Dear sisters and brothers in the Lord,

We are united together in the spirit of God’s new covenant, brought forth in His Son, and “written upon our hearts” (Jer 31:33 RSV). That covenant is a promise—one that says that we are inherently filled with the grace of God so that we might live out God’s calling.

It is in the spirit of that promise that we serve our neighbors—called to act as Christ among community, to love, to serve, to teach, and to work for justice.

In a year that profoundly challenged our individual and communal health, our abilities to serve in community, our individual and collective capacity for anxiety and uncertainty, Catholic Charities remained a humble and dedicated keeper of the promise. With every obstacle came a reimagining. Through God’s grace and the extraordinary commitment of nearly 2,000 individuals, as well as partners and collaborators, this organization answered God’s call each day.

In your support for this work, you serve that call as well, and you enable Catholic Charities to make an even greater promise to our neighbors and to us. It is a promise to minister to those in need while working to reduce that need. It is service with not only our hands but also our hearts, so that there is sacred meaning behind the companionship on the journey.

I pray that, together, we remain faithful to the covenant, and I thank you for your part in that promise.

Yours faithfully,
Most Reverend William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore
Chair, Catholic Charities Board of Trustees

Dear friend,

I have never been more grateful for you, for your health, and for the astonishing and humbling dedication of my Catholic Charities colleagues.

Nearly 100 years ago, when Catholic Charities was chartered, the world was emerging from a global influenza pandemic. One year ago, when I wrote this message for our Annual Report, my colleagues and I had spent the first few months keeping our promise to our community amid COVID-19. Today, we recognize the power of that promise to persevere, and we share it with you.

It is tempting to think of the last year as a detour on our journey. In fact, it has been a thoroughfare. We have looked ahead on the path we share with our neighbors to see a new way forward, a vision for a greater promise to the individuals and families we accompany and to one another. We have renewed our resolve, and we have never lost sight of the promise that is inherent within each individual we encounter, and each community we live in.

In our work, we are confronted each day with the fact that promise does not equal perfection. Rather, a promise is an investment, a sign of commitment that we will take deliberate steps on this journey together, with faith in one another and in what and who we know we each can be.

In this report, you will once again meet a few of the neighbors who invite us to accompany them on their personal journeys. These are women and men who have seen the promise within themselves and entrusted us with helping them live it out. I personally believe there is no more humbling work, and I thank you for the investment you make in it.

William J. McCarthy Jr.
Executive Director

Andrew Holland doesn’t want his children ever to experience the financial insecurity and homelessness that he has endured for more than half of his life. With parents who were unable to care for him, he was “in foster care at age four,” he said, “arrested at 19, and released with nowhere to go, bouncing back and forth from place to place, staying outside.” Always a hard worker, he was supporting himself and his girlfriend with a job at a restaurant at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport in 2020. Then the Covid pandemic hit, the world shut down, he lost his job, and his son was born.

“Depending on unemployment and those stimulus checks helped pay for a hotel for a while,” he said. “I have good people in my corner who helped us out during the pandemic. But by the beginning of 2021, I was going broke paying for a hotel room, and it got to be too much. I started looking around for programs that could help us and found Sarah’s House. At first I was reluctant to come to this program, but I made the decision for us as a family. Living by someone else’s rules is tough, but I thought about my son, who’s one year old now. I appreciate what the program is doing for us. It’s a roof, and they’re helping us get ahead.”

Andrew is driven by a desire to make a better life for his son and the baby he and his girlfriend are expecting later this year. He’s thankful for the help they’ve gotten through Sarah’s House with the logistics of life that can be barriers to accessing benefits, employment, and housing for example. He’s looking forward to the next step in the program—moving his family into their own place. He has returned to his former job at a higher rate of pay and has been actively seeking out extra hours and opportunities to move up in the company.

“For me, from here on out, it’s all or nothing,” he explained. “It’s been a long time coming. I’ve made some wrong decisions in my life, but now I have three lives I am responsible for. I have plans. With what I’m making now, I can sustain us, keep a roof over our heads, and food on the table. It’s a start. I’m not looking for a luxurious life, but I do want to keep moving up. I want to go back to school, build a career, find a better paying job so we can get a house. But for now, I will put in the hours, save money, provide for my family, contribute to my company. I’m willing to do anything I have to do to give my kids the life I didn’t have.”

Meet the lead instructor who helped Derek find meaningful work.

When Derek Tucker got his one-year certificate at Vehicles for Change, it was the longest he’d ever worked at a job.

“I get to work early every day,” he said. “Working on cars for me brings a certain joy of fulfillment that I can’t explain, and add to that, I know we’re doing something for the greater good by donating cars to needy families, helping them get out of their situation too.”

Looking back at his journey from prison to a job where he’s respected and able to support himself, “I’m still amazed. I’m still discovering myself because I was gone for 15 years in the drug thing. Now I’m actually living.” His interest in cars goes back to the time before all of that. He’d learned to fix brakes and change the oil from a friend’s dad. Then he built his own car, “an ’81 Cressida that was the hottest thing in Baltimore City,” he remembered. “I started doing cars for everybody in my neighborhood at Lexington and Monroe. They knew I was honest. It didn’t feel like work to me. It makes me satisfied to see someone happy with their car.”

When he got out of prison he knew he didn’t want to go back. “I have a motto at work, no comebacks. I don’t want someone coming back with the same problem.” He took the same attitude with his life. “It all starts with the man in the mirror. You don’t have to be in jail to be in jail. I see people who are afraid to break out of those fences they build for themselves. When you go outside you experience some things that are uncomfortable, some good. People get stuck.”

After getting out of prison, Derek was working as a mechanic at the Port of Baltimore. He knew he needed ASE certifications to get ahead and started looking for ways to do that. “I went to Catholic Charities for something, and I found out they were linked to this program. Once I got into the workforce class, I just blew up. The soft skills—Mr. Creamer and everyone there were very helpful. I know I can do more than fix cars, but that’s the road I chose to get me out of my poverty.” After completing the St. Edward’s Workforce Development program, Derek was hired for a full-time position at Vehicles for Change’s Full Circle Auto Repair and Training Center, where he fixes cars, mentors new mechanics, and drums up business.

“I had a vision,” he explained. “I knew this was what I wanted to do. Anybody who knows me they respect that about me—no comebacks. If I do a job I’ll do it right. I’m on my way. I make sure all my t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted.”

Hear how the Chase sisters and Jonaya navigated their path together.

When Rev. Dr. Jalene Chase was 5 years old, she made a friend who often seemed sad. Eventually, the friend told Jalene a man in her household was hurting her. Jalene told her own mother, who tried unsuccessfully to intervene. When her friend was killed in an accident on her way home from school, Jalene believed the girl had ridden her bike into traffic.

“She couldn’t face going home one more day,” Jalene said. “I couldn’t help her. I’m in a position to help children now.”

So she does. When Jalene’s oldest brother died, his grandchildren needed a home. Jalene and her sister, Shirlene, sold their condos to buy a house together and take care of the children. But that was just the beginning. The sisters soon were taking in other children whose parents needed temporary help. They trained as treatment foster parents, learning to care for children and teens with significant emotional, behavioral, social, or medical issues. That’s how they met Jonaya.

“Jonaya came to stay with us for respite care, just for a few months,” Jalene recalled. “Well, it’s been six and a half years.”

At first, Jonaya was destructive and sometimes violent. The behavior told the Chase sisters that Jonaya had experienced significant trauma and would need more than conventional therapy. Jalene’s research led her to St. Vincent’s Villa.

“With a child like this, some people would feel like a failure needing to send her for residential care,” she said, “but we knew the best we could do for her was getting her the help she needed. It was always difficult to leave her there, but every tear when we dropped her off watered her growth.”

Six years after her 30-day stay at St. Vincent’s Villa, Jonaya calls Jalene and Shirlene her “aunts.” She still uses the skills she learned at St. Vincent’s Villa to calm herself and advocate for her needs. She dreams of a career using the creative skills she discovered through her art therapy.

And Jalene sees a bright future for the little girl whose path was supposed to cross with hers for just a little while, but has grown longer.

“She knows we care about her, and I want her to embrace that person we care about, and have a good life.”

Hear Williams describe his journey.

In 2012, 16-year-old Williams Guevara Martinez was just one of tens of thousands of children from Central America crossing the southern border into the U.S. alone. When he was apprehended in Texas upon arrival, Williams had already endured a terrifying journey and still faced an uncertain future. In leaving El Salvador, he had simply been running for his life. His hands and legs are scarred from beatings at the hands of his father, who forced him to work long hours from age 11 onwards. Exhausted, always hungry, Williams was failing high school. When his father demanded that he quit school and work more, he knew his only chance at life was to leave the country.

In Maryland, Williams reconnected with his older brother Adan, who immediately began working to help Williams stay in the U.S. One attorney charged $1,000 only to tell them that Williams should just return to El Salvador. Adan learned about Esperanza Center, and at the brothers’ first meeting with the attorneys there, they knew for the first time that there was a path forward for Williams.

The legal journey was long and complex. Adan had to assume legal guardianship of his brother before Williams could apply for residency. The Esperanza attorney working on the guardianship issue, Scott Rose, listened to Williams’ story and asked if he would testify on behalf of House Bill 315, to raise the age limit from 18 to 21 for immigrants eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status. In his emotional testimony before the state legislature, Williams told how he was thriving at his high school and planned to go to college, saying “I love this country and the opportunities it gives me, and I love my brother.” The bill passed, and Williams’ 20-year-old sister Raquel was one of the first to benefit from it. She now has residency and is in the process of applying for citizenship.

In July 2021, Williams was sworn in as a U.S. citizen. Looking back on his decision to testify, Williams said simply, “I thought that if I could do something to help somebody else, even a little bit, that would be a good thing. They had been helping me so much, and I wanted to give something back.”

Today, he’s looking toward a bright future. His girlfriend helped him apply for a job at the US Postal Service. He plans to go to college to study filmmaking. Today he’s working nights sorting mail and writing during the day, thinking about producing a short film as a portfolio piece for his college application. “Getting legal status has been big,” he said. “The people at Esperanza, I never felt alone when I was working with them. They see everyone as a person, not a case. They really care. The path I took, and making it this far. It shows me that I can do things too. It inspires me to do something with my life.

Meet another older adult who learned the promise of love.

Christine Chehreh has always admired her caring and indomitable mother. Bertha Paul rose to a management position at Montgomery Ward’s, and then ran a daycare business out of her home. “My mother is a very loving person, and she threw everything she had into taking care of other people’s children after raising six of her own,” she said.

So it was Christine’s husband who first noticed that the time had come for the caretaker to get some loving care of her own.

When they built their house nearly 20 years ago, they made a place for Bertha there, so Bertha was there to support Christine when she had her baby daughter, and she has been a constant presence in her now-teenaged granddaughter’s life.

They started seeing signs of the onset of Alzheimer’s about six years ago, and Bertha’s condition worsened while the family was on Covid lockdown in 2020. “It was a blessing to have my husband working at home because my mother started to fall—he’s a strong man and he loves my mother,” Christine recalled. They began to worry about Bertha’s safety, especially when she would get up and wander the house at night. They put safety locks on the outside doors. “You’d like to think your case is special, but everybody who goes through this has the same story. The thing we all share is that it hurts.”

When Bertha was hospitalized with a stroke, and Christine accepted that her mother needed more care than they could provide at home St. Elizabeth’s Rehabilitation and Nursing Center was the only option she would consider. “My great aunt, who is 99, was there, my mother’s mother was there many years ago, my father’s brother, his mother in law, back to my grandmother—so we knew St. Elizabeth’s was a caring place. We have a long relationship with St. Elizabeth’s.”

Even knowing that her mother was going to a place she trusted, Christine wasn’t anticipating how happy the transition would be. “My mother really likes it there! The staff have really taken a shine to my mother, and my mother lights up when they come into her room. That’s just wonderful to see, when you have to leave your mom in someone else’s care. My mom has really only socialized with our big extended family, but now she has friends. And her being in St. Elizabeth’s allows me to sleep at night. Now when I visit with her, I don’t have to worry about doing the hard physical caretaking. I can spend time with her, cherish our memories together. It’s wonderful to see the happiness in my mom.

When an individual’s life improves, so does their community. For many of the individuals we serve, the community’s strength feeds their own. That’s particularly true in Cherry Hill, at our Safe Streets posts in Brooklyn-Curtis Bay and Sandtown-Winchester, and at Gallagher Services, where we offer supports for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Our neighbors in Cherry Hill, where we are renovating not only the presence but also the purpose of the Cherry Hill Town Center, need investment in their community so it can grow and flourish. Our neighbors with disabilities want to be part of the community where they live, and to journey toward their own dreams and goals to work, live and thrive among their abled neighbors. The men, women and children in violent neighborhoods want peace on the streets so their lives can be safe—a basic need before they can achieve any of their inherent potential. These neighbors graciously allow us into their lives each day to walk with them on the shared path toward the lives and communities they want most.

