Patriot Capital
People’s Bank
Ms. Hollis Ann Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr.
Mr. Matthew L. Pirnot, Esquire
Ms. Diane Polk
CDR & Mrs. Armando Ramirez
Jim & Agnes Redifer
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon A. Reid
Patrick &Stasia Reynolds
RFC, Inc.
Stephen & Jean Rogers
Roman Company, Inc.
Rome Technologies, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rowan
Rule 4, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Larry M. Sams
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Santangelo
Schaefer Mechanical Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic W. Schultz IV
Ms. Nita L. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Scully
Mr. Joel D. Seledee
Mr. Dave Shannon
Brian & Carol Sheahan
Mr. Steven Sinsabaugh
St. Bernadette Parish
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
St. Ignatius – Hickory
St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Community
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Stella Maris Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm N. Stewart
Ms. Kimberly Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Strom
Charles & Kathleen Stromberg
SunTrust United Way Campaign
Mr. Richard Tayag
Telligent Masonry, LLC
The Coastal Companies Foundation
The Cordish Companies / TheCordish Family Foundation, Inc.
The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation
Travelers Community Connections

Tufton Capital Management
United Way of Frederick County
Mr. Michael D. Vanous
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Vaughan
Ms. Kelly J. Vermace
Mrs. Anne B. Wagner
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Walter
Mrs. FranchellaPailen Watkins
Ms. Jeanne B. Weaver
Wellbridge Club Management LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Wendel
Ms. Shareeya Williams
Ms. Elizabeth Wright
Mr. Eugene L. Zorn
Loaves & Fishes Society ($1,000.00 + )
Anonymous (14)
1st Choice Realty, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Aaron
Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union
Acme Paper & Supply Co., Inc.
Dr. George W. Adams & Dr. Deborah Adams
The Adams Foundation
Ms. Christine A. Adkins
The Agora Companies
Mr. & Mrs. RemigioAlcaraz
Alco Doors
Mr. Kennard Allen
Mrs. Frances B. Allman
Mr. & Mrs. AuroAlmario
Apple Ford
Arborvitae Fund
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Aspell

The Association of Catholic Publishers, Inc.
Atlantic Financial Federal Credit Union
Atlantic Maintenance Group
Mrs. Patricia S. Aubele
The Rev. Msgr. John J. Auer Endowment Fund
Mr. Brett D. Ayotte
Dr. & Mrs. AzamBaig, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bair
Mr. Mike Baker
Bakery de France
Mrs. Peggy A. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Balhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Balmages
Mr. Jason Balog
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Barila
Barlow Concrete Construction, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Barnett
Mr. Robert S. Barranco, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Nasir Bashirelahi
Ms. Melissa J. Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Bauermann
Ms. Carol A Baumerich
Ms. Susan E. Beasley
Mrs. Laurie M. Beck
Ms. Marie H. Berge
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian G. Bergin
Mr. Michael F. Berkey
Mr. Bernard J. Bernadzikowski
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bice
Mr. Joseph E. Bigora
Mr. & Mrs. James Y. Blanchard
Mr. Robert Blee
Mrs. Betty Boaz
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo M. Boer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bogue, Jr.
Ms. Nancey Bohlen
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Boles
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Boos II
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bouyea
Mrs. Barbara A. Bowerman
Bowman Restaurant, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Lambert G. Boyce, Jr.
Bozzuto Group
Mr. Thomas F. Brady, Sr.
Ms. Theresa M.P. Brandt

Ms. Maria Braswell
Dr. & Mrs. Calvert R. Bregel, Jr.
Most Rev. Mark E. Brennan
Mr. Carl A. Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Brown III
Mrs. Paula Brown
Mrs. Donna Bruce
The Bryn Mawr School
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Buckman
Building Bridges Initiative Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Nigel Burdett
Mr. Ronald Burdinski
Ms. Allison Burger
Mr. George E. Burkhart, Jr.
Mr. Giles F. Burns
Mr. Joseph R. Butler
Mr. Kevin G. Byrnes
C & C Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Cadden
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Cahill
The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation
Ms. Deborah Cantales
Capital Bank N.A
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Capone
Cardinal Shehan School
Mrs. Mary Pat Cardoni
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Carducci
The Carrion &Flahavan Family Fund
Mr. Chad Carson
Ms. Janette L. Carson
Ms. Margaret M. Carthy
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Cashen
Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Cashen
Mrs. Susan T. Cashman
Centric Business Systems
The Thomas M. & Mary Chairs Family Fund
Charitable Marine Society
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Chrest
Christ Child Society of Annapolis
Ms. Renee Christoff
Cirdan Group, Inc.
Mr. Paul L. Cirincione
Mr. Guy P. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Ward B. Coe III
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne N. Collier
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Colombo
The Columbia Bank

