For 15 years, Loretta Frederick was a home health care aide. When the woman she was caring for passed away in June of 2007, Loretta was suddenly without a job. Unable to find new employment, she turned to her family who provided support for a short time, but eventually could no longer help. Loretta soon became homeless and began riding buses every night in order to stay off the streets. On August 17, she arrived at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center (MSPWC) where she found the resources to begin rebuilding her once stable life.
Loretta worked with a case manager at MSPWC, focusing on her immediate need – finding shelter. She was referred to and accepted by a local overnight shelter for women. She continued to come into MSPWC every day and worked diligently on both her short and long-term goals. On December 11, 2007, Ms. Loretta moved into My Sister’s Place Lodge, a transitional housing program for homeless women. Here, she was able to find a community of women and staff who could help her in obtaining medical, housing and employment services. On July 20, 2009, Ms. Loretta met her long-term goal and moved into her own affordable apartment in Baltimore City. Today, she continues to participate and mentor other women at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center.