Board of Trustees

Most Rev. William E. Lori, Chair Archbishop
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Ex Officio

Theresa D. Becks, President
Community Volunteer

Tamla Olivier, Vice President
Chief Customer Officer & SVP Customer Operations
Baltimore Gas & Electric

Pamela W. Gray, Treasurer Partner
SB & Company, LLC

William J. McCarthy, Jr., Secretary
Executive Director
Associated Catholic Charities, Inc.
Ex Officio

David W. Kinkopf, Attorney
Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP

Rob Biagiotti
Vice President, Electric Operations
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE)

Stephen J. Bisciotti
Baltimore Ravens

Paul J. Bowie
Chief Financial Officer
The Allegis Group

Robert T. Cawley
RCM&D, Inc.

Salvatore DiPaola
Evergreen Advisors, LLC

Edward K. Dunn, III
Brown Advisory

Matthew D. Gallagher
President & Chief Executive Officer
Goldseker Foundation

Marianne Schmitt Hellauer

Reverend Charles D. Kenney
St. Peter the Apostle (Oakland)

Gretchen Klebasko
Senior Corporate Counsel, Legal Department
Legg Mason, A division of Franklin Templeton

Most Rev. Bruce Lewandowski
Auxiliary Bishop;<
Vicar for Hispanic Catholics
Archdiocese of Baltimore

Most Rev. Denis J. Madden
Titular Bishop of Baia
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Baltimore;
Urban Vicar for Baltimore City
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Ex Officio

Sam Malhotra
Chief Executive Officer
Subsystem Technologies, Inc.

Louis P. Mathews, Jr.
Sr. Vice President
Sr. Deputy Credit Officer
M&T Bank

Bronwyn Mayden
Executive Director of Promise Heights,
Assistant Dean of Continuing Professional Education,
University of Maryland School of Social Work

Mark G. McGlone
Senior Vice President
PNC Capital Advisors, LLC

M. Natalie McSherry
Kramon & Graham, PA

Catherine Motz
Executive Director
CollegeBound Foundation

Carlos Muñoz-Lucas
Director, Private Markets
Raymond James

Most Rev. Adam J. Parker<
Titular Bishop of Tasaccora
Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
Ex Officio

Brett Plano
Co-Founder and Owner
Plano-Coudon Construction

Mary Louise Preis
Community Volunteer

Daniel Rizzo
Innovation Fellow
Inovalon, Inc.

Michael R. Smith
Chief Financial Officer
McCormick & Company

John P. Stanton
Executive Vice President,
General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Under Armour, Inc.

Arun Subhas
Managing Partner
Ernst & Young LLP

J. Scott Wilfong
Community Volunteer

Marc Wyatt
Vice President, Head of Global Trading
T. Rowe Price

With Gratitude

On behalf of our board of trustees, clients, volunteers and staff, we extend our deepest gratitude to the individuals, corporations and foundations that felt empowered to support our work for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Their generosity provides lifechanging opportunities for families and individuals in need.

The Director’s Council
($100,000.00 +)
Anonymous (2)
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Baltimore Ravens
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Bisciotti / Stephen & Renee Bisciotti Foundation, Inc.
Bunting Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
The Chicago Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dent
Ms. Kathryn Giddings*
Mr. John Hartman*
Kaiser Permanente of the Mid – Atlantic States
Kenneth L. Kubos Living Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. / O’Neil Family Foundation
Orokawa Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Rizzo / Manus Christi Charitable Fund
Ms. Betty F. Rumel*
State of Maryland Treasurer’s Office
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Timbie
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Barbara West*
The Whiting Turner Contracting Company, Inc.

St. Ignatius Loyola Society
($75,000.00 +)

Anonymous (1)
Reval Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Abigail E. Smith & Mr. John F. Shettle, Jr.*

Council of Caring ($50,000.00 +)
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Combined Federal Campaign
Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County
Mrs. Catherine Davis*
Mr. James C. Davis / The Davis Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Gula
Mrs. Joan L. Hanson*
McCormick & Company, Inc.
Merritt Properties, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Miller
Morton & Jane Blaustein Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mary C. Potthast*
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Puglia
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Rogers
The George & Edna Schwarzmann Fund for Handicapped Children
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sullivan
The Estate of Joan L. Hanson
Truist / SunTrust Foundation
T. Rowe Price / T. Rowe Price Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Wilfong

The Cardinal Shehan Society
($25,000.00 +)

Anonymous (2)
America’s Charities
Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Becker
Ms. Theresa D. Becks
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Bowie
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bunting, Jr.
Mr. Marc Bunting & Ms. Eliza Graham
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Camp
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Charities USA / Walmart
Constellation, an Exelon Company
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Contino
Cooke Family Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Finn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Gracie
Harkins Builders, Inc.
Jesuit Community of Loyola University Maryland
Legg Mason Charitable Foundation / Legg Mason Global Asset Management
Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Linehan / Linehan Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Linehan
M&T Bank / The M&T Charitable Foundation
Maryland Charity Campaign
Maria & Bill McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mayr

Nora Roberts Foundation
PNC Bank / PNC Foundation
Rev. Brian M Rafferty
Mr. Truman T. Semans
The Society of Italian American Businessmen, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Stansky
The James L. Sherman Foundation
WPW Foundation

The Archbishop Borders Society
($10,000.00 +)

Anonymous (6)
The Abell Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Alban, III / Alban Foundation
Allegis Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Arnold, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Awalt
Mrs. Peggy A. Baldwin
Baltimore Equitable Insurance Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America
Patricia & Robert Baptiste
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Batza, Jr.
Mr. Richard O. Berndt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Bernstein
BGE Home Products and Services
Mr. Donald W. Bisant
Mr. Carroll A. Bodie
Bouland & Brush, LLC
Mr. Jack Bovaird & Ms. Ellen Warnock
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bozzuto
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Bradley, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Brown & Mr. Joseph Gill
Catholic Community Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Cawley
Chaney Enterprises Foundation Fund
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Church of the Nativity
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cinquegrana
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Collins
Mr. Gregory D. Conderacci
Mr. & Mrs. Sean R. Creamer
Mr. George C. Creel
Dr. & Mrs. Barry D. Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton R. Daly
Dr. Jane Daly & Mr. James Daly
The Geaton & Joann Decesaris Family Foundation, Inc.
Deloitte & Touche USA LLP
Mrs. Rosetta DeVito / The DeVito Family Trust
Mrs. Victoria A. Deyesu
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn, III
The Estate of Beatrice J. Dunphy*
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Eby
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Emerson, Jr.
Ernst & Young, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Franey, Sr. / Franey Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fortunato
Mrs. Evelyn Frederick

Mr. James Gabriel & Mrs. Ellen Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Gaines
Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Gino J. Gemignani, Jr.
Greenspring Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessy
Mr. Kurt Hoffman*
Howard Bank
Mr. & Mrs. F. Patrick Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Huston
The Judy Family Foundation
Ms. Paula M. Junghans
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Kormann
Ms. Mary Lepley
Mr. Charles D. Lovejoy
Dr. Michael J. Lynch & Dr. Mary Lee Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. McGlone
Mrs. John P. McKenna
Mr. John J. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Merriken, III
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Nehra
Mr. C. Ashton Newhall
Kate & Matt Norman

The Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Novak*
Ms. Mary Anne O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Oehrli
Our Lady of the Fields Church
Mr. Bruce L. Palmieri, CFP
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Plano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Radmer
Mr. Jerome Reddy
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks C. Robinson, Jr.
Rosedale Federal Savings and Loan Association
Mr. Steven R. Schuh
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sellinger
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: South Central
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Smith
St. Bernadette Parish
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Stapleton / Stapleton Charitable Trust
Mrs. Margaret V. Stine
Mr. & Mrs. Arun Subhas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wakeman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy T. Weglicki
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Wiese
Winston Salem Foundation – Truist Charitable Fund
WMS Partners

The Bishop P. Francis Murphy Society ($5,000.00 + )
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O. Abell
Accenture LLP
Active International
American National Insurance Co
APICS Baltimore Chapter #52, Inc.
Ariosa & Company, LLC
Ms. Sharon J. Augustiny
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baird, III
Mr. Richard Bastinelli
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Bavar
Ms. Eileen M. Beck
Mr. & Ms. Neal Black
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bond, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie L. Book
Box’N Save of Maryland, Inc.
Ms. Judith C. Boyce
Bradley MacDonald Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Brainerd
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Brake
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Bramble, Sr.
Mr. Stephen C. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks
Brown Advisory Securities
Mr. Paul E. Burke, III
Carrier Enterprise, LLC
Chesapeake Bay Trust
CIGNA HealthCare
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Clancy
Mrs. Kathleen A. Clemente
Mr. J. Michael Connelly, Jr.
Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Dr. Andrea L. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Croteau

Mr. & Mrs. Randy J. Davis
DCO Energy, LLC
Dr. M. Carmel Deckelman
Dunbar Security Solutions
Ms. Jacqueline M. Dyer
ECBM of Maryland INC
Ellin & Tucker
Fidelity Building Services Group
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fine
France Merrick Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Anna Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Galligan
Mr. Navroz Gandhi
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. George
Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Gill
Mr. Mario Golle, Jr.
Good Ranchers, LLC
Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kyle Gore
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Green
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Halaby
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. Hart
Francis Heath
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellauer, Jr.
Hirsch Electric, Inc.
HM Life Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hohman, Sr.
Mr. John M Hoppa, Jr.
Ms. Laura L Hughes
IBM Employee Services Center
Insurance Buyers’ Council, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Joseph / The Shelter Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Kelley

The Hon. & Mrs. Francis X. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Kelly, III
Mr. Joseph T. Kelly
Ms. Townsend Kent
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kilroy
Mr. Brock King
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kinkopf
The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation
Mr. Mark O. Knott
Mr. Walter Kuhn
Mrs. Joanne C. LaPorte
Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Friedenwald Memorial Fund, Inc.
Mr. Walter G. Lohr, Jr.
Mr. Richard M. Lombardo
M&T Bank
Mr. Louis Malick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Mangan
Mr. Ronald L. Mason, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Mathews, Jr.
M. Natalie McSherry, Esq.
Ms. Nancy J Meier
Mr. Bernard J. Meinschein, Jr.
The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Milan
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Mistichelli
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Moag
Ms. Maria Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Moore
Ms. Katharine E. Nardone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nigro
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll D. Nordhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Ludge Olivier
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Organt
Our Lady of Victory Church
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Paska

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Paszkiewicz
Penguin Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Phelps, CFA
Ms. Kim Phillips
Mr. Matthew L. Pirnot, Esquire
Porter & Curtis, LLC
The Honorable Mary Louise Preis & Frederick G. Preis, DDS
R.E. Michel Company Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Armando Ramirez
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc.
RCM&D, Inc.
Mr. Daniel R. Redfield
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Rigby
Mr. Justin Rine
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ripienski
Mr. Joseph Roetering
Rome Technologies, Inc.
Shore United Bank
Mr. Alexius D. Smith, Sr.
Ms. Claire M. Smith
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
St. Ignatius Hickory
St. Louis Parish
St. Patrick Celebrations, Inc.
Steele Foundation, LLC
The Brick Companies Foundation, Inc.
The Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Friedenwald Memorial Fund, Inc.
The Shelter Foundation, Inc.
TJX Foundation
Tower Hill Atlantic
University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Walton
Wells Fargo Bank

The Anita Rose Williams Society
($2,500.00 +)

Anonymous (6)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Ackerman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Agnone
Msgr. Nicholas Amato
Ms. Concetta R. Anaclerio
Mr. John J. Angelone
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Attridge
Mr. Paul J. Babel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Baird
Dr. & Mrs. Nasir Bashirelahi, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Beakes, Jr.
Bel Air Auto Auction, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Benicewicz & Ms. Kathleen Kindig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Biagiotti
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Boles
Ms. Kathleen J. Bourne
Mr. Edwin J. Bradley III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Brennan, Jr.
Brown Advisory
Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Brunk
Mr. Ronald Burdinski
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Burke
Mr. Kevin G. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callahan
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Carducci
Mr. & Mrs. W. Timothy Cashman, III
Catholic Community at Relay
Charitable Marine Society
Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company
Chesapeake Professional Women’s Network, Inc.
Mr. Paul L. Cirincione
Civitan Club of Baltimore
Mr. Dennis Clark & Ms. Nancy Scaggs
Ms. Susan A. Coates
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett C. Collins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Conrad
Mr. Stevan Csanady
D.F. Dent & Company
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Daley, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Dame & Ms. Denise Duval
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Dann
Mr. Patrick B. Dever
Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. DiPaola
DLA Piper
Mr. Mark Eber