The Comcast Foundation
Committee to Elect Bobby Zirkin
Ms. Maria Helena Condez
Ms. Rosemary Connolly
Dr. & Ms. John V. Conte, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. James Corwin
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Counselman
Ms. Ingrid C. Coutts
Ms. Amy Coveyou
Mr. & Mrs. M. Jenkins Cromwell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Crumbling
CSC ServiceWorks
D & H Trucking, Inc.
Mr. Peter Thomas D’Agostino
Mr. Brian B. Daily
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Daley III
Mrs. Rowena Daly
Mrs. Jane W. Daniels
Mr. Lowman G. Daniels
Mr. Raymond C. Daue, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis
Davis Unlimited Information Technologies, Inc.
The Christopher & Karen Deaver Family Fund
Ms. Mary Alice Delaney
Mrs. Doris Dengler*
Ms. Reneira B. DeSilva
Mr. Douglas W. Desmarais
Mr. Patrick B. Dever
Ms. Alice M. Dillon
Mrs. Sue A. Dillport
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Dinoto, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Dion
Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. DiPaola
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dodson
Don White’s Timonium CJD
Mr. Anthony J. Dondero
Ms. Harriet J. Dopkin
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Dotterweich, Jr.
Mr. James Michael Doty
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Driggs
Ms. Sharon A. Dudek
Mr. Jerrel Duffy, Jr.
Dunbar Armored
Echo Effect

Ms. Stephanie Angelos Eckhart
Emory University
Empowerment Bakery, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Endres, Jr.
Envirocon Associates, Inc.
Ms. Betty J. Espinoza
Ms. Pamela Y. Faulkner
Mr. Charles C. Fenwick, Jr.
Fernando Paints, Inc.
Fidelity Mechanical Services
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Fiery III
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Fillmore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Finelli
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Finigan
Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Fitzsimmons, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Florenzo
FMB Laundry Inc.
Mr. Brendan F. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Ford, Jr.
Form Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Frace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Francisco
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Franke
Mr. George Franz
Fred Frederick Chrysler, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Frederick, Jr.
Ms. Catherine A. Fritz
Ms. Noreen A. Frost
Mrs. Anna Fuller
G.T. Brothers, Inc.
Mrs. F. DesalesGaeng
Mr. Louis P. Galambos
Jack Gallagher
Ms. Helene T. Grady & Mr. Matthew D. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Garpstas
Todd & Cara Garside
Mrs. Joan Peters Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Cutberto Garza
Mr. Mark Garzon
Mr. George Gayno
GE United Way Campaign
General Electric (GE) Appliances
A.C. & Kathryn George
Mr. Gary Getz
Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Gibbs
Gilchrist Hospice Care
Ms. Megan Gillick

Mrs. Jeanette M. Glose-Partlow, Esq.
Mr. Clarence C. Glover
Good Samaritan Hospital
Mrs. Jana L. Goodney-Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scott Goodwin
Mr. Matthew F. Gorra
Dr. & Mrs. DheerajGoswami
Mr. William C. Gough
Mr. Joseph Sebastian Grabenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Grady
Alec Graham
Mrs. Pamela W. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Greenberg
Wendy & Ben Griswold
Mr. Frank D. Grosshans
Mr. Joshua H. Guerke
Ms. Mary M. Gunning
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Hackbarth
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hahn
Mr. Keith Hahn
Mr. Charles E. Hall
Mr. Fred C. Hallahan, Jr.
Ms. Jean C. Halle
Hamel Builders Inc.
Mrs. Victoria C. Hammond
Ms. Gigi Hampshire
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Hannan
Ms. Kelly Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Hanssen
The Harford Mutual Insurance Company
Mrs. Mary D. Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hartman
Martin C. Hauf
Hayes Construction
Ms. Margaret Hayes
Ms. Margaret J. Hayes
Haymaker Technologies, Inc.
HC Association of Realtors, Inc.
HDG United Methodist Church
Health Care for the Homeless
Ms. Rebecca Heidkamp
The Estate of Majorie Leigh Hendricks*
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Henn, Jr.
Mr. James Herron
Ms. Eva H. Hill
Ms. Vicki Hineline
Ms. Rosemary C. Hines

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua P. Hochschild
Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Congregation
Mr. Lawrence L. Hooper, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Hooper
Eleanor Clark Horak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Huber
Nancy & Fred Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Hurson
Ms. Marian Iannuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Imhoff, Jr.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Dr. & Mrs. Peter C. Innis
Interstock Premium Cabinetry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Jacapraro
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart S. Janney III
Mr. Kasmier S. Jarosz
Jason Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
JBT Real Estate Enterprises LLC
Jiffy Lube / Multi Management, Inc.
John S. Connor, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Johnson
Johnson, Mirmiran& Thompson
Mr. Gregory D. Jones
Jones Junction, Inc.
Miss Laurie A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Emile T. Kalil
Mary Ellen & Leon Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Keegan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keegan, Jr.
Mr. W. Brian Keegan
Mr. Paul W. Keene
Ms. Bess Keller & Mr. Michael L. Terrin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Kelly
Fr. Doug Kenney
Julie & Charlie Kernan
Mr. & Mrs. Roy F. Kilby
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. King
Ms. Marianne P. Kinkopf
Mr. Edward J. Kirk, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Klein
Mr. Michael F. Klein
Mr. Kevin Klenkel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Knudsen III
Nicholas J. Koas
Ms. Linda A. Koban

