You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients

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You Help Fulfill the Needs of our Programs and Clients2021-03-31T11:50:44+00:00

Where there is hatred, let me sow love

Bill McCarthy, Executive Director It seems to happen every week - some kind of horrific act that claims lives - in schools, homes, places of worship, backyards.  Last week in Colorado, we saw young people [...]

April 28th, 2019|

Cut-N-Edge: Honoring the Avara Family

The Avara Family pose with a mural of the late Cy Avara at St. Vincent’s Villa If you’re a child in residential treatment, you might already feel like your life is pretty different [...]

April 16th, 2019|

Esperanza Center after fire: more need, more hope

After a September fire forced a relocation, Catholic Charities hopes to reopen the Esperanza Center’s S. Broadway facility in early 2020. More immigrants than before are seeking services from the center, now operating out of [...]

April 9th, 2019|
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