Esperanza Center
AVISO: Esperanza Center a S. Broadway estará cerrado TEMPORALMENTE a partir del 7 de septiembre, debido a un incendio en un edificio al lado. Favor de volver a consultar esta página o llame al 667-600-2900 para más noticias. Gracias por su paciencia.
El Esperanza Center es un centro de recursos que ofrece esperanza y servicios importantes a los inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos. Inmigrantes de todas partes del mundo han recibido recursos y guía compasiva en el Esperanza Center desde 1963. Nuestro equipo dedicado provee servicios y referencias, clases de inglés, atención médica y servicios legales a bajo costo a miles de inmigrantes al año.
Read about all of the services and activities
offered at our center
- Para más información de los programas educativos para jóvenes, haga, clic aquí. 667-600-2943.
Esperanza Center in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Hotline leads to food delivery for COVID-tested neighbors
Dozens of individuals have been able to prevent potential spread of COVID-19 in the last week by staying home and receiving food delivery from the Esperanza Center in a new effort that was borne from [...]
Are immigrants in greater danger under new “public charge” rules?
Immigrants will face more hurdles to prove they will not become a “public charge” under a recent change to federal law – at the same time health concerns related to COVID-19 raise unprecedented challenges, according [...]
Linea Directa Coronavirus, Somos Baltimore Latino
Spanish interview with Somos Baltimore
Spanish interview with Somos Baltimore –a very engaged and active Latino organization. The interview was about the Public Charge rule as it relates to COVID-19. View video>>
Esperanza Center hotline to serve non-English-speaking population in pandemic
Under normal circumstances, it can be frightening for immigrants to ask for help. A language barrier and fears of deportation – even without cause – are major deterrents. Now add in a global pandemic and [...]
“If Catholic Charities stopped feeding people … where would they eat?”
Cedric Howard, senior cook at Our Daily Bread Employment Center, arrives at work two hours early these days – but doesn’t mind the 4 a.m. start. “This place is like a lifesaver to me. I’m [...]