Mr. Raymond C. Koehler
Ms. Kathleen C. Konopik
Mr. Stephen C. Konsowski
Mr. & Mrs. Craig V. Kotras
Rev Richard Kramer
Ms. Mary E. Kranzlin
Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. LaFerriere
Mr. Edward G. Lain
Anne P. & Victor J. Lancelotta
Mrs. Anne C. Landry
Ms. Andrea Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Langhirt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Langmead
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lanier
Traci Lavalle
Mrs. Patricia A. Lavenstein
Mr. Daniel A. Law
Mr. Eduardo P. Layug
John I. Leahy, Sr.
Renee & Michael Leary
Ms. Chongeun Lee
Mr. Richard LeFever
Mr. Jeffrey A. Legum&Legum Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Lenus
Mr. Frank E. Leonhartt
Mr. & Mrs. W. Robert Lepczyk, Sr.
Ms. Marie Louise Lerch
Kim & Keith Lewis
Frank & Mary Carol Lidinsky
Dr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lilly
Fr. George A. Limmer
Mr. Barry Linkner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Logue
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Long
Lowery Construction Company Inc.
Loyola Blakefield High School
Mr. Stuart M. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Luthy
Mr. & Mrs. Clement H. Lutterodt
Mrs. Cynthia I. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Lynch
Ray, Ray Jr., Linda & John Lynn
CDR Mark Maglin
Mr. Joseph E. Maley
Mrs. Lynne J. Malley

Mr. Gerald V. Maltagliati
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Manekin
Ms. Rosalie J. Mangen
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Mannix
Mr. & Ms. Jeffrey H. Dunn
Mr. John A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Martineau
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Martinko
Mr. RohitMarwaha& Ms. Susan Bahl
Mary Kraft Talent Acquisition & Management
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Mathews, Jr.
Dr. Faith Mauro-Huse& Mr. Dennis Mauro-Huse
Mr. Robert P. May
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mayden
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McBryan
Sarah McCafferty& Andrew Lapayowker
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McCormick
Mr. Michael J. McCormick Jr.
Ms. ApreneaMcCutchen
Mr. & Mrs. James M. McDonald
McDonnell Landscape, Inc.
Mrs. R. Hope McElwain
Ms. Shelley B. McGarry
Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan
Mr. Hugh D. McGuirk
Mr. Timothy McGurkin
Mr. & Mrs. John I. McKenna, Jr.
Mr. Stephen McKenna
Mr. Joseph B. McMahon
Ms. Christie Devore McMullen
Rev. John E. McMurry
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meehan, Jr.
Mr. Jonathan A. Melnick
Ms. Rita Mendl& Mr. David Ward
Mrs. Anyeley Mensah
Carolyn & Michael Meredith
The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.
Ms. Cheryl A. Mickel
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Miglioretti
Dr. Arthur Milholland& Dr. Luann Mostello
Mr. & Mrs. Jan P. Miller
Ms. Maryhelen Miller
Mr. Robert L. Miller, Jr.

Skip & Fran Minakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Minter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Mirabelle
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Mistichelli
Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Mitchell
Ms. Patricia J. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Mooney III
Mr. Matthew S. Moore
Morabito Consultants, Inc.
Ms. Deborah A. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Mrowca
Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church
Mrs. Floraine K. Muffoletto
The Mullen Contracting Company
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Murphy
The Bishop P. Francis Murphy Justice & Peace Fund*
Ms. Maureen Murray
Mr. William F. Myrons
Peter & Diane Nachtwey
Ms. Andrea Naft
Karen & Jeff Nattans
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin F. Nehrenz
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Nerf, Jr.
New Century Construction, Inc.
New Life Mennonite Church Inc.
Mr. Phil Newcomer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Newton
Mr. Alexander G. Nunez
Mr. Peter M. O’Brien
Mr. James P. O’Conor
Mr. James N. O’Donnell
Mr. James E. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil
Mr. Joseph F. Opert
Ms. Conrad F. Orloff
Mr. Feliberto Ortiz
Ms. Erin Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. O’Shea
Our Lady of Victory Church
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church
Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Owen
Ms. Rebecca Owens
Bruce & Tracy Palmieri
Ms. Linda Lee Panlilio

