Esperanza Center
AVISO: Esperanza Center a S. Broadway estará cerrado TEMPORALMENTE a partir del 7 de septiembre, debido a un incendio en un edificio al lado. Favor de volver a consultar esta página o llame al 667-600-2900 para más noticias. Gracias por su paciencia.
El Esperanza Center es un centro de recursos que ofrece esperanza y servicios importantes a los inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos. Inmigrantes de todas partes del mundo han recibido recursos y guía compasiva en el Esperanza Center desde 1963. Nuestro equipo dedicado provee servicios y referencias, clases de inglés, atención médica y servicios legales a bajo costo a miles de inmigrantes al año.
Read about all of the services and activities
offered at our center
- Para más información de los programas educativos para jóvenes, haga, clic aquí. 667-600-2943.
Esperanza Center in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Williams Guevara Martinez, unaccompanied minor, reunited with his siblings in Baltimore
His two-year saga September 10, 2014 The story on ABC2’s In Focus (their 6:00 p.m. news program) features Williams Guevara Martinez, who crossed the U.S. border two years ago as an unaccompanied minor and eventually was reunited with [...]
A Pathway To Citizenship For One Unaccompanied Minor
Last September, Williams Guevara left behind his family’s cramped two-bedroom home near San Salvador to travel hundreds of miles by foot, by car, and in packed mini-busses to get to the US. He was 17. [...]
For immigrants, legal advice, English class and hope
Dan Rodericks, Baltimore Sun August 2, 2014 Jermin Laviera, an energetic woman with a bright and generous smile, works on the first floor of the Esperanza Center in Southeast Baltimore, which gives her a street-level perspective on [...]
A moral obligation
Commentary from Archbiship William Lori July 25, 2014 The Catholic Church, including here in the United States, has a long history of serving immigrants. Read more:,0,7034258.story#ixzz38yEaOpS8
Standing Up for Children
Baltimore Sun Editorial July 21, 2014 Another proposal to house undocumented children in Maryland and another shameful response. This time it wasn't rural Carroll County blasting the prospect of "illeagles" living outside Westminster, but a Baltimore County councilman decrying the potential presence [...]
O’Malley hosts 50 faith leaders to discuss Md. response to child border crossings
by John Wagner, The Washington Post July 21, 2014 Gov. Martin O’Malley gathered about 50 religious leaders in Annapolis on Monday for what aides described as a brain-storming session on how Maryland can help respond to the [...]