Wish List for the Weinberg Housing and Resource Center
The Weinberg Housing and Resource Center serves hundreds of Baltimore’s most vulnerable individuals each day and we always welcome donations.
Before donating, please contact our Volunteer Manager in order to schedule a time to drop off your donation: 667-600-3236 or volunteerWHRC@cc-md.org
Thank you for your generosity!

The Things We Need Most, In Priority Order Are:
- Toiletries (see more information to the right)
- New belts, socks and underwear for men and women (for health reasons, we no longer accept used clothing)
- Laundry detergent
- Housewarming baskets (see more information to the right)
- New or gently used coats for men and women (usually needed October through April)
- Hats, gloves, and scarves (usually needed October through April)
- Bag dinners
- New clothing for men and women (see more information to the right)
We give these items to WHRC residents moving into their own permanent housing.
A complete basket includes the following items, assembled in a laundry basket or a large trash can:
- 1 set of twin blankets, sheets, pillow and pillowcase
- 1 bath towel and 1 washcloth
- 2 plates, 2 forks, 2 knives, 2 spoons and 2 cups
- 1 pot and 1 pan
- 1 shower curtain and 1 set of rings
- 2 dish towels, 2 oven mitts
- 1 pack of hangers
- 10-20 cans or boxes of non-perishable food
Optional additions to your basket include:
- Air mattress, or a bed
- Cleaning products (1 each of Lysol disinfectant spray, 1 broom and dustpan, pack of sponges, dish detergent, all-purpose cleaner, mop, etc.)
- 1 floor mat for the shower
- 2 packs of simple t-shirts
- 1 container of laundry detergent
- 1 toiletry kit (see below)
- 1 microwave
- 1 blanket
- 1 coffeemaker, 1 pack filters, 2 packages coffee
- 1 can opener
At this time, we are only accepting full baskets with ALL the included items in the first section. The items listed in the optional section are not required.
Small, travel sized items are the easiest for us to distribute.
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
- Deodorant
- Disposable razors (men’s and women’s)
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Soap
- Body lotion
- Mouthwash
- Hairbrushes and combs
- Feminine hygiene products
Our main clothing needs include:
- New socks and underwear for men and women (all sizes)
- New belts
- New pants and tops (men and women, all sizes)
- Coats (October to April)
- Hats, gloves, and scarves (October to April)
Each day, WHRC serves 275 residents breakfast and dinner. Most needed items include:
- Fruit, salad, or dessert to supplement a meal
- Paper lunch bags or sandwich-size plastic bags
- Snacks (chips, cookies, granola bars etc.)
Amazon Smile: Shop and Help Our Program Automatically
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our program every time you shop, at no cost to you. When shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us.
The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Associated Catholic Charities when you use smile.amazon.com and designate Associated Catholic Charities. And, you can save time by shipping the order directly to us. Learn more about Amazon Smile here.