Mrs. Joan A. Para Miller
Mr. Wayne Park
Ms. Connie Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Paterson
PCF Management, Inc.
Mrs. Helene F. Perry
Mr. Thomas G. Peters
Ms. Joann N. Pettinicchio
Bob & Elaine Pevenstein
Mr. Richard V. Piel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Pilotte
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Plevyak
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Poggi
Mr. Alexander D. Politis
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Pomplon, Jr.
Pope John Paul – The Great Council 13859
Mrs. Glenda F. Porter
Mr. David Powell
Ms. Kathleen Ann Power
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Preacher, Jr.
Mary Louise & Frederick Preis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Prelewicz
Ms. Virginia Price
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Propeller Club of Baltimore
Ms. Rebecca R. Puente
Ms. Anne E. Quirk
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Ramirez
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rao
Mr. Bryan J. Reddix
Dr. Shirley Reddoch& Mr. Gregg Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Reese, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Regis F. Reft
Mr. Louis M. Rehak, Jr.
Mr. Michael Reinartz
Mr. & Hugh D. Reitmeyer
Resurrection of Our Lord
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. Reynolds
Alison & Arnold Richman
Mrs. Margaret Knott Riehl
Mr. Robert Rininger
Jon Risser Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Grant F. Roch
Mr. John E. Rock III
Mr. & Mrs. Theo C. Rodgers

Rogers-Wilbur Foundation, Inc.
Roland Slate Service Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Roman
Dr. Ellen Anne Rorke
Ms. Coral V. Ross
Ms. Eleanor Pat Ross
Mr. Michael Ross
Mr. & Mrs. James Rothschilds
Mr. Stephen Ruane
Wendy & Mike Ruck, Sr.
Mr. & Mr. Randall P. Rupp
The Honorable George L. Russell, Jr.
Mr. T. Edgie Russell III
Gail G. & David M. Rust
Ms. Diane L. Ryan
Mr. Frank Ryan
The A.J. Sackett & Sons Company
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sadler
Saint Michael’s College
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfredo Santos, Jr.
Mr. Peter J. Savage
Fr. Mitchell Sawicki
Saxon’s Diamond Centers, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Schauble
Mrs. Beverly A. Scheel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Scheurich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Schmidt
Mr. William J. Schmidt III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Schneider
Mr. Jeff Schoenborn
Mr. Gerald J. Schreiber
Ms. Barbara C. Schumann
Ms. Maia Scordo
Mr. Richard T. Sebrosky
Mr. Daniel L. Seitz
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Seneschal
Mrs. Lee D. Sensinger
Service Master of Baltimore
Mr. Daniel O. Shackelford
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Shafer
Mr. Rajeev Sharma
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Shatus
Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Shorb
Ms. Beverly A. Sikora
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Simon
Sinclair Broadcast Group
Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Peter Singleton

Ms. Darlene A. Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Skojec
Mr. & Mrs. F. Nelson Smith III
Mrs. Tiffany Smith
Dr. & Mrs. William I. Smulyan
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Smyth
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snell
Mrs. Rita M. Solinsky
Scott & Mimi Somerville
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Sproat
St. Anthony’s Shrine
St. Christopher by the Sea
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Community
St. Joseph on Carrollton Manor
St. Mark Church – St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Patrick Celebrations, Inc.
St. Paul Catholic Church
St. Peter’s Catholic Church
St. Stephen Church – Ladies of Charity
Mr. Peter W. Stanford
Mr. John F. Stann Jr.
Ms. Therese Staudenmaier
Mrs. Catherine M. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Stoy, Jr.
Strategic Wealth Management Group, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Strott
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Summers
Sunrise Safety Services, Inc.
Ms. Barbara U. Sutton
Mrs. Judith Sykes
Mr. James S. Szczybor
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Taneyhill D.D.S.
Rev. Warren V. Tanghe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Tarola
Ms. Angelina F. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Taylor
TE SubCom
Mr. Mark P. Teeters
Mr. Kenneth Thierer
Ms. Ann Marie Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Thomas
Helene & Gregory Thoreson
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Tierney

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Tighe
Tom White & Associates, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tomchik
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Tomko
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Trawinski
Mr. Mark C. Treanor
Trexler Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Richard E. Troy
Raymond G. Truitt & Mary K. Tilghman
Frank K. Turner, Jr.
Dr. Kevin J. Twohig
United Way Metro Chicago
United Way Of Delaware, Inc.
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
University of Maine
Mr. Thomas J. Urban
USNA Religious Offerings Fund
Manny & Joyce Uy
Joseph Vach
Mr. David M. Vahos
Mr. Stephen R. Valancius
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Van Dyke
Ms. Irene E. Van Sant
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Varteresian
Ed & Gail Veilleux
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Veise, Jr.
Ms. Mary C. Vernetson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Via
Ms. Marie Villegas
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Voelkel
Dr. Ralph John Volino
Mr. Stuart A. Vosburg
Mrs. Carol S. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Walls
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Ms. Mary Judith Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Wanex, Jr.
Mr. Craig Watson
Watson Hall Partners, LLC
WBCM Construction Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Webbert
Mrs. Valerie D. Weems
Mrs. Loretta Weinman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Werthman
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Wesley

