The Samaritan Center
We provide clients in Baltimore City with direct financial assistance to help with rent and traveler’s assistance so they are better able to attain financial stability.
Contact us at My Sister’s Place Women’s Center
17 West Franklin St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
667-600-3700 EXT 20215
Open Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon.

The Samaritan Center in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Catholic Charities partners with Baltimore County on eviction prevention
The economic downturn associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for large parts of the U.S. housing market. This summer, one think tank estimated that more than 30 million renters in America could be [...]
Activists: House homeless at Baltimore hotels during pandemic
The Daily Record, By: Adam Bednar Daily Record Business Writer April 6, 2020 Housing advocates are calling on Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young to start moving homeless residents into hotels to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Baltimore [...]
“If Catholic Charities stopped feeding people … where would they eat?”
Cedric Howard, senior cook at Our Daily Bread Employment Center, arrives at work two hours early these days – but doesn’t mind the 4 a.m. start. “This place is like a lifesaver to me. I’m [...]