Ellenham Properties
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Evans
Evergreen Advisors, LLC
Mrs. Lynn A. Farrell, CPA
Mrs. Beulah M. Feezer / R. Wayne Feezer Memorial Foundation, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Fields
Mr. Brendan D. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Foley, Jr.
Mr. Carl Fornoff
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Franasiak
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Fries, III
Mr. Mark Fulchino & Ms. Aimee O’Neill
Ms. Suzanne J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Garside
Mrs. Joan Peters Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Geisel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gillich
Ms. Susan E. Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Saul E. Gilstein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Goodrich
Ms. Kathleen Goonan
Mr. Matthew F. Gorra
W.R. Grace Foundation, Inc.
Greek Ladies Philoptochos Society Evangelismos
Marie Bernadette Griffiths
Amita Gupta
W. Daniel Hale, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hankin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Heacock
Mr. David Heneberry
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Henn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hirsch
HMS Insurance Associates, Inc.
Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Holthaus
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Imhoff
JBT Real Estate Enterprises LLC
Jewish Community Federation
Ms. Amanda Karfakis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keegan, Jr.
Mr. Peter E. Keith, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kern, Jr., Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Kilmurry
Knollwood Investment Advisory, LLC
Knott Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Koman
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine H. Lanzi
Latino Racial Justice Circle

Katie Ryan Lekin & Jim Lekin
Ms. Dana Levitt
Lewis Contractors
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Logue
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Macek
Mr. Sam Malhotra
Mrs. Mary Mangione
Dr. Faith Mauro Huse & Mr. Dennis Mauro Huse
Mr. John P. Mazz
Mrs. Marie C. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. James M. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. McKenna
Ms. Rita Mendl & Mr. David Ward
Mid South Building Supply, Inc.
Miles White Beneficial Society
Morgan Stanley
Catherine J. Motz, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Muldowney
Mullen Andersen Childrens Foundation & Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Munafo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Nattans
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Newton
Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment
Number Ten Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Obst
Our Lady of the Angels Church
Our Lady of the Chesapeake
Ms. Teresa K. Paffenback
Mrs. Franchella Pailen Watkins
Mr. Robert Parenti
Mr. Steven E. Penix
Ms. Hollis Ann Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Pinkard, Jr.
Ms. Diane M. Polk
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pollack
Ms. Rebecca R. Puente
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Ramsey
Red Cedar Real Estate LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold I. Richman
Mr. George A. Roche
Mr. Tobey Roland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rowan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Ruane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Schapiro
Mrs. Beverly A. Scheel

Ms. Johanna Som de Cerff & Mr. Robert Schoeberlein
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Schoenborn
Mr. & Mrs. James Schrumpf
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric W. Schultz, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schwabe
Mr. Richard T. Sebrosky*
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Sheahan
Mrs. Janet J. Shock
Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Silberhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Skojec
Mr. Stephen Smolka & Dr. Jeanne Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snell
Ms. Megan Sparks
St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist Church, Long Green Valley
St. Leo’s Church
St. Margaret Church
St. Mark Church
St. Mark Roman Catholic Church
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Stavely
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Stromberg
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler A. Tate
The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
The Pascal Foundation Inc.
Ms. Ann Marie Thomas
Mr. Robert S. Travers
Mr. Thomas Travers, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Truitt & Ms. Mary Tilghman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Valerino, Jr.
Mr. Michael D. Vanous
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Vincent, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timothy Voelkel
Vytex Windows
Mrs. Anne B. Wagner
Mr. Michael Walsh & Ms. Mary McLaughlin
Dr. Patrick C. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walton
Mr. Adam Weinrub
Wellbridge Club Management LLC
Weston & Sampson
Mrs. Cynthia L. Wiley
Mr. Edward P. Wilson
Dr. Mary Ann Wilson & Dr. Randy Kimble
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Woerner

Loaves & Fishes Society ($1,000.00 + )
Anonymous (51)
1st Choice Realty, Inc.
E. Dott & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Aaron
Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union
Mr. Alberto D. Agbonyitor
Ms. Anne Agee
Mr. & Mrs. Olaseinde I. Akerele
Mr. Mark Alai
Mr. & Mrs. Dieter Albers
All-American Intelligent Solutions, Inc.
Mrs. Frances B. Allman
Mr. Paul Altoz
Mrs. Kelly J. Anderson
Annapolis Lodge No 89 AF &AM
Applegate Family Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ariosa
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Arnold
Mr. Steven Arvin
Mr. Matthew Asch
Ms. Theresa Aviles-Rodriguez
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Awalt, Jr.
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mr. Richard E. Bailey
Bakery de France
Mr. Alexander J. Ball
Baltimore County Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Barczak
Barker Enterprises
Ms. Jennifer Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Barnett
Mr. Robert S. Barranco, Jr.
Barrett Asset Management
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Barry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Barton
Mr. Frank Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bavar
Beacon Environmental Services Inc.
Mrs. Laurie M. Beck
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Bell
Dr. Marie Bellantoni
Paul & Mary Michele Bendel-Simso
Mr. Michael P. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Berube
Ms. Patricia Thomas & Dr. Christopher Bever, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bice
Mr. Joseph E. Bigora
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bogue, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Boland
Mrs. Erin Alexander Bolles
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Boos, II
Booz Allen Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Boretti
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Bradley
Mr. Thomas F. Brady, Sr.
Ms. Theresa M.P. Brandt
Mr. Eric Bringe
Brotman Financial Group, Inc.
Brown Memorial
Mr. Michael O. Buckley
Building Owners & Managers Assoc.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Buker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Burchell, Sr.
Mrs. Lily Burke
Mr. George E. Burkhart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Cadden
The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Callahan, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Sean L. Callahan
Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Campochiaro
Mr. James C. Carlin
Carmelite Sisters of Baltimore
Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Cashen
Mrs. Susan T. Cashman
Catholic Women’s Organization
Mr. & Mrs. Torin T. Caverly
Mr. Jason E. Chamberlain
Ms. Katharine B. Chatard
Mr. Albin J. Chesnavage
Karen & Chris Chiappinelli
Ms. Edith Clark
Ms. Laura Cleary
Ms. Jeanne M. Clifford
Mr. & Mrs. Ward B. Coe, III
Ms. Jeanne K Cole
Ms. Theresa L Cole
Mrs. Amy N. Collier
Ms. Christine M. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Colombo
Ms. Andrea L. Commarata
Community Baptist Church
Dr. & Ms. John V. Conte, Jr.
Ms. Beverly A. Cooper
Mr. Lloyd C. Copper
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Corbitt
Mr. James Corkum
Cornerstone Financial, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Correll
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Councill
Ms. Amy Coveyou
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cress
Mr. Josias Jenkins Cromwell, II
Mr. & Mrs. M. Jenkins Cromwell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Dailey
Ms. Elizabeth M. Dame
Mr. Raymond C. Daue, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Davis
Ms. Julianne Deger
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Deller, Jr.
Phillip A. Dennis, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. Patrick B. Denver
Ms. Susan Lowe DeRosa
Ms. Reneira B. DeSilva
Deus Ex Machina Family Fund
Mrs. Sue A. Dillport
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Dinoto, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Dion
Diversified Insurance Industries
Ms. Carol A. Dodson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Donahue
Ms. Mary Pat Donelan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Donoghue
The Honorable Ann Marie Doory & Mr. Robert Doory
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Dorsey
Mrs. Esther J. Dott
Mr. James Michael Doty
Ms. Lindsey Drysdale
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Dugan
Mr. Ryan Eargle
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan A. Eltgroth
Emergent BioSolutions
Empowerment Bakery, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Endres
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Ennis
Erickson Living Management, LLC
Sr. Rita A. Farina
Ms. Pamela Y. Faulkner
Mr. Steven J. Fauser
Ms. Lisa Anne Fenton
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L Fiery
Mr. Vince Filardi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Finigan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fiore
Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Fisher, III

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fisher, CPA
Mr. Michael Fitzmaurice
Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Fitzsimmons Jr.
Ms. Sara Flanick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Flood
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Florenzo
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Foard, Jr.
Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Incorporated
Form Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Franchak
Fred Frederick Chrysler, Inc.
Mr. Albert Freeburger
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Freiland
Ms. Catherine A. Fritz
Ms. Noreen A. Frost
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Furlong
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Gabriele
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Gaeng
Mrs. F. Desales Gaeng
Mr. Louis P. Galambos
Ms. Lindsay Gallagher
Ms. Helene T. Grady & Mr. Matthew D. Gallagher
Mrs. Lindsay Hardesty
Harford County, Maryland Department of The Treasury
The Harford Mutual Insurance Company
Mr. Joe Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Harper
Mr. Timothy Harrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Dixon Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hashim
Mr. Martin C. Hauf
Mr. Charles Haugh
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Hayden
Ms. Doris Hayes
Ms. Margaret J. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Heisler
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Helfrich, P.A.
Ms. Mary Hennigan
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Herron
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Hiebler
Highland Lodge No. 184
Ms. Rosemary C. Hines
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hoch, Jr.
Holy Family Catholic Church
Hudson & Fouquet LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Hurson
Mr. John Igoe
Dr. & Mrs. Peter C. Innis
Irish Charities of Maryland, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Rijad Isabegovic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Jacapraro
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart S. Janney, III
JD Carpets, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Neil Jensen
Mr. William L Jews
John S. Connor, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Johnston
Mr. Gregory D. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jones
Jones Junction, Inc.
K & K Lewis Family Fund
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan
Mr. & Mrs. Leon M. Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kearney
Mr. W. Brian Keegan
Keller Williams Flagship of Maryland
Christopher Kelly
Ms. Nancy Kelly
Mr. Francis Xavier Kenawell
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Kennedy
Mr. Charles Kenney
Mr. Jack Kent
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kernan
Ms. Sue Ann Kichline
Mr. Bill Kidd
Ms. Alice Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. King
Ms. Tanya M. King
Mr. Douglas Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Kirchner
Mr. Edward J. Kirk, Sr.
Ms. Georgette D. Kiser
Kiwanis Foundation of Crofton Maryland, Inc.
Mrs. Gretchen Klebasko
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Knoerlein, Jr.
Ms. Karen Koehler
Mr. Raymond C. Koehler
Deacon Matthew Kolb
Mr. Stephen C. Konsowski
Mr. Joseph Kopeck
Ms. Marianne Kormann
Ms. Phyllis J. Krueger
Ms. Madeline Kuehne
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kulik
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Lacovara
Mr. Matthew Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Langhirt
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Langmead
Ms. Margaret S. Lathroum
Mr. Rolland L. Lavallee
Mr. Kevin Lavey
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Laytham
Mr. Eduardo P. Layug
Dr. Generosa C. Lazor & Mr. Paul S. Lazor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leader
Mr. John I. Leahy, Sr.
Reverend Robert F. Leavitt, S.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Leder
Dr. David Lees & Dr. Daniele Huntington
Mr. Richard L. LeFever
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Legters
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Legum
Ms. Marie Louise Lerch
Mr. Barry R. Lerman
Ms. Jean E. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Liberatore
Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Lidinsky IV, Esq.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lilly
Fr. George A. Limmer
Mr. Barry Linkner
Ms. Marylin Lisowski
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Lochner
Lois & Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Georgette D. Kiser
Kiwanis Foundation of Crofton Maryland, Inc.
Mrs. Gretchen Klebasko
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Knoerlein, Jr.
Ms. Karen Koehler
Mr. Raymond C. Koehler
Deacon Matthew Kolb
Mr. Stephen C. Konsowski
Mr. Joseph Kopeck
Ms. Marianne Kormann