Magda C. Westerhout& Mark Mobley
Ms. Jean White
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. White
Mr. & Mrs. W. Daniel White
Mr. Steven A. Whitesell
Kevin & Laura Wille
David & Kathleen Willis
Ms. Brenda D. Wilson
Mr. Edward P. Wilson
Dr. Mary Ann Wilson & Dr. Randy Kimble
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Wist
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Woerner
Wolf Fire Protection, Inc.
Mrs. Susan A. Wolman / The Wolman Family Foundation
Woman’s Club of Towson
Ms. Cynthia L. Wood
Ms. Marjorie A. Wood
Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church
Ms. Karen R. Wulff
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wurst
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Wyatt
Mr. Louis C. Yakstis
Ms. Simone M. Youngblood
Steven A. Zabicki, Jr.* & Son
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Zorzi

Good Samaritan Society

Catholic Charities recognizes as members of the Good Samaritan Society individuals who have made provisions for our work through their wills, life-income gifts, beneficiary designations or trusts. Catholic Charities deeply appreciates the forethought and generosity that have made these donors lasting partners in our work.

Rev. Msgr. Nicholas Amato
Mr.*& Mrs. Richard L. Angerer
Rev. Msgr. John J. Auer
Mr. Gordon J. Backert
Miss Geraldine M. Banachowska
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mrs. Joan A. Bennetts
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Brainerd

Mr. Allan Breller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bullinger
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Burke
Mr. Denis Callaghan & Ms. Catherine Bray
Mr. Paul C. Campbell*
Rev. Patrick M. Carrion
Mr. Carl J. Case
Mr. Samuel W. Chairs, Jr.
Ms. Rosemary Ciaudelli-Grace
Ms. Jane O. Clark
Mr. Wesley Todd Clark
Ms. Geraldine B. Coleman
Mr. Gregory D. Conderacci
Rev. Msgr. Paul G. Cook
Mrs. Dawn L. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crone
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Deaver
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Del Collo
Mr. George F. Derr III
Ms. Reneira B. DeSilva
Ms. Patricia Dickson
Mrs. Barbara A. Donohoe
Mrs. Sonia A. Drinks
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn III
Ms. Lorraine Emond
Mr. Julio Esteban, Jr.
Ms. Catherine Ellen Etchison
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Evans III
Mrs. Marianne M. Faulstich
Dr. Robert S. Fitzgerald
Mr. Ethan C. Flint
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gabriel
Mr. Philip J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Mario J. Gatti
Mr. Don M. Goeller
Fr. Steve D. Gosnell
Mr. Joseph Sebastian Grabenstein
Mrs. Barbara K. Gunther
Mrs. Susie A. Harding
Mr. John Hartman
Mr. James E. Hauf
Mr. Thomas Hecht
Mr. Eugene D. Heiss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellauer, Jr.
Mr. Leroy J. Hook, Jr.
Eleanor Clark Horak

Mr. Joseph A. Hosky
Mr. Joseph Jeppi, Jr.
Mrs. Phyllis Jicha
Ms. Brenda D. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Jordan III
Dr. & Mrs. Juan M. Juanteguy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Kazlo
Mr.*& Mrs. Leon Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Kettering II
Ms. Ruth S. Kidwell
Ms. Nancy L. Kimmons
David & Kristen Kinkopf
Mrs. Joan Kolobielski
Mr. Stephen G. Konsowski*
Dr. Juliana Simmons Kopec
Mrs. Mary Lina Kosicki
Mrs. Mary Lou Krick
Mr. & Mrs. Leon R. LaPorte
Mrs. Glova J. Lowman
Mrs. Ruth M. Luna-Place
Dr. Michael J. Lynch & Dr. Mary Lee Lynch
Mrs. Simone Malick
Mr. Grover V. Martin
Mrs. Constance H. Matousek
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. McDermott
Mrs. Eileen S. McGrow
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McGurn
Rev. Msgr. George B. Moeller
Ms. Ana Jeannette Mollenkopf
Mrs. Mary Carbery B. Morrow
Ms. Maureen Murray
Mr. Stephen F. Page
Ms. Georgianna Papazian
Mrs. Nancy T. Perry
Mr. Thomas G. Peters
Mr. Kenneth L. Plante*
Mr. Burgoyne H. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Puglia
Ms. Ruth Pundt
Mr. Francis H. Rasmus, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Gerard Reid
Mrs. Susan G. Riccio
Ms. Jean R. Rosenberg
Ms. Irene J. Roskey
Ms. Rebecca Rothey
Mr. T. Edgie Russell III
Ms. Catherine R. Sanders

