Community & Neighborhood Based Services
Catholic Charities provides a wide range of services to support individuals, families and communities.

Safe Streets is an evidence-based violence prevention and interruption program that works to reduce shootings in high violence areas, operated by Catholic Charities in collaboration with the Baltimore City Department of Health. 600-677-2001. LEARN MORE >>
Christopher Place Employment Academy is an intensive residential employment program that provides education and training, as well as recovery support to formerly homeless men of the Baltimore area. 667-600-3400. LEARN MORE >>
For more than 30 years, the people of My Brother’s Keeper have been deeply committed to the Irvington community of West Baltimore, growing from a modest meal provider to a robust center of support. We are excited to continue that mission and expand on the wonderful work of so many passionate staff, supporters and friends. LEARN MORE>>
The Cherry Hill Town Center in south Baltimore includes the Family Dollar and other retail shops, five different eateries, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and the Cherry Hill Senior Center. The shopping center was re-developed by Catholic Charities with support from both public and private partners. The center serves as a focal point for neighborhood economic, educational and community services. LEARN MORE >>
Community & Neighborhood Based Services
Community & Neighborhood Based Services in the News, Stories & Testimonials
Computers help empower careers thanks to Comcast donation
Individuals who need work and computer literacy training will benefit from a gift Comcast has made to Catholic Charities.On February 23, Comcast donated 50 new laptops and $15,000 to Catholic Charities for its ongoing work [...]
State budget surplus opens opportunities to serve our most vulnerable neighbors
As the Maryland General Assembly began meeting for the 2022 session, the legislature homed in on a host of issues, including COVID, climate and care for loved ones. "This is the year of the Cs!" [...]
“There’s more DaShawns out there that we can save.”
The chant rose up as the crowd walked purposefully east on Monument Ave. Saturday just after noon, toward the spot where four men had been shot on Wednesday. "What do we want? Safe Streets! When [...]