Volunteer with Weinberg Housing & Resources Center
We have a lot going on at the Weinberg Housing and Resource Center (WHRC). We need volunteers! There is a list of open volunteer opportunities here. If you don’t see something that fits your interests, please contact our Volunteer Manager at 667-600-3236 or volunteerwhrc@cc-md.org, and tell us your ideas for new volunteer activities. Thank you for supporting WHRC.

Steps to Volunteer
- We recommend you learn about WHRC.
- Read all the Orientation Instructions on the right.
- Email the Volunteer Manager or click here to fill out an application.
- Watch the agency-wide Catholic Charities mission video.
- Attend orientation and service!
- Use this link to schedule more dates to serve through your Better Impact account, or donate an item from our wish list. We’d love to have you back!
Orientation Instructions
Q. Where do I sign up to volunteer?
A. Once you have read these Orientation Instructions and filled out the Volunteer Application, you will be able to select dates to serve. You must submit your request at least 2 business days in advance, though we recommend earlier if you have a specific date in mind or plan to bring a group.
Two business days before the service, we ask for a list of names/email addresses/birth dates of every volunteer attending. The group leader is responsible for ensuring every individual is aware of these Orientation Instructions.
Q. When are orientations held?
A. Meal service volunteers: Our colleagues Caitlin, Alethia or Kim will conduct a quick 30-minute orientation every day of the week at 4 p.m – right before dinner service. You may schedule your orientation the same day you serve (i.e. orientation at 4 p.m and serve dinner the same day 4:30-7:30 p.m).
Non-meal-service volunteers: If you are interested in another volunteer opportunity aside from meal service (workshop facilitator, administrative tasks, internships, etc.), please email the Volunteer Manager to fill out the Volunteer Application and then select a time to attend an orientation.
Q. When are service opportunities?
A. Breakfast is served from 5 a.m. until 7 a.m. Dinner is served from 4 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Some of our dates are full already, so it’s best to contact us with as much notice as possible. Other volunteer opportunities such as workshop facilitation, administrative tasks, internships, etc. can be more flexibly scheduled.
Q. What if I have to change my schedule?
A. We ask for 2 business days’ notice for any changes (lateness, absence or addition) – to schedule a service opportunity or to cancel an opportunity. We turn volunteers away if we are full according to the schedule, so your commitment is appreciated.
Q. What is the largest group size you can take?
A. We can only take groups of 7 people as a maximum, on most days.
Q. What is the minimum age to volunteer?
A. The minimum age to volunteer is 18 years old (if alone) or 14 years old (with an adult chaperone). Folks interested in volunteering under the age of 14 should contact the Volunteer Manager about scheduling a remote volunteer opportunity to serve our clients.
Q. What should I wear?
A. Please dress modestly, wearing loose-fitting clothing.
You must wear:
- Closed-toe shoes
- Pants or jeans (no shorts) — must go past your knees
- A top with sleeves (no tank tops)
- A hat, if you would prefer not to wear a hairnet while serving meals
- Leggings are not permitted.
Q. Can you provide letters for school, court, etc.?
A. We are happy to provide letters of verification of hours. Please notify the Volunteer Manager with 2 business days’ notice of any letters needed.
Q. Where are you located? Where should I park?
A. See directions and parking information.
Q. Where do I enter?
A. Please enter through the front door. Let the security guard know you are here to volunteer and he/she will direct you! Sign in at the front desk and take a corresponding nametag.
- Meal service GROUPS sign in on PINK sheets.
- Meal service INDIVIDUALS sign in on ORANGE sheets.
- Interns sign in on BLUE sheets.
- Program facilitators, info sessions, etc. sign in on GREEN sheets.
If you have questions, please ask the receptionist. For interviews or meetings, please ask for the Visitor sign in sheet.
Q. Should I bring anything with me?
A. Please leave as many of your personal items in your car as possible. We have a small area available for your coats, keys, purses, etc. Ask a staff member where it is safe to secure your belongings.
Q. Who should I introduce myself to?
The Volunteer Manager works daytime hours Monday through Friday, so you will likely get to know them. Please introduce yourself if you have not met them yet!
Familiarize yourself with the Operations Supervisor. They are your point person if anything were to happen or for any questions, if the Volunteer Manager is not present. They are also the point person in case of emergency – although the nearest staff person (Kitchen PA, your direct supervisor, security guard, etc.) will also know what to do.
If you are serving in the kitchen, you will meet the Kitchen Program Assistant (KPA). They will show you how the meal will work and how to complete all tasks in the kitchen!
Q. Where is the restroom?
A. You may use the restroom inside the staff lounge. Please ask a staff member to show you where it is.
IMPORTANT: There are staff in the kitchen all throughout the meal. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a staff person. If a client asks about housing, extra donations (clothes, toiletries), etc., refer them to the Operations Supervisor.
Most of our residents are very gracious and grateful people who we know very well. That said, we do serve a population of people who may have mental illness or addiction issues. They may have behaviors that are unfamiliar to you. If you have any problems or feel uncomfortable, please tell a staff person immediately. Again, thank you for being here to help serve many people in need.
Privacy: Please do NOT give any personal contact information to any resident/guest – no email, phone number, etc. If you are asked for that information, you may simply state “I am not able to give out that information, I’m sorry” or “I’ll have to check with the Volunteer Manager.” If a resident does ask you for your contact information, please let the Volunteer Manager know ASAP – they know not to do so. Please keep confidentiality in mind. Do not discuss residents’ names, personal information or details – either while volunteering or afterward.
Q. May I take photos?
A. Feel free to take photos of your group before or after, but please do NOT have any residents in the photos. You may ask staff members if they would like to be in the photos.
Q. What about my cell phone?
A. Please do not use cell phones while you are serving. If you have an important phone call or message to take, please step to the back or outside.
Thank you for your service! Email the Volunteer Manager to schedule more dates to serve, or donate an item from our wish list. We’d love to have you back!