Wish List for Gallagher Services
We can always use your help. Thank you for your support.
If you would like to donate an item or make a financial contribution, please contact Joanna Leuschner at jleuschner@cc-md.org.

The Things We Need Most, In Priority Order Are:
- DONATIONS (You can make your online donation here.) This is the best way to help the Center overall.
- VOLUNTEERS (Learn more about volunteering with us here.)
- GIFT CARDS (from food stores, Walmart and Target). These give us the most flexibility for filling immediate needs.
- IN-KIND DONATIONS, such as the items listed below. Please consider increasing the impact of your gift by organizing a donation drive.
- iPad
- Tablets
- Generators
- Heavy duty paper shredders
- High-efficiency front load washers and dryers
- Outdoor patio furniture
- Bath towels (new)
- Art Supplies/blank canvases
- Cases of water
- Blenders/food processors
- Crock Pots
- Cookware sets
- Vacuum cleaners
- Flashlights for emergencies
- Recreation equipment (basketballs, soccer balls, Frisbees, etc.)
- Puzzles with large pieces
- Office desks
- Office supplies
- Large flat screens for computers
- PC computer w/Microsoft Office
- Shrubs and flowers to landscape the homes
- Mulch
- Hedge trimmers
- Tree trimmers
- Tools for home repairs
- Dry/wet shop vacs
- Adult bicycle helmets (new)
Amazon Smile: Shop and Help Our Program Automatically
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The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Associated Catholic Charities when you use smile.amazon.com and designate Associated Catholic Charities. And, you can save time by shipping the order directly to us. Learn more about Amazon Smile here.