Ms. Phyllis J. Krueger
Ms. Madeline Kuehne
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kulik
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Lacovara
Mr. Matthew Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Langhirt
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Langmead
Ms. Margaret S. Lathroum
Mr. Rolland L. Lavallee
Mr. Kevin Lavey
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Laytham
Mr. Eduardo P. Layug
Dr. Generosa C. Lazor & Mr. Paul S. Lazor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leader
Mr. John I. Leahy, Sr.
Reverend Robert F. Leavitt, S.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Leder
Dr. David Lees & Dr. Daniele Huntington
Mr. Richard L. LeFever
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Legters
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Legum
Ms. Marie Louise Lerch
Mr. Barry R. Lerman
Ms. Jean E. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Liberatore
Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Lidinsky IV, Esq.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael P. Lilly
Fr. George A. Limmer
Mr. Barry Linkner
Ms. Marylin Lisowski
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Lochner
Lois & Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle R. Miller
Mrs. Linda M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Miller
Mr. Robert L. Miller, Jr.
Skip & Fran Minakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Minutoli
Mr. John Minutoli
Mr. Mark D. Gately
Mr. George Gayno
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. George
Mr. & Mrs. George V. George
Mr. Joseph Germani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Giesey
Gregg Gillespie
Ms. Marie E. Gillette
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Gilligan
Mr. John Theodore Good & Mrs. Sandra Adele Good
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scott Goodwin
Mrs. Katie L. Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Branden Grable
Mr. & Mrs. Paul-Sean T. Gray
Mr. Joseph A. Gribbin
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold, IV
Ms. Deborah Gross
Ms. Kimberly Grossman
Mr. Peter Guattery & Ms. Su Yun Chang
Mrs. Carolyn L. Gutermuth
Mr. Dan W. Hales
Ms. Dorothy Hall
Mr. Fred C. Hallahan, Jr.
Ms. Jean C. Halle
Harbor Investment Advisory, LLC
Mobile Kitchen Systems LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Montcalmo
Margaret R. Moon, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Mooney, III
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Mount St. Joseph College, Inc.
Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church
The Joseph Mullan Company
Mr. Robert W. Mullen
Ms. Fiona Mulroe
Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Murphy
Mrs. Susan Shull Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Murphy
Mr. Patrick G. Muth
Ms. Judith Mutinda
Ms. Mary E. Nazemi
Mr. Mitchell Nelson
Ms. Marie M. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Harwood S. Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nicolaus
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Norman
Ms. Suzanne P. O’Connell
Mr. James P. O’Conor
Mr. James N. O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil
Ms. Marla JF O’Neill
Mr. Michael C. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard N. OKeefe
Mr. Dwight Onley
Mr. David T. Opitz
Mr. Feliberto Ortiz, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret B. Otenasek
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Chris A. Owens, Esq.
Mr. Stephen F. Page
Ms. Linda Lee Panlilio
Mrs. Joan A. Para Miller
Mina Park
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Patalics
Patch Energy Services LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Paterson
Mr. Philip H. Perkins
Mr. Thomas G. Peters
Mrs. Alice H. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pevenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Phebus
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Pilotte
Mr. Harley Piltingsrud
Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Plevyak
Mr. James Plowden & Mrs. Karen Plowden
Mr. Mark G. Pohl
Mr. Dente D. Poland
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pontzer
Pope John Paul – The Great Council 13859
Mrs. Glenda F. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Pottorff
Preferred Air Systems
Ms. Katherine Preis
Propeller Club of Baltimore
Ms. Anne E. Quirk
R & J Bostwick Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Radov
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Radowich
Mr. Jeff Rao
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Rasmussen
Mr. David Ray
Mr. Richard Reading
Mr. Louis M. Rehak, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Rescigno
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. Reynolds
Rich Energy Solutions, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. Reynolds

Rich Energy Solutions, LLC
Lisa Rich & Ronald Stefano
Dr. Daniele Rigamonti
Mr. Allan Riorda
Mr. John E. Rock, III
Mr. & Mrs. Theo C. Rodgers
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Rodini, Jr.
Mr. Peter Rogers
Roland Slate Service Co., Inc.
Wayne Roland
Roman Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George Rothmann
Mr. & Mrs. Neil S. Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Randall P. Rupp
Ms. Laura B. Ruppalt
Mrs. Gail G. Rust
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Ryan
Mr. Steven M. Rychlik
Sacred Heart School
Saint Joseph’s Church, Cockeysville
Saint Mark Fallston Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Amado J. Sandoval
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Sands
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Santangelo
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Santo
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Savopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Sayers
Mr. Thomas M. Scalea
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scarborough, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Schiffgens
Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Schmidt
Mr. William J. Schmidt, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Scully
Mr. Tom Sedlak
Mr. Daniel L. Seitz
Mr. Joel D. Seledee
Mrs. Leonora D. Sensinger
Severn Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Shaffrey
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sibila
Ms. Beverly A. Sikora
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Simon
Mr. & Mrs. C. Terrence Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Sindelar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Singleton
Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Peter Singleton
Mr. Steven Lloyd Sinsabaugh
Mr. & Mrs. F. Nelson Smith, III
Miss Jean Gillen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Smith
Ms. Wendy Smith
Dr. Thomas B. Smyth
Mrs. Christine Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Somerville
Southeast Virginia Community Foundation
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church
St. Andrew by the Bay
St. Andrews Christian Community Church, Inc.
St. Christopher by the Sea
St. Francis de Sales Church
St. Michaels Roman Catholic Church
St. Peter’s Catholic Church
St. Ursula Catholic Church
St. Vincent De Paul Society – Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mr. Peter W. Stanford
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
State Farm Companies Foundation / State Farm Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence L. Stem
Mrs. Catherine M. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Stoy, Jr.
Mr.* & Mrs. Leonard A. Strom
Mr. & Mrs. Chris C. Stroup
Mrs. Patricia R. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Summers
Ms. Barbara U. Sutton
Mr. Kevin Sweeney
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Taneyhill, DDS
Rev. Warren V. Tanghe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Tarola
Ms. Angelina F. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Teaff
Mr. Mark P. Teeters
Ms. Jane Terry
The A.J. Sackett & Sons Company / Mr. Larry Taylor
The Estate of Charlotte Kehoe*
The Gilligan Family Charitable Trust
The Langmead Charitable Fund
The Valley Inn
The Women’s Club of Towson
Mr. Kenneth Thierer
Mr. Henry B. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory K. Thoreson
Ms. Sharon Tiebert-Maddox
Dr. Claudette V. Toppin
Towson Unitarian Universalist Church
Deacon & Mrs. Don Trees
Trexler Foundation, Inc.
Julia Catherine Troost
Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Trotter
Mr. Richard E. Troy
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Tufaro
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tunanidas
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Turlik
Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Turner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Vach
Ms. Irene E. Van Sant
Mr. James J. Velten
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Via
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Voelkel
Dr. Ralph John Volino
Mrs. Carol S. Wagner
Mr. Robert J. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Walls
Ms. Mary Judith Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Wanex, Jr.
Ms. Judith A Ward
Ms. Mary G. Warns
Watson Hall Partners, LLC
Mr. Michael Wazenski
Mrs. Valerie D. Weems
Wegmans – Rochester, NY
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wentworth
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Werthman
Ms. Jean Morse White
Mr. & Mrs. W. Daniel White
Mr. Kevin Wille
Mr. Gerald Williams
Ms. Shana Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Wolfe
The Wolman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wolniak
Mr. Patrick J. Woodhouse
Ms. Helen Woods
Mr. Louis C. Yakstis
Ms. Gi Nyeong Yi
Ms. Simone M. Youngblood
Zurich American Insurance Company / Zurich North America Services

Partners in Hope – ($250.00 + )
Anonymous (95)
ACCA – Baltimore Chapter
Mr. Carl J. Adams
Mr. Ronald Adams
Mr. Todd Adams
Aegis Mechanical Corporation
Ms. Stephanie C. Agostinelli
Mr. James H. Ahrens, II
Mr. David S. Aland
Mr. Anthony C. Albrecht
Mr. Chad Alder
Lucia Alencherry
Ms. Eva M. Allen
Ms. Margaret Allen & Mr. Philip Perkins
Mr. Michael Allen
Ms. Kathleen M. Allender
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Allnutt
American Citizens for Italian Matters, Inc.
Mr. Thomas J. Ames
Amica Companies Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Amtmann
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Ms. Anne Anderson
Mrs. & Mr. Mary J. Angerer
Ms. Joanne Angstadt
Mr. Kent Anhari
Mrs. Mary E. Anthony
Apartment and Business Flooring Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Applegate
Mr. Jason Archibald
Ark & Dove Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. John Arrowsmith
Mr. William C. Arther
William P Ashman
Mrs. Christine D. Aspell
Ms. Anne Asquino
Association of Corporate Counsel
Association of Corporate Counsel – Baltimore Chapter
Astra Zeneca LP
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Attridge
Mrs. Patricia S. Aubele
Ms. Mary L. Austin
Ms. Samantha P. Austin
Mr. John Ayd
Mr. Brett D. Ayotte
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Azzone
B & K Distributors
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Badik, Jr.
Mr. John Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn Herzog
Ms. Gracely Marie Baez Perez
Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Bahr, II
Ms. Rebecca C. Baier
Dr. & Mrs. Azam Baig
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Baikauskas
Ms. Emma G. Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Baird
Mr.* & Mrs. William J. Baird, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren K. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Baldwin
Mr. Terrence P. Baligush
Ms. Mary Ball
Mr. Ronald Ball
Baltimore Chapter of Grand Knights Charity Corp., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel J. Bane
Mr. Frank Bantell
Ms. Alicia Bargar
Mr. Michael G. Bargmann
Mrs. Janice L. Barnard
Ms. Donna S. Barnett
Ms. Laura M. Barrantes
Ms. Theresa E. Barrett
Bryan Barshick
Mr. Thomas Barth
Mrs. Catherine Barton
Ms. Diana Marye Bass
Mr. Paul C. & Mrs. Beverly T. Bastress
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Batavick
Mrs. Mary Ellen Bates
Mrs. Rhonda L. Battle
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Bauman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Baumgartner, III
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Baumgartner
Bay City Pest Management Co.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bayer
Bayview Dentistry
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Beachley
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Beare
Mr. & Mrs. Horace E. Bearzi
The Beautiful Church of MD
Ms. Anne-Therese Bechamps
Mr. Scott W. Becker
Mr. Alan Becknell
Bel Air Engineering and Service Co., Inc.
Bel Air High School
Bel Air United Methodist Church
Mr. John M Belka
Ms. Julie Belkin
The Hon. James A. Belson
Mr. David J. Bender
Ms. Mary Ellen Bender
Benisch Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Benjamin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Bennett
Ms. Sari J. Bennett
Mrs. Lisa Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Homer L. Bentley
Inge Bentzen
Ms. Marie H. Berge
Mr. Zackary Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian G. Bergin
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Berkey
Ms. Margaret Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Berry, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Berry
Ms. Nellie Bertran
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Betten
Mr. Lawrence J. Beyer
Ms. Nichole Biagini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bianco
Mr. Dan A Bickford
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bielaski
Thomas Billings
Mr. David R. Binette
Ms. Alice Marie Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Biscoe
Mr. Richard Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Blackburn
Mr. Peter G. Bladen
Mr. Robert Blee
Ed Block Courage Award Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Bloomfield
Mimi Boblitz
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo M. Boer
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Bogdan, Jr.
Ms. Nancey Bohlen
Mr. Richard Boldt
Ms. Carolyn Bolognese
Mr. Carl P. Bond
Ms. Kathleen Q. Bonsall
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Booth
Mr. & Ms. David A. Borkowski
Ms. Catherine E. Born
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford W. Boucher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bouyea
Mrs. Stacie Bower
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Boyle
Mr. Clarence C. Boyle, Jr. & Mrs. Patricia A. Boyle
Mr. Clarence C. Boyle
Ms. Paige Boyle
Ms. Kellie Bradley
Mr. Edward P. Brady
Ms. Joan M. Brahim
Mrs. Ruth N. Braidich
Mr. & Mrs. Ludwig Brand
Lorraine V. Brando
Mr. Charles T. Brannan
Ms. Bonnie Breining
Ms. Catherine M. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Brennan
Mr. Patrick Joseph Brennan
Mr. Robert A. Breschi
Ms. Wanda L. Brewton
Mr. Jonathan Bridges
Ms. Sylvia J. Brokos
Mr. Ed Bromwell
Mr. Augustus F. Brown, IV, Attorney
Charles Brown
Ms. Claire Devaux Brown
Ms. Dorothy M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett J. Brown
Mr. Mont Brownlee, III & Mrs. Rebecca Snyder
Mrs. Donna N. Bruce
Ms. Patricia Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bruette
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Brune, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Bruno, Sr.
The Bryn Mawr School
Mr. Donald R. Buchal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Buchmeier
Ms. Jeannette Suflita & Mr. Michael Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Buckman
Ms. Gail Bugg
Ms. Jennifer A. Bulvin
Mr. Carl L Bumiller, Jr.
Ms. Allison Burger
Ms. Lori Burghauser
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Burk, Jr.
Mr. Joseph J. Burkert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Burkhart
Ms. Mary Burman
Mr. Richard F Butler
The Honorable J. Norris Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer F. Cady, Jr.
Mr. Russell P. Cain
Mr. Jim Calabrese
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Calabrese, Esq.
Ms. Helen M. Callahan
Jean P. Callahan
Calvert Hall College High School
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Campbell
Mrs. Donna K. Canedo
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon K. Caplis
Mrs. Melinda A. Capone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Capps
Cardinal Shehan School
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Mr. Robert M. Carlin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Carmo
Ms. Kristina D. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Carr
Carroll Independent Fuel Company
Ms. Mary Ann Carroll
Philips J. Carter, MD
Ms. Maria M. Caschetta
Mr. Nelson F. Cascio & Ms. Mary C. Stein-Cascio
Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Cascio
Ms. Meghan K. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Cashour
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Caslin
Mr. & Mrs. Willem D. Cassard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Castagnera
Ms. Gloria B. Caster
Mr. Brian P. Castillo
Ms. Cynthia L Castillo
Cat Sense Feline Hospital and Boarding, Inc.
Mr. Luke Catherine
Catholic Daughters of America
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cavanaugh
Jaime Cefalu
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Centenari
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cerny
Mr. Brent Ceryes
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chaikowsky
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Chall
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Chamberlain
Ms. Rachel Chang
Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Charney
Ms. Yihan Cheng
Mr. John W. Cherer
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Chewning
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Choplick
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Chrest
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Chrismer
Christ Our King Presbyterian Church
Mr. George Chulis
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Mr. Devon L. Ciampa
Mr. Eric Ciazza
Mr. & Mrs. Gennaro Cibelli
Ms. Christine S. Cieslowski
Antoinette Cincibus
Ms. Francesca Circosta
Mr. Joseph Cirelli & Mrs. Barbara Cirelli
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cirincione
Ms. Kathleen Anne Cissin
Mrs. Dorothy L. Citrano
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Clabby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Clancy
Mr. Francis J Clark, Jr.
Ms. Veronica Marie Clarke
Mrs. Frances Jean Class
Ms. Elisa Clayton
Clean House Recycling
Mr. James R. Clifford
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley P. Closs
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Coan
Mr. Stephen J Cobis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Cochol, IV
Robert Cody
Wayne Coffey
Ms. Theresa J. Coffindaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Coffman
Ms. Evelyn Cogswell
Ms. Rita A. Cole
Shermete Coleman
Mr. Kevin A. Collins & Mrs. Christine F. Collins
Anthony Comello
Ms. Kathleen E. Commins
Ms. Victoria M. Commins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Compton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Condolon
Mr. Frank Conenna
Mr. Devon Conklin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Conlon
Ms. Christine Connell
Mr. John Connolly & Mrs. Mary Bolte
Ms. Nancy O. Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Connor, Jr.
Ms. Kimberly Conrad
Conveyor Handling Company, Inc.
Mr. John L. Conway
Mr. John F. Coogan
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cooke, III
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Cooke
Mr. David Lee Cooley
Mr. Brian R. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cooney
Ms. Jennifer Copes
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Coppinger
Corbin Fuel Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Corey, Jr.
Mrs. Concetta B. Corriere
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Costanzi
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Ms. Shauna Costinett
Mrs. Ann Cotten
Mrs. Sheila C. Cotter
Mr. Michael V. Cottrell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Counselman
Ms. Karen I. Courtney
Ms. Janelle Cousino
Rene Cover
Mr. Daniel M. Covino
Mr. James G. Cowan
Mrs. Joanna M. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Bryson M. Cramer
Ms. Jo-Lynda Cravero
Mr. Bryan Crockett
Ms. Monique S. Cromartie
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Cronin
Mr. Gerald Crough
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Crovo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Crowe
Mr. Adam R. Crowell
Mr. & Mrs. Adam J. Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Crumbling
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Cummins
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cuneo
Ms. Kathleen V. Cuneo
The Hon. J. Joseph Curran, Jr.
Mr. John F. Curran
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cusack, Jr.
Ms. Allyson Cwiek
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cybulski
Ms. Patricia A. Dabbs
Mr. Brian Daeschner
Mr. Eric Daeschner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Daeschner
Mr. Thomas F Dailey
Mr. Gregory Daily
Ms. Cristina Dalgarno
Dr. & Mrs. David F. Dalury
Ms. Joan M. Darby
Ms. Diane Darrah
Mrs. Mary R. Davidson
Mrs. Shirley Davin
Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Davis
Mr. Harold Davis
Mr. Steven M. Davis
Mr. Terence Davis
Mr. Steve Davison
Mr. James Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Dawson
Dr. Barbara J. De Lateur
Mr. Gene M. De Santis
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Deakin
Dr. & Mrs. Rene F. DeBrabander
DeCapite & DeCapite, PA
Ms. Lisa M. Decker
Mr. Vincent S. Decrisci
Mrs. Margaret Dedeian-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Define
Mr. Gregg A. DeHoff
Mr. Gerald Barrie Deis
Dr. Barbara Jane DeLateur
Mr. Theodore Delbo
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Demers
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Demoss
Ms. Laurie S. Denz
Mr. Daniel K. Dering
Mr. & Mrs. Joe DeSantis
Mr. Matthew Destino
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Detorie, III
Mr. Michael R. Deutsch
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Deutschle
Ms. Bailey DeVries
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. David C. DiBattista
Mr. Richard N. Dickinson
Ms. Marianne DiGerolamo
Ms. Geraldine K. Diggs
Mr. Robert E. Digney
Mr. & Mrs. Leon G. Dillman
Ms. Monique Dimon
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dipasquale
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. DiPietro
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Dipietro
Mr. Walter M. Dirndorfer
Mr. Henry J. Dirska, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Disharoon
Susan Dishler Shubin, ACSW, Attorney at law
Ms. Eva J. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Dockman
Col. & Mrs. Peter A. Dolan, Jr.
Mrs. Lorraine R. Donadoni
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Donchez
Mr. John Dondero
Ms. Nancy R Downey

Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Dreisch
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Drenning, III
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Dressel
Mr. Lawrence M. Druckenbrod
Mr. Stephen F. Drumm
Sharon Ann Dudek & Robert Najewicz
Mr. Frank Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dugan
Ms. Audra Dugandzic
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Duggan, II
Mr. Nathan Dunaway
Ms. Joyce Duncan
Mrs. Agnes K. Dunlap
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dunnock
The Estate of Beatrice Dunphy*
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Dupcak
Ms. Doris O. Durrett
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary P. Dziedzic
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Eagers
Eagle Alliance
Mrs. Agnes H. Eakle
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur C. Earley
Eastern Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Easton, Jr.
Ms. Mary F. Eberhart
Ms. Laura Ebone
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Eccles
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Eckel
Mr. Thomas L. Edsall
Mr. Sean Egan
Ms. Rebecca Ehrlich
Jason Eisner & Deborah Steinig
Mr. Michael S. Elder
Ms. Susan Elgin & Mr. Albert Matricciani
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Ellis
Mr. Rodney Emge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Emmart
Mr. David J. Engelhardt
Mr. John P. Ensor
Ms. Joyce Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Erlandson
Dr. Mary Lu Euler
Ms. Ann E. Eustace
Ms. Janet Eveland
Even Keel Management
Mr. Thomas M Ewers
Fr. Kevin B. Ewing
Exit Realty Corp USA
Mr. Andrew J. Fabula
Mr. Joseph A. Faggio
Mr. John Fairhall
Mr. Bryon Falen
Mr. John W. Fantom
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Farcosky
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Farrell
Mrs. Deborah Feeley
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Feifarek
Ms. Barbara F. Feigh
Mr. & Mrs. Arno H. Fels
Ms. Freda Ferguson
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Ferrante
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ferraro
Mrs. Mary C. Fibich
Fick Bros. Roofing & Exterior Remodeling Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Finlayson, III
First Community Trust, N. A.
First Eagle Investment Management Foundation
Mrs. Suzanne E. Fischer-Huettner
Mr. Ryan Fitz-Patrick
Ms. Sharon A. Fitzmaurice
Mr. Timothy William Fitzmaurice
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Beth Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Flamm
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Flanigan, III
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Flynn, Jr.
Ms. Josephine H. Forrest
Mr. Curt E. Forst
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Forster
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Foster
Ms. Anna T. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Frace
Lisa B. Francisco
Ms. Maryanne J. Franczkowski
Mrs. Sue M. Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Frasco
Mr. Kevin Frederick
Mr. Paul H. Freedman
Mr. Stephen M. Freedman
French Shepley & Strong LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Friedenberg
Friendly Daughters of St. Patrick of MD
Friends in Need Foundation of the Ellicott City Rotary Club
Ms. Lynnlee M. Friia
Mr. John J. Fromm
Ms. Tracee Fruman
Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Frye
Mrs. Loretta A. Funk
Ms. Joanne V. Furley
Robert Furlong
Mrs. Jane Gabor
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Gahan
Gaines & Company Inc.
Mr. Philip J. Gallagher & Ms. Ann Neale
Ms. Jennifer Gallicchio
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gallo
Mr. & Mrs. Lytle M. Galloway
Ms. Mary Kay Daniels Ganning
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan H. Garcia, Jr.
Ms. Judith J. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gardner
Mr. Douglas J. Gargano
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Garlitz
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Garmer
Gartner, Inc.
Gatherine Point Giving Circle LLC
Mr. & Mrs. William A. L. Gaudreau, Jr.
Ms. Sara Emily Gaul
Mr. William Walter Gay
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Geckle
Mr. Bernard P Gerrity
Mr. Kevin Gerrity
Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gibson
Mrs. Laima Gigliotti
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Gill
Anne Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Gion
Ms. Kara R. Gionfriddo
Mr. Thomas F. Girolamo
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Glassman
Glen Meadows Residents Association
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Goff
Ms. Gwendolyn Rita Goldman
Goldseker Foundation
Mr. John M. Goles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Gondeck, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Goodney
Ms. Kaylin Goodwin
Rabbi Andrew J. Gordon
Ms. Mary Ann Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goudreau
Ms. Emily Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Grahn
Grand Commandrey of Knights Templar of Maryland
Rebekah Grant
Greater Washington Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gillis Green
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Grega
Mr. Randolph Gregory, Jr.
Mr. Joseph W. Gregrich
Mr. Darrell Gretz
Miss Patricia Grey
Grant Griggs
Ms. Erin Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Lester C. Grimm
Mr. Thomas V Grisez
Christine Grochowski
Mr. Andrew Groebner
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grose
Mr. John Grzybowski
Mr. Richard Guaraldo
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Guarnieri
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gudavich
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Guljas
Ms. Patsy C Gummer
Mr. Jonathan Gunner
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Gunther, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Gustafson
Ms. Valerie E Gutberlet
Mr. David Gutermuth
Mr. Richard Guttendorf
Mr. Phillip Guzman
Mr. David P Hagar
Coleen Hager
Mrs. Christine C. Haines
Mr. Jemal Hajibrahim
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Haley, III
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Halsey
Ms. Barbara A. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hanna
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Hannan
Ms. Laura A. Hanyok
Harford County Public Library
Mrs. Mary D. Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Harrelson, III
Ms. Patricia A. Harrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Harrigan
Andrea N. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Harrison
Mr. Ryan Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Hartka
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Hartka
Mr. Robert J. Harvey
Mr. James K Haser
Ms. Ruby E. Hatfield
Mr. David E. Hauk
Havre de Grace Decoy Museum, Inc.
Hayes Construction
Ms. Margaret Hayes
Mrs. Carol A. Hayes-Gegner
Joseph B. Haynes
HDG United Methodist Church
Heartlands Catholic Community
Mr. B. Peter Heimlicher
Mr. Gregory Heinen
Ms. Amy B. Heinrich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Helensky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hemler
Ms. Sara T. Hennelly
Ms. Bernadette M. Henry
Mr. Robert A. Herb
Ed Hernandez
Mr. Pedro A. Enamorado Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald I. Herning
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Herrmann
Mrs. Marie R. Hess
Ms. Susan Z. Hess
Mr. Terence J. Hetter
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel H. Heuver
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick D. Hibben
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hicks
Mr. John Higgins
Mrs. Dorothy B. Higinbothom
Mr. Stephen Hilbert
Mr. Ronald Hileman
Mrs. Jolon M. Hilleary
Ms. Nancy L. Himes
Dr. Carol L. Hinds
Mr. Frederic F. Hinze
Ms. Carla Hobson
Dr. Eyanne Hoehn-Saric
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman
Mr. William Hoffman
Mr. Joseph F. Hoffmann
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Holland
Mrs. Linda S. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Holland
Dr. Sean Holmes & Dr. Michaelle Holmes
Mr. Charles M Holub
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Hooper
Ms. Lelia Hopkins
Mr. Vincent P Horan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Horn
Mr. Mark Houck & Mrs. Margaret Ann Nolan
Mr. Charles M. Hovancik, III
Freeman Hrabowski
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Hubbard, Jr.
Hubbert Charitable Giving Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Huber
Mr. Thomas J. Huber, Jr.
Mr. George Huebschman
Ms. Elizabeth L. Huesman
Mr. William Huey
Mr. James C. Hull
Ms. Stephanie Hull
Ms. Susan E. Husey
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hussey
Mr. John F. Huth
Mr. & Mrs. William Hutton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hyder
Mr. Robert C. Ihle
Mr. Victor A. Ilenda
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Infinity Church
Ms. Kali M. Ireland
Ms. Krista Isaacs
Mr. Garrett A. Isacco
Mr. Paolo Iscaro
Mr. Hugh J. Ivory
Mr. Vincent Izzo
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Jachimski
Jack & Jill of America Arundel Bay Area Chapter Fundraising
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Jack
Mr. Craig A. Jackman
Ethel Nia Jackson
Ms. Teaira Jacobs
Mr. Ebrahim S. Jadama
Mr. John R. Jagela
Mr. Andrew Jah
Mrs. Wanda James
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Ms. Kathleen Janosko
Mr. Michael C. Janus
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Jarashow
Ms. Christina L. Jarina
Jarrettsville Federal Savings & Loan Association
Mr. Renato M. Javier
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jedrey
Ms. Linda Jeffries-Summers
Mr. & Ms. John O. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jenkins, Jr.
Mr. Albert B. John
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Johnson
Dr. Meredith Johnston
Pat Johnston
Mr. George F. Jones, III
Jones Lang Lasalle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jay Jones
Mary Jordan
Mr. Stephen Jurney
Mrs. Roseann Kable
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Kafka, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Emile T. Kalil
Ms. Mary J. Kaltenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Kaminski
Mr. William J. Kampo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kane
Ms. Loretto Jane Kane
Ms. Patricia F. Kane
Mary E Kaslick
Mr. Francis A. Kasper
Mr. Jack P. Kaspersky
Mr. Edgar Dunham Kauffman
Mrs. Evelyn C. Kauffman
Mrs. Ann L. Kaulfuss
Ms. Barbara A. Kayser
Ms. Roberta Kayser
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Kazlo
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C Keane
Mr. Christopher O. Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Keatts
Ms. Nancy Kelbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Patrick Keller
Mr. Michael P. Kelley
Mr. Geoff Kenawell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kendall
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kennedy
Mrs. Erin Marie Kent
Mr. Charles Kerechanin
Ms. Jennifer Kerhin
Ms. Elizabeth Ketzner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Key
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Keys
Miss Shirley A. Kick
Ms. Katie Kieran
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Kiernan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kiernan
Mr. Joseph Andrew Kijewski
Mr. & Mrs. Roy F. Kilby
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Kimmel
Col. & Mrs. Edward A. King
Ms. Marilyn M King
Mr. Michael King
Mr. Raymond A. King
Ms. Melissa L. Kingston
Mr. & Mrs. James Kinnear
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kircher, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia L. Kirk
Mrs. Eileen Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Kirlin, III
Mr. Brian J. Kish
Mr. & Mrs. Bela Kissh
Robin Kissinger
Kittamaqundi Community Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Klein, Jr.
Klein Sandler Family Fund
Mrs. Susan Kelly Klein
Klein’s Shoprite of Maryland Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Kleintank, II
Mr. George J. Klem
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary #11372
Mr. Gary Knisley
Ms. Marian C. Knode
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Knudsen, III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Knuppel
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Knutsen
Ms. Catherine Kodenski
Mr. Timothy J. Koegel
RADM & Mrs. James E. Koehr
Mr. Sean R. Koenig
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kohler
Mr. Nicholas J. Kollman
Ms. Janet Konschnik
Mr. Kenneth Kopro
Mr. & Mrs. Craig V. Kotras
Ms. Diane Kotras
Mr. Robert Kowalski
Mr. Kenneth F. Krach
Mr. James Kramon
Ms. Mary Ellen Kranzlin
Mr. Thomas J. Krzys
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Kuchinski
Mr. Richard A. Kucner
Mr. & Mrs. Leo S. Kuehn
Mrs. Kay E. Kufera
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kunkel

