Important Notice: Effective immediately
- Sarah’s House has suspended onproperty visitors and volunteers until further notice. If you are scheduled to serve a meal, please drop the items off (prepared or unprepared).
- Sarah’s House has an urgent need for these items:
Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, juice boxes and children’s snacks, spray disinfectant, liquid hand soap
Items can be shipped to us via Amazon @ 2015 20th Street, Fort Meade, MD 20755 – ATTN Kelly Anderson
Wish List for Sarah’s House
We can always use your help. For more information, call us at 667-600-3550.
Important information:
- Please call us before dropping off items: 667-600-3550
- Drop off location: 2015 20th Street, Fort Meade, MD 20755
- General Donations drop off times: Between 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday
- Food Donations drop off times: Between 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday through Friday
- If these drop off times do not fit your schedule, please give us a call at 667-600-3550 to make other arrangements.
Did you know?
- The cost of diapers for one child is about $100 a month.
- Food Stamps and WIC do not cover the cost of diapers.
- An infant uses up to 12 diapers/day and a toddler up to 8/day.
- Babies kept in diapers for extended periods of time suffer physically and emotionally.
- Moms miss work and school because daycare centers do not accept children without diapers.
- No diapers, no daycare, no job.

The Things We Need Most, In Priority Order Are:
- DONATIONS: You can make your online donation here. This is the best way to help the Center overall.
- VOLUNTEERS: Learn more about volunteering with us here.
- GIFT CARDS: (from food stores, Walmart, Target, or Visa, Mastercard, American Express). These give us the most flexibility for filling immediate needs.
- IN-KIND DONATIONS: Such as the items listed below. Please consider increasing the impact of your gift by organizing a donation drive.
- FUNDRAISING: If you are interested in fundraising for us, contact to learn more.
Kitchen and food
- Aluminum foil
- Zip-lock storage bags – sandwich and 1 gallon sizes
- Aluminum disposable pans (medium and large)
- Plastic forks and spoons
- Paper plates, bowls, cups, napkins, towels
- Sugar and sugar substitutes
- Cereal (Kix, Cherrios, Rice Chex, etc.), individually packaged
- Salad dressing (Ranch, Italian, Blue Cheese, etc.)
- Canned fruit (all varieties)
- Individual fruit cups/applesauce
- 100% juice fruit drinks
- Powdered drink mixes
- Snacks for children (Goldfish crackers, granola bars, etc.), individually packaged
- Condiments (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.)
- Pillows (new)
- Sheets (twin and full size) [used are accepted]
- Blankets
- Baby washcloths
- Towels
Women and Children
- Ladies black pants (all sizes needed)
- Women’s deodorant
- Feminine hygiene, hair products (including ethnic hair products)
- Chapstick
- Common children’s and adult’s over the counter medicines
- Baby bottle and feeding supplies
- School supplies
- Diapers, any brand, especially sizes 4, 5 & 6
- Pull-ups
- Unscented wipes
- Diaper genie refills
Amazon Smile: Shop and Help Our Program Automatically
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our program every time you shop, at no cost to you. When shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us.
The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Associated Catholic Charities when you use and designate Associated Catholic Charities. And, you can save time by shipping the order directly to us. Learn more about Amazon Smile here.
Many of the items above can be purchased on Amazon and shipped directly to Sarah’s House.