Family Respite Care
Catholic Charities’ Family Services Division offers one respite program for families.
Through planned time with a mental health professional, Catholic Charities Home-Based Respite Program provides a temporary break for parent(s), guardian(s) or caregiver(s) from the demands associated in caring for children and adolescents who have documented mental health challenges. LEARN MORE>>

Family Respite Care in the News, Stories & Testimonials
“If Catholic Charities stopped feeding people … where would they eat?”
Cedric Howard, senior cook at Our Daily Bread Employment Center, arrives at work two hours early these days – but doesn’t mind the 4 a.m. start. “This place is like a lifesaver to me. I’m [...]
Critical care: agile response in an unprecedented crisis
(Baltimore - March 16, 2020) - As Marylanders find themselves increasingly restricted by the dangerous community spread of COVID-19, Catholic Charities is working to provide agile and creative responses to ensure care for those most [...]
How we’re responding to COVID-19
(Baltimore - March 12, 2020) - At Catholic Charities, the safety and security of those we serve, and of our colleagues, volunteers and visitors, is paramount. We do not turn away individuals who need assistance we [...]