Special Educational Services

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Special Educational Services2018-08-01T18:54:15+00:00

Special Educational Services

St. Vincent’s Villa
St. Vincent’s Villa offers residential treatment and diagnostic services for children between the agesof 5 and 13 with significant emotional and behavioral challenges in a state of the art facility. LEARN MORE>>

Villa Maria School
The Villa Maria School offers intensive educational, clinical and diagnostic services for children and youth with emotional and learning disabilities. LEARN MORE>>

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Special Educational Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials

Three extraordinary stories of service

October 23rd, 2020|

In gratitude for more than 45 years of combined exemplary and humble service to neighbors in need, Catholic Charities will recognize three exemplary area servants the week of November 8. Mary Anne O'Donnell will receive [...]

Major movement for the mission

August 27th, 2020|

How far would you go to support a neighbor in need? More than 100 people joined together to go 1,300 miles for the Catholic Charities Mission to Move virtual event. The five-day step challenge, which [...]

The spirit of service for veterans in need

August 20th, 2020|

"I'm grateful for the deliveries. It's nice to receive the meals and to know the staff hasn't forgotten about us during this time," said Earl Robb. The 89-year-old Marine Corps veteran was referencing the weekly [...]

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