Information About Answers For The Aging Services

Answers for the Aging is a FREE telephone-based information and referral service for questions about services for older adults, their families, friends and caregivers.

Our hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We promptly return calls to messages left when our office is closed.


Our caring staff is experienced and waiting to help answer questions on topics such as:

• Understanding your options for housing, in-home care, senior health care, community resources and much more
• Planning for the future
• Maintaining your independence
• Caring for a loved one or friend

Answers for the Aging is just a phone call away and we want to help you. We’re here to listen, talk and provide information that will be helpful in making decisions.

How can we help you?

“Being a part of the Answers for the Aging program is most rewarding, as it allows me to connect with a diversity of people. As callers share their needs, they expect and receive the guidance they are calling for as choices and options are shared. Many callers voice their appreciation for the help but, for me, the real pleasure is in talking with them and in knowing that I can be of service.”

Dolores Krysiak,
Program Coordinator

More Information

Proud partner of Called to Care, a program of Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, that helps prepare and support individuals caring for loved ones with health-related needs or limitations.

Know a caregiver you’d like to thank? Use AARP’s Thanks Project page. Click Here

The Maryland Consumer Guide to Long Term Care –
Click Here

The guide is for consumers searching for a specific type of care (adult day center, home health, hospice or nursing home care). The Guide includes comprehensive information about each Maryland licensed long term care facility: such as specific services offered, quality ratings, satisfaction with care (for nursing homes and home health specifically), dates and summaries of OHCQ health and safety inspections, and characteristics of residential facilities (with pictures) size, specialty certification, and other information. Users can go to the “services search” section of the Consumer Guide to select any or all counties in Maryland and then view a list of the LTC services in the county. The guide also has information about planning and paying for long-term care.