Golf Classic
September 21, 2020
Please join us for our next Annual Blase Cooke Classic Golf Tournament. This Tillinghast masterpiece promises to provide an exciting round of golf for our participants. Corporate Sponsor teams compete for the Corporate Cup. Each team plays for a different Catholic Charities program and the winning team has the opportunity to present a $2,500 check to that program.
Click here to register online now!
The tournament will be held at the Baltimore Country Club
For more information please contact Izabella Downs at 667-600-2029 or idowns@cc-md.org.
Since our initial tournament in 1988, participants and supporters have helped raise over $4.4 million net for our neighbors in need. We are very thankful for your commitment to improving the lives of those who face challenges of hunger, homelessness, aging, and emotional and developmental disabilities.
2019 Tournament Information
Purchase your registrations before the event
Corporate Sponsor
Corporate Cup winners present $2,500 check to a Catholic Charities’ program. (Programs are assigned on a random basis. If your team would like to represent a particular program, we will attempt to honor your request.)
• Registration fee for a foursome and gift bag for each player
• Special recognition during awards ceremony and at registration
• Recognition in printed materials
• Full page ad in dinner program
Double Eagle Sponsor
Sponsorship includes registration fee for a foursome and gift bag for each player; recognition in dinner program.
Eagle Sponsor
Sponsorship includes registration fee for two players and gift bag for each player; recognition in dinner program.
Birdie Sponsor
Sponsorship includes registration fee and a gift bag for one player; recognition in dinner program.
Last year’s sponsors included Allegis Group, Constellation, Contino Family Foundation, DLA Piper, Harkins Builders, Gallagher Exelius and Jones LLP, and more.
- 9:15 am: Registration & Continental Breakfast, Driving Range Opens
- 11:30 am: Shotgun Start on West Course
- 12:00 noon: Shotgun Start on East Course
- 12:00 noon: Lunch for all players
- 4:45 pm: Cocktail Reception
- 5:45 pm: Prayer and Dinner
- 6:45 pm: Awards Presentation & Live Auction
Previous Tournaments
Coming soon.
Baltimore Country Club
Five Farms
11500 Mays Chapel Road
Lutherville, MD 21093