Support Employment

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Support Employment2020-10-06T13:09:56+00:00

Major movement for the mission

How far would you go to support a neighbor in need? More than 100 people joined together to go 1,300 miles for the Catholic Charities Mission to Move virtual event. The five-day step challenge, which [...]

August 27th, 2020|

Support for those helping to slow the pandemic

As Baltimore City hires a corps of more than 300 people to help track and limit the spread of COVID-19 locally, those workers will receive some extra support from a Catholic Charities program. Through a [...]

August 20th, 2020|

Working for success – even in cyberspace

Four years ago, Darlene Dunn was working at Bank of America, but dreaming of a career that would allow her to be more of a servant, particularly to underprivileged individuals and those whose lives had [...]

August 13th, 2020|

Is telehealth here to stay?

  Three months into the quarantine prompted by COVID-19, Behavioral Health Administrator Karen Haughey asked her team to think about how a sudden pivot to providing counseling and other behavioral health services online and over [...]

July 10th, 2020|

Small squares of smiles for a big milestone

  How do you celebrate a milestone accomplishment when you can't be together? For the families and friends who wanted to support the 12 men in classes 84 and 85 at Christopher Place Employment Academy, [...]

July 3rd, 2020|

DACA decision means families stay whole, workers stay employed

The Supreme Court’s decision to prevent phase-out or shutdown of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, means families can stay together, recipients won’t lose their jobs, and industries won’t lose valuable employees. [...]

June 18th, 2020|
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