Kwanis Foundation of Crofton MD Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Jason La Canfora
La Fra Unit 24
Mr. & Mrs. Jason F. LaBarge
Mr. Aaron Lackamp
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Lacovara
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 14
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lagana, Sr.
Ms. Su Zann Lamb
A. Gail Lambers
Mr. Benard Lammers
Ms. Anita Langford
Mr. & Mrs. James Langley
Mr. & Mrs. Lance P. Larson
Mr. Lance P. Larson
Ms. Deborah K. Larwood
Ms. Amy Fulton & Dr. John Laterra
Mr. James LaTondre
Capt. Stephen B. Latta
Mrs. Patricia M Latteri
Mr. William D. Lauffer, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lawrence, III
Gillian Lawrenz
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Leach, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Leasure, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Leatherbury, III
Ms. Mary Lou LeCompte
Ms. Frances Legg
Mr. Gary LeHew
Ms. Mary Frances Leibolt
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Leishear
Mrs. Gail A. Lemke
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. LeNoir
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lenzen
Mr. Daniel D. Leonard
Mr. Frank E. Leonhartt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Lepold, Jr.
Mr. Michael J. Leumas
Mr. Timothy J. Leung
Mr. William M. Levy
Mr. Arthur S. Lewis, Jr.
Ms. Rosemarie E. Liberatore
Ms. Alaina Liberto
Liberty Mutual Group
Ms. Brooke Lierman
Mr. Terrence M. Lijewski
Ms. Alexandra C. Lindemon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Link
Rev. Brian F. Linnane, SJ
Ms. Jane Lipscomb
Mr. James Lochner
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Loesch
Mrs. Jacqueline B. Logan
Dr. Kenneth F. Loje
Ms. Mary G. Loker, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Lonegro
Ms. Karen Long
Ms. Yolanda Elias Lopez
Archbishop William E. Lori
Mr. Robert Loskot
Mr. Stephen J. Losonsky
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Louzon
Mr. Jeffrey Love
Mr. Eric Lovell
Mr. Edward R. Lovern
Mrs. Catherine M. Lowe
Ms. Janice Y. Lowery
Mr. & Mrs. Amos H. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Lucas, II
Ms. Alicia Lucksted
Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Lueder
Mr. Mark Lukasiewicz
Ms. Nicole Lumezi
Mr. & Mrs. Bao Luong
Rev. Samuel J. Lupico
Mrs. Miriam Lupien
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Clement H. Lutterodt
Ms. Marie Therese Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Lynch
Mr. John T. Lynch
Ms. Kara A. Lynch
Ms. Patricia Lynch
Mr. Timothy Lynch
Most Rev. Denis J. Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Magleby
Ms. Sarah E. Magness
Regis Mahoney
Majestic Lubrication, Inc.
Abu Malik
Mr. Matthew C. Malinowski
Mr. Austin Malooly
Mr. Gerald V. Maltagliati
Dr. Andrew Mammen & Dr. Jennifer Mammen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mandato
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Maney
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Mangan
Mr. Charles Mankin, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Mankowski & Mrs. Siobhan Percey
Dr. Christine Manlove
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Mansfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mansfield
Mr. Christopher M. Marano
Ms. Jean R. Marc
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Marcher
Mr. Cris Marchiori
Ms. Theresa N. Margolis
Mr. Michael T. Marinaro
Ms. Brandy Marius
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Marocco, Jr.
Ms. Caitlin Marquette
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Marron
Ms. Patricia Marshall
Mrs. Julie J. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Martinez
Mr. Anthony J. Martino
Mr. Joseph N. Marzin
Mrs. Kimberly E. Marzullo
Chin Chu Mason
Mrs. Melinda Massi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Matarozza
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Matesic, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Mathias
Mr. Jean J. Maurer
Ms. Eileen Maxwell
Mr. Michael J. Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. May
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Mazzone
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. McAdams, III
Mr. Kevin McAndrew
Mr. & Mrs. John McAuliffe
Dr. Marcia McAvoy & Mr. Robert Buttles
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McAvoy
Ms. Jennifer Amanda McCabe
Ms. Joan M. McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. McCaffrey
Mr. William N. McCarthy, III
Mr. & Mrs. Ted McClanahan
Mr. Arthur P. McClelland
Ms. Mary Ann C. McCloskey
McComas Funeral Home, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. McConnell
Mr. Jeffrey P. McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McDonagh
Mr. Michael P. McDonald
Ms. Anne McDonough
Mr. & Ms. Michael McDonough
Mrs. R. Hope McElwain
Ms. Janetta R. McFarland
Ms. Maureen C. McGillick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McGraw
Mr. Patrick L. McGuire
Ms. Theresa McGuire
Mr. Patrick E. McHale
Ms. Marsha Lynn McHoney
Ms. Margaret B McKavitt
Mr. Kevin H. McKenna
Mr. Carl F. Mckenzie
Mr. Kevin McLaughlin
Mr. Ryan C. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. John T. McManus
Mr. & Mrs. V. R. McMenamin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McMullin
Mr. Michael McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McNickle
Ms. Rosario C. Medina
Mrs. Barbara D. Melanson
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Meredith
Dr. Dimitri Merine
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. John O. Meyerhoff
MGE Energy, Inc
Mr. J. Peter Miceli
Mrs. Charlene P. Michaloski
Mr. Norbert Michaud
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Michel
Mrs. Caitlin Miller
Dr. Carole B. Miller & Mr. Kevin J. Miller
Mrs. Deborah K. Miller
Mr. Donald Miller
Ms. Linda L. Miller
Ms. Mary E. Miller
Ms. Maryhelen Miller
Ms. Nancy A. Miller
Mr. Roy L. Miller, III
Mr. Thomas G. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Millford
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Milwicz, Sr.
Mr. Marco Minnie
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence John Mislyan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. Mark Mobley & Ms. Magda Westerhout
Ms. Joanne W. Mochtak
Mr. James P. Mockus
Mr. & Mrs. Sherrill L. Modlin
Mr. & Mrs. George Moffitt
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Mohler, Jr.
Ms. Carol D. Mohlhenrich
Mr. & Mrs. Louis N. Molino
Mr. Michael F. Molloy
Ms. Nancy Monacelli
Mr. Thomas W. Montemarano
Ms. Melissa A. Moore
Mr. Frank Morabito
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Moran, Jr.
Mr. Kent R. Morey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Morgan
Ms. Christina S. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. M. Scotland Morris
Ms. Beth Morrison
Mr. James V. Morrow, Sr.
Ms. Eva Mortenson
Keondra Morton
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Moser
Mount Hebron Presbyterian Church
Mountain Christian Church
Ms. Jean S. Moyers
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Mrozek
Mr. Nicholas F. Mueller, III
Mrs. Floraine K. Muffoletto
Mr. Joseph Mullen
Mr. Robert C. Mulligan
Mr. Michael Mulloney
Osman Mundu
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Murn, III
Mr. Charles C. Murphy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Murphy
Mrs. Marie A. Murphy
Mr. Michael R. Murphy
Richard Murphy
Mr. J. Donald Murray
Ms. Maureen Murray
Mr. Joseph Muscella
Jeffrey Myers
Mr. Heinz Nagel
Mr. Tom Nager
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Y. Nakasone
Ms. Nina Nami
Ms. Anita R Narbut
Ms. Beverly Nash
Nations Contractor, Inc.
Navy Federal Credit Union
Neal Lehner Family Fund
Ms. Elaine Neary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Nee
Mrs. Catherine M. Nehrenz
Ms. Maureen J Nemecek
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Nerf, Jr.
Mr. Joseph J. Neser, II
Mr. David J. Neun, Jr.
Ms. M. Cecilia Neville
Mr. Robert Newton
Mr. Kenneth Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel T. Nicholson
Mrs. Lori A. Nicolle, Esq.
Sridhar Nimmagadda
Mr. John Singleton Nixdorff
Ms. Katherine Noblitt
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nolan, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen M. Nolan
Mr. Patrick Noonan
Ms. Sue Ann Nordhoff-Klaus
Notre Dame Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nowicki
Ranganath S. Nuggehalli, MD
Gretchen Nye
Dr. Daniel Nyhan & Dr. Alma Nyhan
Mr. Michael Nymick
Mr. Peter M. O’Brien
Mr. John T. O’Connor
Mr. Edward O’Donoghue
Mrs. Deborah J. O’Hara
Mr. Timothy O’Keeffe
Joseph H. O’Leary, M.D.
Mrs. Eileen M. O’Rourke
Ms. Elizabeth O’Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. O’Shea
Ms. Megan O’Sullivan
Mr. William P. O’Keefe
Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Obreiter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Ocampo
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Ogaitis
Mrs. Sandra Oglesby
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Oldham
Mrs. Mary T. Olert
Mr. James D. Oliver, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Oliver
Mr. Kent P. Omer
Mr. Oladiji O. Omisore
Mr. Craig Oppat
Optomist Club of Annapolis
Ms. Conrad F. Orloff
Mr. Randolph J. Ostlie
Dr. & Mrs. Ben Oteyza
Our Lady of Grace Church
Mr. Michael Overstreet
Mr. Glynn I. Owens
Bernetta A. Palasik
Ms. Patricia Palattella
Mr. Jeffrey C. Palkovitz
Mrs. Carol L. Palmer*
Mr. Craig Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pansini
Most Rev. Adam J. Parker
Mr. William R. Parks
Mrs. Brenda D. Parr
Bolton Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Pataki
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Patanella
Mr. & Mrs. Armand M. Patella, Jr.
Ms. Laura M. Patrick
Mrs. Lorna M. Patterson
Mr. Gregory Paulsen
Mr. & Mrs. David Peereboom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Pellegrini
Ms. Christopher Pellegrino
Ms. Victoria Pennacchia
People’s Bank
Mr. Salvador J. Peperone
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Pepersack
Mr. Salvator V. Peraro
Ms. Suzanne Pereira
Ms. Margaret Allen & Mr. Philip Perkins
Mr. Michael J. Perrone
Ms. Natasha R. Perry
Mrs. Mary Kelly Perschy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Peters
Thomas S. Petr
Mr. Richard J. Petras
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Pettit
Mr. Chris Phair
Mr. Michael W. Phelan & Mrs. Felicia Kay Garcia
Mr. William R. Phelan, Jr. & Mrs. Marilou J. Phelan
Mr. Richard B. Phelps, III
Ms. Susan R. Phelps
Ms. Kathleen Phillips
Ms. Pauline L. Phillips
Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Phipps
Ms. Anne Piersanti
Donna Pietrzyk
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Pilarski
Mr. Thomas J. Pilon
Ms. Norha Plumey
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Pohlhaus
Mr. Keith Poli
Mr. John F. Polk, Jr.
Dr. Virginia T. Pond
Mr. Robert J. Popivchak
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Popp
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Portier
Mr. Edward P Potter
Dr. Jonathan Powell
Ms. Barbara Power
Ms. Kathleen Ann Power
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Power
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Prelewicz
Mr. John R. Prenatt
Ms. Allison Pressimone
Ms. Thea M. Prettyman
Constance A. Price
Mr. Lawrence Priebe
Mrs. Lorraine C. Proctor
Dr. & Mrs. John X. Przybysz, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ptak
Mr. Michael Pulcinella
Mr. John M. Pumphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Pupillo
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Quarrick
Ms. Lisa Quinn
Ms. Sarajane V. Quinn
Ms. Sharon A Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Rahl
Mr. Donald L. Rakoskie
Ms. Ana Maria Raley
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Ramirez
Mr. Robert M. Rams
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rankin
Mrs. Mary E Rankin
Mr. & Mrs. Orest Ranum
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rao
Mrs. Ashley Ann Rasmussen
John Ratnanather, MD
Raymond James & Associates, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Reagan
Dr. Shirley Reddoch & Mr. Gregg Petersen
Ms. Dana Reed
Mr. Richard E. Reichley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Reid
Mr. James P. Reilman
Ms. Ann S. Reiter
Mr. James Renaud
Ms. Laura Rettman
Mr. William J. Reuling
Ms. Mary Reuter
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Reynolds
Dr. Stasia Reynolds & Mr. Patrick Reynolds