Mr. Robert Schrader
Mr. Paul D. Schwind
Mr. Richard T. Sebrosky
Miss Margaret M. Sellmayer
Mr. & Mrs. Truman T. Semans
Mr. Vincent D. Sexton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Shatus
Mrs. Anne D. Shelton
Mrs. Anna May Shimkus
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Smith
Mr. Kirby C. Smith
Scott & Mimi Somerville
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Stricker, Sr.
Ms. Mary Lou Stromer
Mrs. Judith Sykes
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Taneyhill D.D.S.
Mrs. Dorothy A. Thomas
Ms. Sharon Yvonne Thomas
Mr. Charles P. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall F. Thompson
Mr. Thomas Toporovich
Mr. Robert L. Torr
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore P. Torrisi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Travieso
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Turnbaugh
Mrs. Rosalie Tydings
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wagner
Mrs. Carol A. Wallace
Mr.*& Mrs. Charles G. Walsh
Mrs. Gloria M. West
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. White
Mr. Nveong Yi
Mr. Lawrence G. Young*
Mrs. Carol A. Zieba
Mr. Steven A. Zabicki, Jr.*


With Gratitude

With deep gratitude, we prayerfully remember these individuals who remembered the agency and our programs with gifts in their will between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.

Ms. Carryl J. Calvert
Ms. Rita Cea
Mr. John D. Cullen

Mr. John D. Cullen
Ms. Lillian V. Cunningham
Mr. Carlo J. DaCampo
Ms. Beatrice J. Dunphy
Mr. Nicholas G. Economy
Ms. Lillian Fox
Mr. Robert E. Hecht, Sr.
Ms. Marjorie L. Hendricks
Mrs. Sally J. Hester
Mr. Stephen G. Konsowski
Mr. Edward J. McCarthy
Ms. Patricia C. McDaniel
Mr. Leonard E. Narcavage
Ms. Sally G. Palmbaum
Mrs. Margaret M. Prendergast
Mrs. Genevieve Schiller
Mr. Samuel U. Schultz
Mr. Melvin J. Sykes
Mr. John P. Thompson
Mrs. Martha Vaeth
Dr. Mario Vahos
Ms. Rita L. Waller
Ms. M.T. Susan Wood
Ms. Mary Jean Yealdhall
Mr. Julius Zulver

Legacy of Light

These individuals have endowed their annual support through a gift to Catholic Charities Legacy of Light Fund. Through their generosity, their annual support of Catholic Charities will last a lifetime.

Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Evans III
Mr. Phillip J. Gallagher
Mr. Joseph Sebastian Grabenstein
Ms. Georgianna Papazian
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stromberg
Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbaugh
Ms. Maxine Verdier
Mr. Lawrence G. Young

Employee Giving

A special thanks to the Catholic Charities employees who empower our mission each day. Those listed below generously share their personal resources through the Employee Giving Campaign to support those we serve during the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.

Anonymous (73)
Erika Abrams
Julian Allen
Coryetha Arrington
Toni Asher
Laura Ather
Bonnie Baker
Denise Barber
Michael S. Barber
Denise Barnes
Rhonda L. Battle
Scott W. Becker
Rosaline M. Beinke
Donna Bosley Walker
YaneldisBoullon Delgado
Michael Brown
Tierra Brown
Ezra Buchdahl
Rhea Butler
Agatha Callahan
Frances Callis
Janette Carson
Marianne Cernosek
Marsha Chandler
Fr. Ray Chase
Mary Choplick
Celena Christian
Jane V. Clayborne-Khattak
Kathleen A. Clemente
Amy N. Collier
Ida Collins
Andrea Commarata
Jennifer Concepcion
Donna Conneely
Julie Crawford Guy
Molly Daeschner
Rowena Daly
Eugena Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Davis
Tracy Delozier
Mi’ChelleDeNye Holland
Sharon Ditzel
Wardi Donnelly
Izabella Downs

Stephanie A. Eckhart
Arnold Eppel
Kia Evans
Caroline & Daniel Falvey
Matt Fedorowski
Trey Fisher
Rosey Floyd-Huger
Carl Fornoff
Rex Foster
Stephine Foster
Sue & Jeff Franklin
Lynlee Friia
Terri Gianforte
Susan E. Gilmore
Carlo Gizzi
Barbara Goldner
Angela Gorens
Cynthia Grosberg
Michael Gross
Lisa Gudavich
Mary M. Gunning
Gen Haines
Victoria C. Hammond
Jessica Holmes
Barbara Holt
Genese Hubbard
Gregory Johnson
Katherine Johnson
Kaylah M. Johnson
Robin D. Johnson
Trina Jones-Brown
Katrina Joyner-Briscoe
Maria Kachik
Kimberlee Kahl
Kevin Keegan
John Kirby
Julie E. Kolankiewicz
Mary Kottraba
Liz Kraus
Dolores J. Krysiak
Chantal Lake
Rodney Lee
Cindy Lueckert
Cynthia Lutz
Susan Madder
Sharon Maddox
Bonnie March
Lisa R. Marpoe
Greg Marshburn
Kevin A. Mason
Mead Mason
Tony Matthews

