Early Childhood Education & Special Education
Catholic Charities provides a wide range of services to support the educational needs of children in Maryland.
The Villa Maria Schools offer intensive educational, clinical and diagnostic services for children and youth with emotional and learning disabilities.
Our Head Start (ages 3-5) and Early Head Start (birth to 3 years) programs provide school and learning readiness and comprehensive case management services for low-income children aged birth to three and their families in Carroll and Harford Counties and the City of Baltimore.

Head Start/Early Head Start is a federally funded program that provides child development and comprehensive family services for children from low-income families. Children develop intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally in creative learning environments. LEARN MORE>>>
Catholic Charities Head Start of Baltimore City: 667-600-3783
Carroll County Head Start and Early Head Start: 667-600-2571
Harford County Early Head Start: 667-600-2160
Provides behavioral consultation and mental health referral and treatment services to children and families participating in Head Start and Early Head Start in Baltimore City, Harford, or Carroll County. LEARN MORE>>
Eligibility: Enrollment in participating Head Start or Early Head Start Program.
St. Vincent’s Villa
St. Vincent’s Villa offers residential treatment and diagnostic services for children between the ages of 5 and 13 with significant emotional and behavioral challenges in a state of the art facility. 667-600-3000. LEARN MORE>>
Villa Maria School
The Villa Maria School offers intensive educational, clinical and diagnostic services for children and youth with emotional and learning disabilities.677-600-3100. LEARN MORE>>
Our School Consultation program provides behavioral health consultation to teachers and staff in parochial schools in Central Maryland. 667-600-3105. LEARN MORE>>
Early Childhood Education & Special Education Services at a Glance
Early Childhood Education & Special Education Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Moving to mandate vaccination
William J. McCarthy Jr. Executive Director The rising trends for COVID-19 as the Delta variant continues its spread are disturbing. As I write this, there have been more than 700 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 [...]
New best friends, addition, subtraction and compound words
Shiron Dorsey wasn’t sure she wanted to send her son to a formal preschool. She had home-schooled him through his toddler years, and he was thriving. At 4, Tahrie Peterson was already reading. But she [...]
This year, summer school feels terrific
Every year, Catholic Charities Head Start programs extend the school year by offering summer sessions to 4- and 5-year-olds. This year was no different, although the experience may have felt brand new to the preschool [...]