Partners in Hope 2021

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Partners in Hope 20212021-10-13T13:29:47+00:00

Give Hope to Families in Need

Your generosity enable men, women, children and families

to endure times of crisis and to regain security and dignity in their lives.

With your support we can help our fellow Marylanders

get nutritious meals every day, gain meaningful employment

and find safe reliable shelter.

St. Vincent’s Villa to host “Karaoke for the Kids” fundraiser!

Catholic Charities’ program serves children with severe emotional and behavioral challenges Media Contact: Rena Daly 16 Jun 16 12:00 AM CDT Baltimore – St Vincent’s Villa is sponsoring its first-ever “Karaoke for the Kids” fundraiser on June 27. A good singing [...]

June 16th, 2016|

Kudos to Catholic Charities

Letter to the Editor of the Baltimore Sun July 23, 2014 I'd like to commend William McCarthy Jr. and Catholic Charities for their offer of child-appropriate un-used space at St. Vincent's Villa to help house some of [...]

July 23rd, 2014|

Standing Up for Children

Baltimore Sun Editorial July 21, 2014 Another proposal to house undocumented children in Maryland and another shameful response. This time it wasn't rural Carroll County blasting the prospect of "illeagles" living outside Westminster, but a Baltimore County councilman decrying the potential presence [...]

July 21st, 2014|

Children Should Be Welcomed

Letter to the Editor of the Baltimore Sun July 21, 2014 Over the past several months, the matter of children fleeing violence in their Central American countries for safety in ours has entered into our national conversation [...]

July 21st, 2014|
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