You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients

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You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients2021-03-31T11:50:44+00:00

AAI Employees Get to Work at Villa Maria

AAI employees Phil Jurkiewicz, Christopher Bell, and Gary Lessner, work on a bike at Villa Maria. Instead of sleeping in on a recent Saturday, seventeen employees from AAI Corporation arrived bright and early to repair [...]

September 25th, 2017|

A Year of Service Creates Sense of Community

As full-time volunteers with Project SERVE, a year-long service-learning opportunity sponsored by AmeriCorps and Catholic Charities, we are called to serve at the Esperanza Center, My Sister's Place Women's Center, Our Daily Bread Employment Center, [...]

September 25th, 2017|

A Day in the Life at the Esperanza Center

Maggie Shelledy Hello again! Well, it’s officially been more than two months since P’SERVE began and it has been a loaded two months.Briefly, highlights include: making the house our own by moving the couch and decorating [...]

September 25th, 2017|

“The Year of Firsts”

Hello, my name is Corey, just in case you did not get a chance to read my intro blog. I am currently The 2014-15 Project SERVE volunteer for Our Daily Bread. I love adventure, but [...]

September 25th, 2017|

“Go Make a Difference!”

"Much has been given, much needs to be returned," Mike Buckley explained when asked why he and his wife Jeannette Suflita spend every Wednesday doing volunteer work at Our Daily Bread Employment Center. "Service is [...]

September 25th, 2017|

Meet Daisy Gabriel

My name is Daisy and I hail from the Windy City! I am honored to get to spend this year in Baltimore (although it has a lot to live up to if we’re comparing it [...]

September 25th, 2017|
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