Maria & Bill McCarthy
Cathy McClain
Mary Ann McCloskey
Kathleen McCosh
Sarah McIlvried
Eugenia L. McKenny
Eileen Meagher
Cherie Melton
Jean Merrick
Charlene Michaloski
Barbara J. Miller
Betty Mitchell
Nicole Montez
Cheryl Moore
Amanda Morlok
Morgan Muse Rouse
Valencia Nelson
Patricia Newman
Mary Anne O’Donnell
Emmanuel Ogunsemowo
Joseph H. O’Leary, M.D.
Walter Outlaw
Gloria Oversmith
Desiriee Parker
Rochell Pasco
Debra Pease
Kathryn E. Philliben
Katherine Phillips
Diane Polk
Thea A. Powell
Joan & Brennan Prodey
Margarita Quashie
Elizabeth Wyatt Rahl
CDR Armando & Mrs. Natalie Ramirez
Ruth R. Rich
Kay Richardson
Tanya Ritter
Doris L. Robinson
Richard Robinson
Betty J. Rogers
Coral V. Ross
Patricia Ross
Kim Rowlette

Lisa Samuels
Tammie Sanders
Cara P. Schaefer
Crystal Sedgwick
Demetria Sellman
Lisa A. Serfass
Phyllis Sewell
George G. Shaffa
Diane Shannon
Michelle Smalls
Alyscia D. Smith
Anna Smith
Lisa Smith
Winifred Smith
Debra B. Sorrells
Isazetta A. Spikes
Sandra Squire
Susanna Stafford
Kara Stambach
Alicia M. Stanley
Rebecca Stein
Jacquelyn Steuerman
Allison Stone
Susan F. Straus
Tazaa M. Sweeney
Kim Tate
Nancy Thomas
Mary Toler
Brian Trees
Valerie Twanmoh, Esq.
Giuliana C. Valencia-Banks
Christopher R. Vaughan
Regan K. Vaughan
Keith A. Vendouern
Jackie Venia
Kelly J. Vermace
Kathleen Vinton
Laurie Vozzella-Bell
Valerie D. Weems
Terry Weigel
Ivonna Williams
Marsha Wilson
Thi Win
Corey Winfield
Thelma Winn
Leslie Womack
JoAnne M. Woolley
James Zeauskas
Carol A. Zieba


(Unaudited, In Millions)

June 30, 2018June 30, 2017
Cash, Accounts Receivable and Other Assets
Property and Equipment, Net
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable, Accrued Expenses and Other Liabilities
Capital Advances
Mortgages and Bonds Payable
Total Liabilities
Revenue and Expenses$113$117
Contributions, Fundraising and Donated Goods and Services
Program Service Fees and Other
Total Operating Revenue
Salaries and Benefits
Total Operating Expenses
Income from Operations Before Depreciation
Endowments and Other Gifts
Net Investment Income and Other
Change in Net Assets

2018 - Uses of Operating Funds




people found jobs


incidents intervened in by Safe Streets of Sandtown-Winchester, preventing them from becoming violent

The people of Catholic Charities’ Safe Streets of Sandtown-Winchester work some of the most difficult streets in West Baltimore, helping to resolve conflicts before they escalate into violence. The community knows them and trusts them. Often, people tempted toward violence come to them to ask for help.


people received emergency services and/or case management



unaccompanied minors were reunited with family or sponsors

The policy separating children from parents at the border began in April 2018, in the last quarter of FY18. Since that time, the youngest unaccompanied minor who came to us for help was 19 months old. The policy was later revised. More:


immigrants received health care at our clinic rather than using emergency rooms

Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for any form of health insurance or payment assistance. When these individuals are sick or injured and need care, they tend to use emergency rooms. Diverting emergency room use through local health clinics like ours means compassionate, responsible care that reduces cost system-wide.


adults with intellectual or development disabilities called a Gallagher Services residence home. On average, 65 worked in a paying job, vocational work, or vocational training at some point during FY18.



of students at St. Vincent's Villa made progress in reading, math, and social-emotional goals

St. Vincent’s Villa is the only residential comprehensive treatment and education option in Maryland for families with children under 10 who have serious learning, emotional or behavioral challenges. Students with challenges too significant for traditional schools attend Villa Maria School while living at St. Vincent’s Villa. More:


of our Head Start children were deemed as meeting expectations and/or being fully ready for kindergarten

Early childhood education, including development, is a key component of long-term success in school. Catholic Charities operates Head Start and Early Head Start programs in Baltimore, Baltimore County and Carroll County. Early Head Start serves children from infancy to age 3. Head Start helps children ages 3–5 develop and prepare for kindergarten.



