Out of school and out of work?
If you’d like to assist young adults 18 – 24 years of age with navigating beyond barriers, we are looking for mentors like you!
Can you:
- Take the lead in supporting a young person through an ongoing, one-to-one relationship
- Build the relationship by planning and participating in activities together
- Build self-esteem and motivation
Complete this application and attend our mentor training (via Zoom) on
Thursday, April 22, and Friday, April 23, 2021, 5 – 6:30 p.m. (both days)
For more information, contact: Mark Saunders msaunders@cc-md.org, 667-600-3451; Tracey Rice trice@cc-md.org, 667-600-3452

This program works in partnership with Baltimore City Community College, Truist, Per Scholas, Vehicles for Change, Youth Empowerment Society, and several Catholic Charities programs.
This program is sponsored by the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, the Baltimore Workforce Development Board, and multiple workforce partners. Level Up is 100% funded by the U.S. Department of Labor for professional workforce services.
Job skills training and stipends are provided in the following areas:
- IT support
- Early childhood education certification (teacher’s aide
or teacher in Head Start/Early Head Start) - Automotive tech (industry certification in light repair or
brake systems)
You already know this takes more than job training. Take advantage of a unique program that helps with your specific obstacles so you can find – and keep – a job that makes you feel good! That’s why we also offer:
- legal aid/expungement classes
- training on interviewing, résumé writing, and other professional and personal skills
- case management
- mental and behavioral health care, including substance
use disorder treatment - financial literacy
- GED certification
- entrepreneurial educational programming
- mentoring
- support for industry certification tests