Twelve staff members participated in a powerful three-day workshop that welcomed nonprofits, businesses, and social enterprises from the Baltimore area who are seeking to strengthen their social impact and financial sustainability strategies.

In total 51 talented individuals from 28 aspiring organizations came together for the inaugural Boost program in Baltimore. Participants learned how to employ practical business skills through the strategic lens of social enterprise with the goal of maximizing their effectiveness in their community as well as their ability to become self-sufficient.

Every group presented a two-minute pitch on how they would broaden or enhance their programming, sustainability, and outreach. Esperanza Center and Gallagher Services ranked in the top six best pitches.

The seminar motivated and inspired staff members such as Julie Martin from My Sister’s Place Women’s Center who wrote: “Still decompressing from our intense 3-day Innovation Works #IWBoost19conference! Working with mentors, my Catholic Charities of Baltimore colleagues and I were challenged to really think about our mission, the problems we are trying to solve, our solution, and all the logistics that come with it, including the finances (that one hurt my head a little!). Not only did I really reflect on and contemplate the needs of My Sister’s Place Women’s Center I also began to think outside of the box and dream about what new enterprises and initiatives we could come up with towards rebuilding and revitalizing Baltimore.”