homes offered to low-income seniors in need of help to live independently

Our Support Services Program in senior care is a Congregate Housing Services Program subsidized by the Maryland Department of Aging. It is for people 62 or older who have some difficulty with essential activities of daily living, and is offered for low- or very-low income seniors. The program helps to avoid or delay higher levels of care.



people, including children, received behavioral health care

Catholic Charities provides a wide range of behavioral health services for adults, children and families. Our care includes residential, educational, community, and school-based programs. In addition to 12 behavioral health clinics and a number of other programs in eight jurisdictions, we work in 175 public and 16 parochial schools to provide direct treatment, case management, consultation, and support. These schools are located in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Harford and Washington Counties.


of adults and young adults showed improvement in their mental health after receiving care



volunteers gave 203,980 hours in service to our programs and initiatives

Our volunteers are a critical part of what we do every day to serve our neighbors in need. Become a volunteer!


Most Rev. William E. Lori, Chair
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Ex Officio

Mary Ann Scully, President
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Howard Bancorp / Howard Bank

Paul J. Bowie, Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
The Allegis Group

George J. Kilroy, Treasurer
Community Volunteer

William J. McCarthy, Jr., Secretary
Executive Director
Associated Catholic Charities, Inc.
Ex Officio

David W. Kinkopf, Attorney
Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP

Theresa D. Becks
Community Volunteer

Stephen J. Bisciotti
Baltimore Ravens

Edwin J. Bradley, Jr.
Director of Stewardship
Church of the Nativity

Most Reverend Mark E. Brennan
Titular Bishop of Rusubisir
Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore

Patricia M. C. Brown
President, Johns Hopkins HealthCare LLC,
President, Johns Hopkins Employer Health
Programs, Senior Vice President, Johns Hopkins
Medicine Managed Care & Population Health,
Senior Counsel, Johns Hopkins Health System

Martin P. Brunk
Office Managing Partner

Marc G. Bunting
Chief Financial Officer
Alpine Bagel and Brews

Kevin B. Cashen
Queenstown Bank

Robert T. Cawley
RCM&D, Inc.

Edward K. Dunn, III, Partner
Brown Advisory

Ralph W. Emerson, Jr., Senior Vice President
M&T Bank

Matthew D. Gallagher, President & Chief Executive Officer
Goldseker Foundation

Eunhae M. Gohng, Esq. Attorney at Law/Of Counsel
Sung and Hwang

Pamela W. Gray, Partner
SB & Company, LLC

John S. Halaby, Vice President
T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc.

Marianne Schmitt Hellauer, Partner

Mark P. Huston, President
Constellation Retail at Constellation
an Exelon Company

Reverend Charles D. (Dough) Kenney, Pastor
St. Peter the Apostle

Most Rev. Denis J. Madden
Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore
Vicar Bishop for the Newman Vicariate
Titular Bishop of Baia

Bronwyn Mayden, Executive Director of Promise Heights
Assistant Dean of Continuing Professional Education.
University of Maryland School of Social Work

Mark G. McGlone, Senior Vice President
PNC Capital Advisors, LLC

Catherine (Cassie) Motz, Executive Director
CollegeBound Foundation

Tamla Olivier, President & CEO
BGE Home and Constellation Home
Senior Vice President
Constellation Home

Most. Rev. Adam J. Parker
Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore,
Titular Bishop of Tasaccora

Brett Plano, Co-Founder and Owner
Plano-Coudon Construction

Mary Lousie, Community Volunteer

Michael R. Smith, Chief Financial Officer
McCormick & Company

John P. Stanton, Senior Vice President
General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Under Armour, Inc.

Arun Subhas, Partner
Ernst & Young LLP

Joseph A. Sullivan, President and Chief Executive Officer
Legg Mason, Inc.

Michael W. Walton, Managing Principal
Tower Hill Atlantic/Atlantic Investment Associates

J. Scott Wilfong, Community Volunteer
Plano-Coudon Construction

Catholic Charities Leadership Team

William J. McCarthy, Jr., Executive Director

Mary Anne O’Donnell, Assistant Director and Chief Administrative Officer

Scott W. Becker, Chief Financial Officer

Amy N. Collier, Director, Community Services

Arnold J. Eppel, Director, Senior Services

Kevin M. Keegan, Director, Family Services

Rita L. Walters, Chief Development Officer

How to Contact

Catholic Charities
320 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

How to Help

We are sustained by the generosity of our donors and funders who join us in living our values to love, to serve, to teach and to work for justice so that all may live their lives to the fullest. For information, please contact us at 667.600.2021 or, or visit our website at

Our 7,852 volunteers are an army of selfless people who lend their talents and time so that others’ lives may be improved in a multitude of ways. Opportunities
to improve lives are countless. For information, please contact us at 667.600.2024 or, or visit our website at