Dr. Stasia Reynolds & Mr. Patrick Reynolds
Ms. Sue Ann Ricciardi
Miesha Rice
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Rich
Mr. & Mrs. David Richardson
Ms. Kaylene Richardson
Ms. Teri R. Richardson
Dr. Pedro J. Rico
Mrs. Nancy C. Riedel
Mr. J. Paul Rieger, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Riehl, IV
Ms. Sarah Riehl
Mr. Justin Riemer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Riesner
Jan T. Riker
Ms. Patricia M. Riley
Mr. Eric A. Riopko
Ms. Patricia Rissmeyer
Dr. & Mrs. Ernesto Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Rizzi, Sr.
Ms. Rosetta T. Rizzo
Mr. Percel Robinson
Mrs. Victoria M. Robinson
Mr. Glenn D. Roche
Mr. Del J. Rod
Roder Family Charitable Fund
The Hon. Lawrence Francis Rodowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson G. Rogers
Mrs. Carol M. Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis S. Rosatelli
Ms. Mary Ellen Rosche
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Rosenblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Rosetta
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Ross
Mr. John B. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Rossbach
Ms. Edda Rosskopf
Ms. Brianne L. Roth
Mrs. Barbara H. Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron C. Rowell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ruane
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rudder
Ms. Mary Ann Ruley
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Rummel
Ms. Beverlyann Rupinski
Mr. William L. Ruppersberger
Mr. Derrick T. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Ruzicka
Ms. Gertrude K Ryder
Ms. Catherine P. Sachs & Mr. Raymond J. Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Sack
Sacred Heart Church
Ms. Kathryn Sadowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Safko
Mr. Vincent Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Salemi
Ms. Lois E. Salino
Mr. Roberto Sanchez
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sandoval
Mr. Eladio Santiago & Mrs. Kathryn Evens-Santiago
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Sarro
Mr. Gregory J. Savord
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sawyer
Ms. Sandra M. Saxon
Mr. Richard Schaefer
Mr. David L. Schantz
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schap
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G Schatz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Scheetz
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Scheinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schemm
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Schenk, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Scheurich
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schindler
Rev. Msgr. G. Michael Schleupner
Mr. Herman E. Schmidt
Mrs. & Mr. Ingrid Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Schmidt
Ms. M. Teresa Schmiedeler
Mr. Gerald L. Schmitt
Mr. & Ms. James Schrader
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schultz
Capt. & Mrs. William J. Schulz, Jr.
P. C. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Schwarz
Mr. & Mrs. W. Girard Schwessinger, Jr.
Ms. Laura A. Scott
Ryan Scott
Ms. Stella M. Seal
Ms. Barbara A. Sealover
Mr. Robert T. Sears
Ms. Ginny E. Sells
Ms. Sheila Seltzer
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Semancik
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Semon
Senator Bob Cassilly, District 34
Magda Sequeira
Mr. Charles Serio
ServiceMaster of Baltimore
Mr. Doug Sessions
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Seufert
Mrs. Janice I. Severn
Ms. Jane Shaab
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Shapiro
Dr. Chetan Sharma & Ms. Nidhi Desai
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Shatzer
Ms. Amy G. Shea
Ms. Norma Jean Shearer-Digennaro
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Sheckells
Ms. Denise Shell
Dr. & Mrs. Preston G. Shelton
Mr. Todd Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Shiflett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shindledecker
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Shipley, Jr.
Mrs. Minnie W. Shorter
Mr. & Mrs. Gertrude G. Siemer
Sigma Theta Tau, Inc- Pi at Large Chapter
Mr. Martin A. Sikora
Dr. Janet M. Siliciano
Ms. Marie K. Silverstrim
Mr. & Mrs. Julian T. Simmons
Mr. Norman Simms
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Sisson
Oblate Sisters
Ms. Darlene A. Skinner
Ms. Tricia L. Slawinski
Ms. Elizabeth D. Sloand
Ms. Sharon Slotterback
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Booth
Mr. Conner Smith
Mr. Daniel B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Jerri L. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alexander Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Smith
Ms. Lisa A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Smith
Mr. Shane Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Smith
Ms. Susan Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Snarski, Jr.
Ms. Leigh Sneed
Mr. & Mrs. Brad W. Snodgrass
Ms. Melissa Soete
Lijun Song
Sons of the American Legion #175
Mr. Almon T. Sorrell
Ms. Therese M. Sorrentino
Space Telescope Science Inst.
Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Spiers
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Spies
Ms. Anna Marie Spinola
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Sproat
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Squicciarini, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nick St. Amant
St. Ambrose Church
St. Bartholomew’s Manchester
St. Bernadine’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Community
St. Matthew Roman Catholic Church
St. Paul Catholic Church
St. Vincent DePaul – St. Mark, Catonsville
St. William of York Church
Mr. Andrew C. & Mrs. Diane J. Stack
Mrs. Margaret T. Stadter
Ms. Teresa M. Stakem
Ms. Kathleen A. Stambaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stankowski
Mr. Richard K. Stanley
Mr. Michael A. Stasiak
Dr. Barbara Stastny
Ms. Therese Staudenmaier
Mr. Charles C. Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steer
Mr. Stanley F. Steers
Mr. Joseph W. Steffens, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Steigerwald
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Stein
Ms. Margaret Jane Steinhagen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stempihar
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Stengel
Ms. Rebecca M. Stepke
Sterling-Ashton-Schwab-Witzke Funderal Home of Catonsville
Mrs. Janine L. Sterner
Ms. Kathleen O. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Stevens
Mr. James L. Stipe & Ms. Christina Way
Mrs. Marie E. Stobie
Ms. Dorothy Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Stolarski
Mr. John B Stolarz
Ms. Shirley A. Stone
Mr. Bob Stoner
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Strawbridge, Jr.
Ms. Debra Ann Street
Mrs. Flora S. Strub
Mr. & Mrs. George Stuehler
Mr. Paul Stumpf
Ms. Sarah Sturm
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Suarez
Mrs. Amy L. Sullivan
Mrs. Julie Anne Sullivan
Ms. Margaret Sullivan
Ms. Michelle Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Sultzbaugh
Mr. John Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Sweeney
Ms. Sheila C. Swierczewski
Ms. Beth Szczepaniak
Mr. Joseph R. Szczybor
Ms. Marilyn Szekendi
Ms. Teresa Taber
Taiwanese American Diversity Associates
Talcott Resolution
Kathleen M. Tall, MD
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Talvacchio
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Tambellini
Ms. Elizabeth A. Taneyhill
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Tansey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Tatum, Jr.
Ms. Denise Taylor
Mr. John S. Taylor
Ms. Sharon Taylor
Mrs. Margaret A. Teeters
Ms. Kathryn Tetreault
The A.C. and Penney Hubbard Foundation, Inc.
The Barron Family Trust
The Healing Group for Men
The Jean & Sidney Silber Foundation.
The Zurich U. S. Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Thomas
Ms. Mary G Thomaskutty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Thommen
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thompson
Mrs. Sheila S. Thompson
Esperanza M. Tiamson, MD
Ms. Linda J. Tice
Mr. Michael L. Tichenor
Alberto A. Tijerina, DDS
Mr. Peter Tillinghast
Mr. Michael G Tilson
Miss Barbara A Tipton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Toler
Ms. Katherine Tolle
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Tomko
Mr. James Toner, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Angel E. Torano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gregory Torr
Mr. Robert L. Torr
Mr. Jose I. Torres
Tower Federal Credit Union
Ms. Rosalinda Townsend
Travelers Insurance Agency
Mr. Brian D. Trees
Mr. Fred A Trenkle
Ms. Celeste H. Tribett
Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Troncoso
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Tropf
Mr. Peter W. Troy
Ms. Kelly Keenan Trumpbour
Ms. Rhonda Tully
Ms. Patricia S. Tunstall
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Turk
Ms. Jessica C. Turrin
Dr. Kevin J. Twohig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ulikowski
Ms. Laurie Unruh
Mr. Thomas J. Urban
Dr. Debra A. Vachon
The Estate of Mario Vahos, M.D.*
Mr. David A. Vaise
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Valenzano
Keith Vallerani
Mr. Dennis Van Ditta
Ms. Helen Ann VanHorne
Tilly Varughese
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Vaughters
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Veise, Jr.
Ms. Diane M. Vermette
Ms. Mary C. Vernetson
Mr. & Mrs. Phil H. Vess
Ms. Margaret Vincent
Ms. Peggy A Virgilio
Mr. & Mrs. Justin A. Vitrano
Sr. Ann Vogel, SSND
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Vogt, Jr.
Ms. Judith R. Volkman
Mr. John von Briesen, Jr., Esq. & Mrs. Sallye Perrin
Mr. Stuart A. Vosburg
Ms. Louis S. Wade
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Wagner
Ms. Ginna Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Walch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Walczyk
Mr. Paul E. Waldman
Ms. Nannie Waldon
Mr. Robert C. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Wall
Mr. Roy Wallace
Ms. Sheila Walsh
Mr. Mark Walther
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Warfield
Mrs. Jenine K. Warnke
Mr. Robert T. Watkins
Ms. Roberta C. Watson
Ms. Christina Way & Mr. James Stipe
Ms. Lauren Wayne
Ms. Jeanne B. Weaver
Ms. Jennifer Webster
Ms. Dawn M. Weglein
The Weinstein Family
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Welcher
Mrs. JoAnn S. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Welsh
Ms. Janet Wenger
Mr. James Wenner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Wentworth, Jr.
Mr. Nathan Wentworth
Mr. Daniel J. Werner
Wesley Grove United Methodist
Ms. Margaret Westrick
Mr. Patrick J. Wheltle
Mr. Daniel H. White
Ms. Diane E. White
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. White
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. White
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk P. White
Ms. Lyn De G. White
Ms. Mary S Whittaker
Mr. John J. Widman
Mrs. Maureen Wieland
Mr. Stephen E. Wieprecht
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Wiest
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wilkin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Willbanks
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Willett
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn F. Williams, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Williams
Mr. Frederick C. Williams Jr, Jr.
Mr. P. Gregory Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Williams
Rev. John A. Williamson
Mrs. Marilyn A. Williamson
Ms. Debra Williquette
Mr. Francis P. Willoughby
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis D. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Wesley L. Wilson
Wine Woman & Stocks
Mr. & Mrs. Cooper Wingard
Ms. Mary Lee Wist
Kirsten A. Woelper, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Wollner
The Women’s Club of Greater Fallston
Mr. Richard Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Woodman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Wooleyhand
Ms. Linda S. Woolf
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Woolfolk
Mr. Robert Woolley
Rev. Msgr. Richard W. Woy
Mr. Hunter A. Wozny
WPM Real Estate Management, LLC
Ms. Dana Marie Wroten
Mr. Richard T. Wurth
Xi Chapter Delta Kappa Gamma
Ms. Maureen M. Yantz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Yeazel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Yingling
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Yocum
Ms. V. Tink Yost
Mr. & Mrs. Troy M. Young
Mr. Richard A. Yovanovic
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Yuan
Ms. Meaghan N. Yurek
Mrs. Karen B. Zale
Mr. Richard C. Zanetti, Sr.
Ms. Amy Zemanick
Ms. Carol Zenilman & Dr. Jonathan Zenilman
Dr. Karl J. Zeren, DDS
Mrs. Carol A. Zieba
Mr. Christian Ziegler
Mr. Frank W. Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. George Zimnoch
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Ziobro
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Zook
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Zorzi

