Esperanza Center en Espanol

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Esperanza Center en Espanol2020-05-26T16:35:04+00:00

Esperanza Center

AVISO: Esperanza Center a S. Broadway estará cerrado TEMPORALMENTE a partir del 7 de septiembre, debido a un incendio en un edificio al lado. Favor de volver a consultar esta página o llame al 667-600-2900 para más noticias. Gracias por su paciencia. 

El Esperanza Center es un centro de recursos que ofrece esperanza y servicios importantes a los inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos. Inmigrantes de todas partes del mundo han recibido recursos y guía compasiva en el Esperanza Center desde 1963. Nuestro equipo dedicado provee servicios y referencias, clases de inglés, atención médica y servicios legales a bajo costo a miles de inmigrantes al año.


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offered at our center

  • Para más información de los programas educativos para jóvenes, haga, clic aquí. 667-600-2943.

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Esperanza Center in the News, Stories & Testimonials

Love and Heartbreak

September 25th, 2017|

Maggie First, a prayer… Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It [...]

Esperanza Center Celebrates Volunteers with Spring Luncheon

September 25th, 2017|

(l-r) Volunteers Hilma and Bob Swenson with Esperanza Center student Luisa Lopez, and volunteer Erika Johnston. On Wednesday April 28th, the Esperanza Center hosted the annual Spring Lunch for volunteers and friends. The lunch was orchestrated [...]

DAP Helps the Esperanza Center

September 25th, 2017|

The Dragon Boat Races represent much more than just a one-day event. The racing teams and their partner programs work together for two years engaging in many types of activities to benefit Catholic Charities’ clients. [...]

A Year of Service Creates Sense of Community

September 25th, 2017|

As full-time volunteers with Project SERVE, a year-long service-learning opportunity sponsored by AmeriCorps and Catholic Charities, we are called to serve at the Esperanza Center, My Sister's Place Women's Center, Our Daily Bread Employment Center, [...]

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