(Baltimore, MD., Feb. 6) “No one wakes up and decides they want to be homeless,” said Pennye James, manager of Learn to Earn, a program of My Sister’s Place Women’s Center, Baltimore’s first, day-shelter. “Unplanned obstacles bring women in need to the Center,” she added. “While every person’s story is unique; they all share the common need for hope, help and solid support.”
Since 1982, the Women’s Center has empowered those it serves to overcome homelessness and poverty by gaining access to job training, nutritious meals, clothing, counseling, and other services.
Thanks to supporters like Laura Bouyea, an attorney at Venable LLP and a member of My Sister’s Place Women’s Center’s Leadership Council, networking events like this generate interest in the Center and attracts change-agents who want to apply their time, talent and treasure to improve our communities.
- Venable LLP networking
- Learn to Earn Pennye James with supporter
- BGE volunteers at MSPWC
- Gaetane Brunson CareFirst and MSPWC-Leadership Council with Tanea Cosby CC-MD-accountant.
- Rebecca Lorick, Dir. of MSPWC (2nd from r) with Iota-Phi-Lambda-Sorority Sisters (l-r) Sandora-Cathcart-Patricia-Tunstall-and-Carol-Mackey
- Susan-Griiser and Laura Bouyea members of the leadership council.
- Women’s Center Dir Rebecca Lorick (r) with Joanne Woolley, Catholic Charities Office of Development
- Carolyn-Gutermuth-Chesapeake-Employers-Insurance-with-daughter-in-law-Leah-Gutermuth-and-Jenine-Warnikle-co-chair-of-the-Bridesmaid-Bingo
- The meal program is so vital for the women in need said Teresa-Herold-with-David-Keltz.
- Kathleen Dumbrowski with Hotel Indigo staff and friends

MSPWC staff member Stephine Foster with sorority sisters and volunteers

Venable LLP Attorney Laura Bouyea with Iota-Phi-Lambda-Sorority Sisters (l-r) Sandora Cathcart (l) and PatriciaTunstall (r).