With Gratitude
With deep gratitude, we prayerfully remember these individuals who remembered the agency and our programs with gifts in their will between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

Mrs. Catherine Davis
Ms. Beatrice J. Dunphy
Ms. Shirley M. Miller – Gift didn’t come in until July
Ms. Kathryn Giddings
Mrs. Joan L. Hanson
Mr. John Hartman
Mr. Kurt Hoffman
Ms. Peggy Ruth Kennedy
Ms. Mary C. Potthast
Mr. Jerome Reddy
Ms. Betty F. Rumel
Ms. Lillie A. Judik – Gift didn’t come in until July
Mr. Mario Vahos, M.D.
Ms. Barbara West

Good Samaritan Society
Catholic Charities recognizes as members of the Good Samaritan Society individuals who have made provisions for our work through their wills, life-income gifts, beneficiary designations or trusts. Catholic Charities deeply appreciates the forethought and generosity that have made these donors lasting partners in our work.

Msgr. Nicholas Amato
Mrs. & Mr. Mary J. Angerer
Rev. Msgr. John J. Auer
Ms. Sharon J. Augustiny
Mr. Gordon J. Backert
Miss Geraldine M. Banachowska
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mrs. Joan A. Bennetts
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Brainerd
Mrs. Patricia Brown & Mr. Joseph Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bullinger
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Burke
Mr. Denis Callaghan & Ms. Catherine Bray
Rev. Patrick M. Carrion
Mr. Carl J. Case
Mr. Samuel W. Chairs, Jr.
Ms. Rosemary Ciaudelli-Grace
Mr. Wesley Todd Clark
Mr. Gregory D. Conderacci
Rev. Msgr. Paul G. Cook
Mrs. Dawn L. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Deaver
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Del Collo
Mr. George F. Derr, III
Ms. Reneira B. DeSilva
Ms. Patricia Dickson
Mrs. Barbara A. Donohoe
Mrs. Sonia A. Drinks*
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn, III
Mrs. Lois Eigner
Ms. Lorraine Emond

Mr. Julio Esteban, Jr.
Ms. Catherine Ellen Etchison
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Evans, III
Mrs. Marianne M. Faulstich
Dr. Robert S. Fitzgerald
Mr. Ethan C. Flint
Mr. James Gabriel & Mrs. Ellen Rosenthal
Mr. Philip J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Mario J. Gatti
Mr. Don M. Goeller
Fr. Steve D. Gosnell
Mr. Joseph Sebastian Grabenstein
Mrs. Barbara K. Gunther
Mrs. JoAnne Gunther
Mrs. Susie A. Harding
Mr. James E. Hauf
Mr. Thomas Hecht
Mr. Eugene D. Heiss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellauer, Jr.
Mr. Leroy J. Hook, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor C. Horak
Mr. Joseph A. Hosky
Mr. Joseph Jeppi, Jr.
Mrs. Phyllis Jicha
Ms. Brenda D. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Juan M. Juanteguy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Kazlo
Ms. Ruth S. Kidwell
Ms. Nancy L. Kimmons
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kinkopf
Mrs. Joan Kolobielski
Juliana Simmons Kopec
Mrs. Mary Lina Kosicki
Mrs. Mary Lou Krick
Mrs. Joanne C. LaPorte
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Leach, Jr.
Mrs. Glova J. Lowman
Mrs. Ruth M. Luna-Place
Dr. Michael J. Lynch & Dr. Mary Lee Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Randal P. Marcoux
Mr. Grover V. Martin
Mrs. Constance H. Matousek
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. McDermott
Mrs. Eileen S. McGrow
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McGurn
Skip & Fran Minakowski

Rev. Msgr. George B. Moeller
Ms. Ana Jeannette Mollenkopf
Mrs. Mary Carbery B. Morrow
Ms. Maureen Murray
Mr. Stephen F. Page
Ms. Georgianna Papazian
Ms. Maureen Murray
Mr. Stephen F. Page
Ms. Georgianna Papazian
Mrs. Nancy T. Perry
Mr. Thomas G. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Popp
Mr. Burgoyne H. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Puglia
Ms. Ruth Pundt
Mr. Francis H. Rasmus, Jr.
Ms. Irene J. Roskey
Ms. Rebecca Rothey
Mr. T. Edgie Russell III
Ms. Catherine R. Sanders
Mr. Robert Schrader
Mr. Paul D. Schwind
Mr. Richard T. Sebrosky*
Miss Margaret M. Sellmayer
Mr. Truman T. Semans
Mr. Vincent D. Sexton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Shatus
Mrs. Anne D. Shelton
Mrs. Anna May Shimkus
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Smith
Mr. Kirby C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Somerville
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Stricker, Sr.
Ms. Mary Lou Stromer
Mrs. Judith Sykes
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Taneyhill, DDS
Mrs. Dorothy A. Thomas
Ms. Sharon Yvonne Thomas
Mr. Charles P. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall F. Thompson
Mr. Robert L. Torr
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore P. Torrisi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Travieso
Mrs. Rosalie Tydings
Mrs. Carol A. Wallace
Mrs. Gloria M. West
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. White
Mr. Nveong Yi
Mrs. Carol A. Zieba

Legacy of Light
These individuals have endowed their annual support through a gift to Catholic Charities Legacy of Light Fund. Through their generosity, their annual support of Catholic Charities will last a lifetime.

Anonymous (1)
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Evans III
Mr. Phillip J. Gallagher
Mr. Joseph Sebastian Grabenstein
Ms. Georgianna Papazian
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stromberg
Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbaugh
Ms. Maxine Verdier
Mr. Lawrence G. Young

Employee Giving
A special thanks to the Catholic Charities employees who empower our mission each day. Those listed below generously share their personal resources through the Employee Giving Campaign to support those we serve during the period of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

Anonymous (19)
Janet Addison, MSW
Kelly Anderson
Coryetha Arrington
Laura Ather
Homeretta Ayala
Bonnie Baker
Diana A. Barmoy
Donna S. Barnett
Rhonda L. Battle
Linette Bennett
Erin Bolles
Yaneldis Boullon
Dana Boyer
William A. Brayboy, Sr.
Lily Burke
Otis Cadogan
Paul Eugene Chandler
Jane Charnock
Le Loni Cheeks
Frank Choi
Kathleen A. Clemente
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne N. Collier
Ida Collins
Christine M. Collins
Andrea Commarata
Crystal Condry
Molly M. Daeschner
Lindsey M. Dantzler
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Davis
Eleanor Davis
Michael A. Davis
M. Carmel Deckelman
Charlotte Dietrich
Sharon Ditzel

Izabella L. Downs
Kia Evans
Kendra L. Fenyes
Deise M. Fernandez
Trey Fisher
Greg Ford
Carl Fornoff
Rex Foster
Stephine Foster
Jeff & Sue Franklin
Lynnlee Friia
Tasha Gardner
Susan E. Gilmore
Tene L. Green
Lisa Gudavich
Crystal L. Heard
Barbara Holt
Latrice Hunter
Ebrahim S. Jadama
Andy Jah
Kathryn Jeffreys
Cheryl A. Johnson
Jasmine Johnson
Mrs. Leslie A. Jones
Trina Jones-Brown
Johann Kaltenbacher
Danielle King
Nicole Knox
Mary Kottraba
Amma Kwakye
Rodney Lee
Desiree H. Leeper
Ms. Linda Lippa
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Lutz
Susan Madder
Bonnie March
Brandy Marius
Gregory Marshburn
Lee S. Martin
Julie J. Martin
Kevin A. Mason
Kirsten D. Mathisen
Tony Matthews
Mary Ann McCloskey

Mike McMillan
Cherie Melton
Charlene Michaloski
Barbara J. Miller
Cheryl Moore
Patrick & Alana Muth
Maung Myint
Patricia Newman
Mr. Patrick Omo-Osagie
Carol L. Palmer*
Natasha R. Perry
Kathryn E. Philliben
Diane M. Polk
Darlene Prell
Joanna R. Pressimone
Joan Prodey
Tracy Pryce
Elizabeth Wyatt Rahl
Armando & Natalie Ramirez
Ashley Rasmussen
Te-Sha E. Reid
Kay Richardson
Mr. Glenn D. Roche
Betty J. Rogers
Yul A. Ross
Phyllis Sewell
Alyscia D. Smith
Lisa Smith
Debbie B. Sorrells
Allison Stone
Jane Terry
Jennifer Thommen
Julia Coles Tilghman
Mary Toler
Zachary S. Turner
Giuliana C. Valencia-Banks
Laurie Vozzella-Bell
Ginna Wagner
Amy S. Whiteaker
John Z. Windsor, III
Donna J. Wise
Ms. Mary Jill Young
James Zeauskas
Carol Zieba

Combined Financial Results

(Unaudited, In Millions)

 June 30, 2021June 30, 2020
Cash, Accounts Receivable and Other Assets
Contributions Receivable, Net
Property and Equipment, Net
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable, Accrued Expenses and Other Liabilities
Capital Advances
Mortgages and Bonds Payable
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Ass
Revenue and Expenses
Government Fees and Grants
Rental Income
Contributions, Fundraising and Donated Goods and Services
Program Service Fees and Other
Total Operating Revenue
Salaries and Benefits
Total Operating Expenses
Income from Operations Before Depreciation
Endowments and Other Gifts
Net Investment Income and Other
Change in Net Assets

2021 - Uses of Operating Funds

Catholic Charities Leadership

William J. McCarthy, Jr.
Executive Director

Scott W. Becker
Chief Financial Officer

Erin Bolles
Chief Development Officer

Amy N. Collier
Director, Community Services

Kevin M. Keegan
Director, Family Services

Aileen McShea Tinney
Director, Senior Services

Our Mission

Inspired by the Gospel mandates to love, serve and teach, Catholic Charities provides care and services to improve the lives of Marylanders in need.

Our Vision

Cherishing the Divine within, we are committed to a Maryland where each person has the opportunity to reach his or her God-given potential.

Our Values

To love, to serve, to teach and to work for justice.

How to Help

We are sustained by the generosity of our donors and funders who join us in living our values to love, to serve, to teach and to work for justice so that all may live their lives to the fullest. For information, please contact us at 667.600.2021 or, or visit our Giving page.

Throughout the pandemic, our beloved volunteers have been sorely missed – but not far away. Despite the limitations, 1,781 Marylanders safely gave their time and talent for 75,091 hours in service to neighbors. We, and the neighbors we serve, are immensely grateful. Opportunities to improve lives are countless. For information, please contact us at 667.600.2024 or, or visit our Volunteer page.

How to Help

Catholic Charities
320 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201